mdv to binary


2015.4.8 10:00
use the body structure, put the mdv format data radar and vdras , in a binary file.

// Description:
//      change the file type from mdv to binary
// -------------

void  _MdvToBinary()

    // Read Vdras field data  write to file one field by one field

    time_t vdrasTime = mdvxVdras.getValidTime();
    struct tm* cur = gmtime(&vdrasTime);

    // get "year", "month","day" from vdrasTime

    // set the binary file name
    //file_name_vdras restore the Vdras data
    //file_name_radar restore the radar data

    char file_name_vdras[1024];
    char file_name_radar[1024]; 

    sprintf(file_name_vdras, "%02d%02d%02d_Vdras_bin_xiu",

    sprintf(file_name_radar, "%02d%02d%02d_Radar_bin_xiu",

    // cout<<"xiu...test..."<<file_name<<endl;

    //set the data to restore

    readSourceVdras ptemp_vdras_data;
    readSourceRadar ptemp_radar_data;

    for(int field = 0 ;field < fieldNum ; field++)
        const MdvxField *fld_Vdras  = mdvxVdras.getField(field);

        if (fld_Vdras == NULL)
            cerr << "Cannot find rh field, Vdras file" << endl;

        // Get the pointer of the Field data of Vdras
        const Mdvx::field_header_t &fld_hdr_Vdras = fld_Vdras->getFieldHeader();
        fl32 *fld_data_Vdras  = (fl32 *)fld_Vdras->getVol();

        // Read Radar field datadestructor,
        const MdvxField *fld_Radar = mdvxRadar.getField(0);
        if (fld_Radar == NULL)
            cerr << "Cannot find DBZ Composite field, Radar file" << endl;

        // Get the pointer of the Field data of Radar
        const Mdvx::field_header_t &fld_hdr_Radar = fld_Radar->getFieldHeader();
        fl32 *fld_data_Radar  = (fl32 *)fld_Radar->getVol();

        // set Vdras params
        int nx = fld_hdr_Vdras.nx;
        int ny = fld_hdr_Vdras.ny;
        int nz =;
        int npoints   = nx*ny;
        int npoints3D = nx*ny*nz;

        // set Radar params
        int nx2 = fld_hdr_Radar.nx;
        int ny2 = fld_hdr_Radar.ny;

        // make a check here. Vdras and Radar data should have the same grid params.
        if(nx != nx2 || ny != ny2)
            cerr << "ERROR - VdrasMdv::readSourceFile()" << endl;
            cerr << "  nx or ny of Vdras and Radar data is different." << endl;

        // cerr << "nx = " << nx << "; ny = " << ny << "; nz = " << nz<<  endl << endl;
        //cerr << "npoints = " << npoints << "; npoints3D = " << npoints3D <<  endl << endl;

        //set the vdras data
        ptemp_vdras_data.nx = nx;
        ptemp_vdras_data.ny = ny; = nz;

        sprintf(ptemp_vdras_data.time, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",

        struct Level vdras_level_data[nz] ;


        sprintf(ptemp_radar_data.time, "%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d",

        //set  all levels‘ vdras data and radar data

        for(int tt_iz = 0 ; tt_iz < nz ; tt_iz++)
            vdras_level_data[tt_iz].level_z = tt_iz;

            for(int tt_iy = 0 ;tt_iy < ny ; tt_iy++)

                for(int tt_ix = 0 ; tt_ix < nz ;tt_ix++)
                    int index = ( tt_ix )+( tt_iy )*nx + tt_iz*nx*ny;
                    int index1 = ( tt_ix )+( tt_iy )*nx ;

                    vdras_level_data[tt_iz].vdras_data[ index1 ] = fld_data_Vdras[index];                           



        int radarnum=0;
        for ( int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++)
            for(int iy =0; iy < ny; iy++)
                int ind = ix + iy * nx;
                ptemp_radar_data.radar_data[ind] = fld_data_Radar[ind];
                    //cout<< fld_data_Radar[ind]<<"   ";

        cout<<"\nradarnum2 = "<<radarnum <<endl;

        //write to vdras file

        /*ofstream os( file_name_vdras , ios_base::out | ios_base::binary |ios_base::app);
        os.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ptemp_vdras_data),sizeof( ptemp_vdras_data ) );
        for(int temp = 0 ;temp < nz ;temp++)
            os.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(&vdras_level_data[temp]),sizeof( Level ) );

        // test file
        ifstream is(file_name1, ios_base::in |ios_base::binary );

        if (is)
            readSourceRadar e;

  <char *>(&e), sizeof(e));

            cout << e.nx << " "<<e.ny<<" " <<endl;

            //cout<<e.vdras_data<<"  ";
            for(int iz=0;iz<=0;iz++)
                for(int iy=0;iy<=0;iy++)
                    for(int ix=0;ix<10;ix++)
                        int indexq=ix+iy*e.nx+iz*e.nx*e.ny;
                        cout<<e.radar_data<<" ";
                        //cout<<e.vdras_data[indexq]<<"  ";
                        //  cout<<index<<"  ";


            cout << "ERROR: Cannot open file " << << file_name1 << endl;



        //cout<<"write file....."<<endl<<endl;

    //write to radar file
    /*ofstream os1( file_name_radar , ios_base::out | ios_base::binary |ios_base::app);
    os1.write( reinterpret_cast<char *>(&ptemp_radar_data),sizeof( ptemp_radar_data ) );

    // cout<<"xiu ... readSourceFile............................end"<<endl<<endl;


时间: 2024-11-08 18:56:25

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