open method

open method
Opens a new window and loads the document specified by a given URL
Navigates the app window to the specified location
var retval =, name, features, replace);
VaR retval =窗口。打开(URL,名称,功能,取代);
url [in, optional]
URL [可选],
Type: String
String that specifies the URL of the document to display. If no URL is specified, a new window with about:blank is displayed.
name [in, optional]
Type: String
String that specifies the name of the window. This name is used as the value for the TARGET attribute on a form or an anchor element.
数组特征 一连续二同一类型

channelmode = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }


Specifies whether to display the window in theater mode. The default is no.


Internet Explorer 7. channelmode = { yes | 1 } overrides height, width, top, and left values. When active, the Navigation Bar is hidden and the Title Bar is visible. The Channel Band is no longer supported in Internet Explorer 7.

Internet Explorer 7。channelmode = {是的| 1 }覆盖的高度,宽度,顶部和左值。当活跃,隐藏导航栏和标题栏是可见的。通道乐队在Internet Explorer 7不再支持。

In Internet Explorer 6, channelmode = { yes | 1 } displays the Channel Band in theater mode.

在Internet Explorer 6中,channelmode = {是的| 1 }在剧院中显示通道带模式。

fullscreen = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }全屏

Specifies whether to display the browser in full-screen mode. The default is no. Use full-screen mode carefully. Because this mode hides the browser‘s title bar and menus, always provide a button or other visual clue to help the user close the window. ALT+F4 closes the new window.

指定是否显示浏览器全屏模式。默认是否定的。谨慎地使用全屏模式。因为这种模式隐藏浏览器的标题栏和菜单,总是提供一个按钮或其他视觉线索来帮助用户关闭窗口。ALT + F4关闭新窗口。

Internet Explorer 7. A window in full-screen mode doesn‘t need to be in theater mode.

Internet Explorer 7。在全屏模式下一个窗口在影院模式下不需要。

In Internet Explorer 6, a window in full-screen mode must also be in theater mode (channelmode).

在Internet Explorer 6中,一个窗口在全屏模式也必须在影院模式下(channelmode)。

height = number

Sets the height of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 150, and specifies the minimum height of the browser content area.         设置窗口的高度(以像素为单位)。最小值为150,指定浏览器内容区域的最低高度。

In Internet Explorer 6, the minimum height value is 100.         在Internet Explorer 6中,最小高度值为100。

    left = number

Specifies the left position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.         指定左边的位置,以像素为单位。这个值是相对于屏幕的左上角。该值必须大于或等于0。

location = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }位置

Specifies whether to display the Navigation Bar. The default is yes.         指定是否显示导航栏。默认是肯定的。

In Internet Explorer 6, location specifies whether to display the Address Bar.         在Internet Explorer 6中,指定是否显示地址栏位置。

The Back, Forward, and Stop commands are now located in the Navigation Bar.         后退,前进,停止命令现在位于导航栏。

In Internet Explorer 6, the navigation commands were located in the toolbar.         在Internet Explorer 6中,导航命令位于工具栏

menubar = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }菜单条

Specifies whether to display the Menu Bar. The default is yes.         指定是否显示菜单栏。默认是肯定的。

Internet Explorer 7. By default, the menu bar is hidden unless revealed by the ALT key. menubar = { no | 0 } prohibits the Menu Bar from appearing even when the ALT key is pressed.

Internet Explorer 7。默认情况下,菜单栏隐藏,除非透露ALT键。菜单条= {没有| 0 }禁止菜单栏出现即使按下ALT键。

The combination of menubar = { no | 0 } and toolbar = { no | 0 } hides the toolbar and disables any additional third-party user interfaces.

菜单条的组合= {没有| 0 }和工具栏= {没有| 0 }隐藏工具栏和禁用任何其他第三方的用户界面。

resizable = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }可调整大小的

Specifies whether to display resize handles at the corners of the window. The default is yes.


Internet Explorer 7. resizable = { no | 0 } disables tabs in a new window.

Internet Explorer 7。可调整大小的= {没有| 0 }禁用标签在一个新的窗口。

scrollbars = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }滚动条

Specifies whether to display horizontal and vertical scroll bars. The default is yes.


status = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }状态

Specifies whether to add a Status Bar at the bottom of the window. The default is yes.


toolbar = { yes | no | 1 | 0 }工具栏

Specifies whether to display the browser Command Bar, making buttons such as Favorites Center, Add to Favorites, and Tools available. The default is yes.         指定是否显示浏览器命令栏,按钮等收藏中心,添加到收藏夹”,和工具可用。默认是肯定的。

The combination of menubar = { no | 0 } and toolbar = { no | 0 } turns off the toolbar and any additional third-party user interfaces.

菜单条的组合= {没有| 0 }和工具栏= {没有| 0 }关闭工具栏和任何其他第三方的用户界面。

In Internet Explorer 6, the toolbar sFeatures specifies whether to display the browser toolbar, making buttons such as Back, Forward, and Stop available.

在Internet Explorer 6中,工具栏sFeatures指定是否显示浏览器工具栏,让等按钮,前进,停止。

top = number

Specifies the top position, in pixels. This value is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.


    width = number

Sets the width of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 250, and specifies the minimum width of the browsers content area.


In Internet Explorer 6, the minimum height value is 100.         在Internet Explorer 6中,最小高度值为100。

时间: 2024-12-13 06:48:47

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