C++ static member functions

今天复习老师昨天讲的static member functions。总觉得这玩意儿存在真是莫名其妙,度娘之,发现网上讲的都十分不清楚。还是用Google从米国网站找到了答案。

class Something



static int s_nValue;


int Something::s_nValue = 1; // initializer

int main()


// how do we access Something::s_nValue?



In this case, we can‘t access Something::s_nValue directly from main(), because it is private. Normally we access private members through public member functions. While we could create a normal public member function to access s_nValue, we‘d then need to instantiate an object of the class type to use the function! We can do better. In this case, the answer to the problem is that we can also make member functions static.

Like static member variables, static member functions are not attached to any particular object. Here is the above example with a static member function accessor:

class Something



static int s_nValue;


static int GetValue() { return s_nValue; }


int Something::s_nValue = 1; // initializer

int main()


std::cout << Something::GetValue() << std::endl;




所以说,static member functions纯属是为了避免访问私有static变量再新建对象调用方法修改值的麻烦。


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class StaticFunction{

public:static int y;

     int z;

     static void operate(int x){ y = x; };

     static void operate(StaticFunction M, int x){ M.z= x; }


int StaticFunction::y = 0;

int main(){


    cout << StaticFunction::y << endl;

    StaticFunction example;

    StaticFunction::operate(example, 6);

    cout << example.z << endl;





static void operate(StaticFunction M, int x){ M.z= x; }



时间: 2024-12-31 08:17:07

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