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HBF Bookstore

For those intrigued by thrilling scientific discoveries to others seeking practical advice about living with chronic hepatitis B, there is now a book for everyone to enjoy.

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For every book that you order though the special links below, we will receive 15%. So stock up on extra books for your family, friends, and even your doctor.

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Click on the links listed below, that will take you to Amazon.com.
Remember, we receive 15% from each book you order through our
website. Thank you!

Hepatitis & Liver Disease: What You Need to Know
Melissa Palmer, M.D.

In this revised and updated edition of her groundbreaking 2000 book,
renowned hepatologist Dr. Melissa Palmer discusses all facets of liver
disease, from symptoms and tests to treatment options and lifestyle
changes. In addition, this comprehensive handbook reveals cutting-edge
research on the dangers of hepatitis C, one of the world‘s
fasting-growing microbial threats.

Hepatitis B: The Hunt for a Killer Virus
Baruch S. Blumberg, M.D., Ph.D.

The discovery of the deadly hepatitis B virus and the vaccine
against it was one of the great triumphs of twentieth-century
medicine. And it almost didn’t happen.  Dr. Blumberg,
who won the Nobel Prize for this discovery, shares this story
in his new scientific memoir.

First Year: Hepatitis B
William F. Green

Will Green has written a book that pulls you in and keeps your
interest, almost  like a good novel. Drawing upon his
own personal experience of living with hepatitis B, he provides
insight for both the newly diagnosed and the experienced veteran
through the "Living" and "Learning" sections of
his book.
Read our Full

Living with Hepatitis B:
A Survivor’s Guide
Gregory T. Everson, M.D., and Hedy Weinberg

The reader is taken step-by-step through the process of diagnosis,
ongoing care, and treatment options in this patient guidebook.
Dr. Everson provides reliable medical information and Hedy
Weinberg, who lives with hepatitis C, addresses the unique
challenges of living with a chronic illness. She successfully
translates the medical jargon into language that everyone can
Read our Full

The Official Patient‘s Sourcebook on Hepatitis B:   A
Revised and Updated Directory for the Internet Age 
Icon Health Publications (August 2002)

This book has been created for patients who have decided
to make education and research an integral part of the treatment
process. Although it also gives information useful to doctors,
caregivers and other health professionals, it tells patients
where and how to look for information covering virtually
all topics related to hepatitis B. The sourcebook draws
from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research.
Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to
give you some of the latest official information available
to date. Given patients‘ increasing sophistication in using
the Internet, abundant references to reliable Internet-based
resources are provided throughout this sourcebook.

PKIDs Pediatric Hepatitis Report (530 page report
); The Pediatric Hepatitis Report is the first single comprehensive
resource for those seeking reliable information about children living
with viral hepatitis A through E. It is a publication of the national
non-profit agency PKIDs (Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases)
and was released December 2001. Read our Full Review. The report
can be downloaded for free at www.pkids.org or
call 360-695-0293 to order a printed copy.

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时间: 2024-08-22 23:46:23





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