POJ 3134 - Power Calculus (IDDFS)



//Accepted	164K	1094MS	C++	840B
using namespace std;
int step[100005];
int n;
int cur;
bool IDDFS(int lim,int g)

    if(cur>lim) return false;
    if(step[cur]==g) return true;
    if((step[cur]<<(lim-cur))<g) return false; //剪枝
    for(int i=0;i<=cur;i++)
        if(step[cur]<=10000&&IDDFS(lim,g)) return true; //比1000^2大的时候就没意义了,剪枝
        if(step[cur]>0&&IDDFS(lim,g)) return true;
    return false;
int main()
        int ans=-1;
            step[cur] = 1;
            if(IDDFS(ans,n)) break;
    return 0;
时间: 2025-01-02 15:14:59

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