1. 周期快照
USE dw; CREATE TABLE month_end_sales_order_fact ( order_month_sk INT COMMENT ‘order month surrogate key‘, product_sk INT COMMENT ‘product surrogate key‘, month_order_amount DECIMAL(10,2) COMMENT ‘month order amount‘, month_order_quantity INT COMMENT ‘month order quantity‘ ) CLUSTERED BY (order_month_sk) INTO 8 BUCKETS STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES (‘transactional‘=‘true‘);
-- 设置变量以支持事务 set hive.support.concurrency=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager; set hive.compactor.initiator.on=true; set hive.compactor.worker.threads=1; USE dw; SET hivevar:pre_month_date = add_months(current_date,-1); delete from month_end_sales_order_fact where month_end_sales_order_fact.order_month_sk in (select month_sk from month_dim where month = month(${hivevar:pre_month_date}) and year = year(${hivevar:pre_month_date})); insert into month_end_sales_order_fact select b.month_sk, a.product_sk, sum(order_amount), sum(order_quantity) from sales_order_fact a, month_dim b, order_date_dim d -- 视图 where a.order_date_sk = d.order_date_sk and b.month = d.month and b.year = d.year and b.month = month(${hivevar:pre_month_date}) and b.year = year(${hivevar:pre_month_date}) group by b.month_sk, a.product_sk ;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1" name="regular_etl"> <start to="fork-node"/> <fork name="fork-node"> <path start="sqoop-customer" /> <path start="sqoop-product" /> <path start="sqoop-sales_order" /> </fork> <action name="sqoop-customer"> <sqoop xmlns="uri:oozie:sqoop-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <arg>import</arg> <arg>--connect</arg> <arg>jdbc:mysql://cdh1:3306/source?useSSL=false</arg> <arg>--username</arg> <arg>root</arg> <arg>--password</arg> <arg>mypassword</arg> <arg>--table</arg> <arg>customer</arg> <arg>--hive-import</arg> <arg>--hive-table</arg> <arg>rds.customer</arg> <arg>--hive-overwrite</arg> <file>/tmp/hive-site.xml#hive-site.xml</file> <archive>/tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar#mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar</archive> </sqoop> <ok to="joining"/> <error to="fail"/> </action> <action name="sqoop-product"> <sqoop xmlns="uri:oozie:sqoop-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <arg>import</arg> <arg>--connect</arg> <arg>jdbc:mysql://cdh1:3306/source?useSSL=false</arg> <arg>--username</arg> <arg>root</arg> <arg>--password</arg> <arg>mypassword</arg> <arg>--table</arg> <arg>product</arg> <arg>--hive-import</arg> <arg>--hive-table</arg> <arg>rds.product</arg> <arg>--hive-overwrite</arg> <file>/tmp/hive-site.xml#hive-site.xml</file> <archive>/tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar#mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar</archive> </sqoop> <ok to="joining"/> <error to="fail"/> </action> <action name="sqoop-sales_order"> <sqoop xmlns="uri:oozie:sqoop-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <command>job --exec myjob_incremental_import --meta-connect jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://cdh2:16000/sqoop</command> <file>/tmp/hive-site.xml#hive-site.xml</file> <archive>/tmp/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar#mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar</archive> </sqoop> <ok to="joining"/> <error to="fail"/> </action> <join name="joining" to="hive-node"/> <action name="hive-node"> <hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <job-xml>/tmp/hive-site.xml</job-xml> <script>/tmp/regular_etl.sql</script> </hive> <ok to="decision-node"/> <error to="fail"/> </action> <decision name="decision-node"> <switch> <case to="month-sum"> ${date eq 20} </case> <default to="end"/> </switch> </decision> <action name="month-sum"> <hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <job-xml>/tmp/hive-site.xml</job-xml> <script>/tmp/month_sum.sql</script> </hive> <ok to="end"/> <error to="fail"/> </action> <kill name="fail"> <message>Sqoop failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message> </kill> <end name="end"/> </workflow-app>
<coordinator-app name="regular_etl-coord" frequency="${coord:days(1)}" start="${start}" end="${end}" timezone="${timezone}" xmlns="uri :oozie:coordinator:0.1"> <action> <workflow> <app-path>${workflowAppUri}</app-path> <configuration> <property> <name>jobTracker</name> <value>${jobTracker}</value> </property> <property> <name>nameNode</name> <value>${nameNode}</value> </property> <property> <name>queueName</name> <value>${queueName}</value> </property> <property> <name>date</name> <value>${date}</value> </property> </configuration> </workflow> </action> </coordinator-app>
nameNode=hdfs://cdh2:8020 jobTracker=cdh2:8032 queueName=default oozie.use.system.libpath=true oozie.coord.application.path=${nameNode}/user/${user.name} timezone=UTC start=2016-07-20T01:30Z end=2020-12-31T01:30Z workflowAppUri=${nameNode}/user/${user.name}
hdfs dfs -put -f coordinator.xml /user/root/ hdfs dfs -put -f /root/workflow.xml /user/root/ hdfs dfs -put -f /etc/hive/conf.cloudera.hive/hive-site.xml /tmp/ hdfs dfs -put -f /root/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38/mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar /tmp/ hdfs dfs -put -f /root/regular_etl.sql /tmp/ hdfs dfs -put -f /root/month_sum.sql /tmp/
oozie job -oozie http://cdh2:11000/oozie -config /root/job-coord.properties -run -D date=`date +"%d"`
select year,month from month_dim where month_sk=198;
2. 累积快照
-- MySQL USE source; -- 修改销售订单事务表 ALTER TABLE sales_order CHANGE order_date status_date datetime , ADD order_status VARCHAR(1) AFTER status_date , CHANGE order_quantity quantity INT; -- 删除sales_order表的主键 alter table sales_order change order_number order_number int not null; alter table sales_order drop primary key; -- 建立新的主键 alter table sales_order add id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key comment ‘主键‘ first; -- Hive -- rds.sales_order并没有增加id列,原因有两个: -- 1. 该列只作为增量检查列,不用存储 -- 2. 不用再重新导入所有数据 use rds; alter table sales_order change order_date status_date timestamp comment ‘status date‘; alter table sales_order change order_quantity quantity int comment ‘quantity‘; alter table sales_order add columns (order_status varchar(1) comment ‘order status‘); USE dw; -- 事实表增加八列 alter table sales_order_fact rename to sales_order_fact_old; create table sales_order_fact ( order_sk int comment ‘order surrogate key‘, customer_sk int comment ‘customer surrogate key‘, product_sk int comment ‘product surrogate key‘, order_date_sk int comment ‘order date surrogate key‘, allocate_date_sk int comment ‘allocate date surrogate key‘, allocate_quantity int comment ‘allocate quantity‘, packing_date_sk int comment ‘packing date surrogate key‘, packing_quantity int comment ‘packing quantity‘, ship_date_sk int comment ‘ship date surrogate key‘, ship_quantity int comment ‘ship quantity‘, receive_date_sk int comment ‘receive date surrogate key‘, receive_quantity int comment ‘receive quantity‘, request_delivery_date_sk int comment ‘request delivery date surrogate key‘, order_amount decimal(10,2) comment ‘order amount‘, order_quantity int comment ‘order quantity‘ ) CLUSTERED BY (order_sk) INTO 8 BUCKETS STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES (‘transactional‘=‘true‘); insert into sales_order_fact select order_sk, customer_sk, product_sk, order_date_sk, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, request_delivery_date_sk, order_amount, order_quantity from sales_order_fact_old; drop table sales_order_fact_old; -- 建立四个日期维度视图 CREATE VIEW allocate_date_dim (allocate_date_sk, allocate_date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind) AS SELECT date_sk, date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind FROM date_dim ; CREATE VIEW packing_date_dim (packing_date_sk, packing_date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind) AS SELECT date_sk, date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind FROM date_dim ; CREATE VIEW ship_date_dim (ship_date_sk, ship_date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind) AS SELECT date_sk, date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind FROM date_dim ; CREATE VIEW receive_date_dim (receive_date_sk, receive_date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind) AS SELECT date_sk, date, month, month_name, quarter, year, promo_ind FROM date_dim ;
last_value=`sqoop job --show myjob_incremental_import --meta-connect jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://cdh2:16000/sqoop | grep incremental.last.value | awk ‘{print $3}‘` sqoop job --delete myjob_incremental_import --meta-connect jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://cdh2:16000/sqoop sqoop job --meta-connect jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://cdh2:16000/sqoop --create myjob_incremental_import -- import --connect "jdbc:mysql://cdh1:3306/source?useSSL=false&user=root&password=mypassword" --table sales_order --columns "order_number, customer_number, product_code, status_date, entry_date, order_amount, quantity, request_delivery_date, order_status" --hive-import --hive-table rds.sales_order --incremental append --check-column id --last-value $last_value
-- 设置变量以支持事务 set hive.support.concurrency=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager; set hive.compactor.initiator.on=true; set hive.compactor.worker.threads=1; USE dw; -- 设置SCD的生效时间和过期时间 SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE(); SET hivevar:pre_date = DATE_ADD(${hivevar:cur_date},-1); SET hivevar:max_date = CAST(‘2200-01-01‘ AS DATE); -- 设置CDC的上限时间 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT last_load, ${hivevar:cur_date} FROM rds.cdc_time; -- 装载customer维度 -- 设置已删除记录和地址相关列上SCD2的过期,用<=>运算符处理NULL值。 UPDATE customer_dim SET expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} WHERE customer_dim.customer_sk IN (SELECT a.customer_sk FROM (SELECT customer_sk, customer_number, customer_street_address, customer_zip_code, customer_city, customer_state, shipping_address, shipping_zip_code, shipping_city, shipping_state FROM customer_dim WHERE expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date}) a LEFT JOIN rds.customer b ON a.customer_number = b.customer_number WHERE b.customer_number IS NULL OR ( !(a.customer_street_address <=> b.customer_street_address) OR !(a.customer_zip_code <=> b.customer_zip_code) OR !(a.customer_city <=> b.customer_city) OR !(a.customer_state <=> b.customer_state) OR !(a.shipping_address <=> b.shipping_address) OR !(a.shipping_zip_code <=> b.shipping_zip_code) OR !(a.shipping_city <=> b.shipping_city) OR !(a.shipping_state <=> b.shipping_state) )); -- 处理customer_street_addresses列上SCD2的新增行 INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.customer_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.customer_number, t1.customer_name, t1.customer_street_address, t1.customer_zip_code, t1.customer_city, t1.customer_state, t1.shipping_address, t1.shipping_zip_code, t1.shipping_city, t1.shipping_state, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM ( SELECT t2.customer_number customer_number, t2.customer_name customer_name, t2.customer_street_address customer_street_address, t2.customer_zip_code customer_zip_code, t2.customer_city customer_city, t2.customer_state customer_state, t2.shipping_address shipping_address, t2.shipping_zip_code shipping_zip_code, t2.shipping_city shipping_city, t2.shipping_state shipping_state, t1.version + 1 version, ${hivevar:pre_date} effective_date, ${hivevar:max_date} expiry_date FROM customer_dim t1 INNER JOIN rds.customer t2 ON t1.customer_number = t2.customer_number AND t1.expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} LEFT JOIN customer_dim t3 ON t1.customer_number = t3.customer_number AND t3.expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date} WHERE (!(t1.customer_street_address <=> t2.customer_street_address) OR !(t1.customer_zip_code <=> t2.customer_zip_code) OR !(t1.customer_city <=> t2.customer_city) OR !(t1.customer_state <=> t2.customer_state) OR !(t1.shipping_address <=> t2.shipping_address) OR !(t1.shipping_zip_code <=> t2.shipping_zip_code) OR !(t1.shipping_city <=> t2.shipping_city) OR !(t1.shipping_state <=> t2.shipping_state) ) AND t3.customer_sk IS NULL) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(customer_sk),0) sk_max FROM customer_dim) t2; -- 处理customer_name列上的SCD1 -- 因为hive的update的set子句还不支持子查询,所以这里使用了一个临时表存储需要更新的记录,用先delete再insert代替update -- 因为SCD1本身就不保存历史数据,所以这里更新维度表里的所有customer_name改变的记录,而不是仅仅更新当前版本的记录 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS SELECT a.customer_sk, a.customer_number, b.customer_name, a.customer_street_address, a.customer_zip_code, a.customer_city, a.customer_state, a.shipping_address, a.shipping_zip_code, a.shipping_city, a.shipping_state, a.version, a.effective_date, a.expiry_date FROM customer_dim a, rds.customer b WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND !(a.customer_name <=> b.customer_name); DELETE FROM customer_dim WHERE customer_dim.customer_sk IN (SELECT customer_sk FROM tmp); INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT * FROM tmp; -- 处理新增的customer记录 INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.customer_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.customer_number, t1.customer_name, t1.customer_street_address, t1.customer_zip_code, t1.customer_city, t1.customer_state, t1.shipping_address, t1.shipping_zip_code, t1.shipping_city, t1.shipping_state, 1, ${hivevar:pre_date}, ${hivevar:max_date} FROM ( SELECT t1.* FROM rds.customer t1 LEFT JOIN customer_dim t2 ON t1.customer_number = t2.customer_number WHERE t2.customer_sk IS NULL) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(customer_sk),0) sk_max FROM customer_dim) t2; -- 重载PA客户维度 TRUNCATE TABLE pa_customer_dim; INSERT INTO pa_customer_dim SELECT customer_sk , customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state , version , effective_date , expiry_date FROM customer_dim WHERE customer_state = ‘PA‘ ; -- 装载product维度 -- 设置已删除记录和product_name、product_category列上SCD2的过期 UPDATE product_dim SET expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} WHERE product_dim.product_sk IN (SELECT a.product_sk FROM (SELECT product_sk,product_code,product_name,product_category FROM product_dim WHERE expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date}) a LEFT JOIN rds.product b ON a.product_code = b.product_code WHERE b.product_code IS NULL OR (a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category)); -- 处理product_name、product_category列上SCD2的新增行 INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.product_code) + t2.sk_max, t1.product_code, t1.product_name, t1.product_category, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM ( SELECT t2.product_code product_code, t2.product_name product_name, t2.product_category product_category, t1.version + 1 version, ${hivevar:pre_date} effective_date, ${hivevar:max_date} expiry_date FROM product_dim t1 INNER JOIN rds.product t2 ON t1.product_code = t2.product_code AND t1.expiry_date = ${hivevar:pre_date} LEFT JOIN product_dim t3 ON t1.product_code = t3.product_code AND t3.expiry_date = ${hivevar:max_date} WHERE (t1.product_name <> t2.product_name OR t1.product_category <> t2.product_category) AND t3.product_sk IS NULL) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(product_sk),0) sk_max FROM product_dim) t2; -- 处理新增的product记录 INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.product_code) + t2.sk_max, t1.product_code, t1.product_name, t1.product_category, 1, ${hivevar:pre_date}, ${hivevar:max_date} FROM ( SELECT t1.* FROM rds.product t1 LEFT JOIN product_dim t2 ON t1.product_code = t2.product_code WHERE t2.product_sk IS NULL) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(product_sk),0) sk_max FROM product_dim) t2; -- 装载order维度, -- 前一天新增的销售订单号 INSERT INTO order_dim SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.order_number) + t2.sk_max, t1.order_number, t1.version, t1.effective_date, t1.expiry_date FROM ( SELECT order_number order_number, 1 version, status_date effective_date, ‘2200-01-01‘ expiry_date FROM rds.sales_order, rds.cdc_time WHERE order_status = ‘N‘ AND entry_date >= last_load AND entry_date < current_load ) t1 CROSS JOIN (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(order_sk),0) sk_max FROM order_dim) t2; -- 装载销售订单事实表 -- 前一天新增的销售订单 INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT order_sk, customer_sk, product_sk, e.order_date_sk, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, f.request_delivery_date_sk, order_amount, quantity FROM rds.sales_order a, order_dim b, customer_dim c, product_dim d, order_date_dim e, request_delivery_date_dim f, rds.cdc_time g WHERE a.order_status = ‘N‘ AND a.order_number = b.order_number AND a.customer_number = c.customer_number AND a.status_date >= c.effective_date AND a.status_date < c.expiry_date AND a.product_code = d.product_code AND a.status_date >= d.effective_date AND a.status_date < d.expiry_date AND to_date(a.status_date) = e.order_date AND to_date(a.request_delivery_date) = f.request_delivery_date AND a.entry_date >= g.last_load AND a.entry_date < g.current_load ; -- 处理分配库房、打包、配送和收货四个状态 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS select t0.order_sk order_sk, t0.customer_sk customer_sk, t0.product_sk product_sk, t0.order_date_sk order_date_sk, t2.allocate_date_sk allocate_date_sk, t1.quantity allocate_quantity, t0.packing_date_sk packing_date_sk, t0.packing_quantity packing_quantity, t0.ship_date_sk ship_date_sk, t0.ship_quantity ship_quantity, t0.receive_date_sk receive_date_sk, t0.receive_quantity receive_quantity, t0.request_delivery_date_sk request_delivery_date_sk, t0.order_amount order_amount, t0.order_quantity order_quantity from sales_order_fact t0, rds.sales_order t1, allocate_date_dim t2, order_dim t3, rds.cdc_time t4 where t0.order_sk = t3.order_sk and t3.order_number = t1.order_number and t1.order_status = ‘A‘ and to_date(t1.status_date) = t2.allocate_date and t1.entry_date >= t4.last_load and t1.entry_date < t4.current_load; DELETE FROM sales_order_fact WHERE sales_order_fact.order_sk IN (SELECT order_sk FROM tmp); INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT * FROM tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS select t0.order_sk order_sk, t0.customer_sk customer_sk, t0.product_sk product_sk, t0.order_date_sk order_date_sk, t0.allocate_date_sk allocate_date_sk, t0.allocate_quantity allocate_quantity, t2.packing_date_sk packing_date_sk, t1.quantity packing_quantity, t0.ship_date_sk ship_date_sk, t0.ship_quantity ship_quantity, t0.receive_date_sk receive_date_sk, t0.receive_quantity receive_quantity, t0.request_delivery_date_sk request_delivery_date_sk, t0.order_amount order_amount, t0.order_quantity order_quantity from sales_order_fact t0, rds.sales_order t1, packing_date_dim t2, order_dim t3, rds.cdc_time t4 where t0.order_sk = t3.order_sk and t3.order_number = t1.order_number and t1.order_status = ‘P‘ and to_date(t1.status_date) = t2.packing_date and t1.entry_date >= t4.last_load and t1.entry_date < t4.current_load; DELETE FROM sales_order_fact WHERE sales_order_fact.order_sk IN (SELECT order_sk FROM tmp); INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT * FROM tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS select t0.order_sk order_sk, t0.customer_sk customer_sk, t0.product_sk product_sk, t0.order_date_sk order_date_sk, t0.allocate_date_sk allocate_date_sk, t0.allocate_quantity allocate_quantity, t0.packing_date_sk packing_date_sk, t0.packing_quantity packing_quantity, t2.ship_date_sk ship_date_sk, t1.quantity ship_quantity, t0.receive_date_sk receive_date_sk, t0.receive_quantity receive_quantity, t0.request_delivery_date_sk request_delivery_date_sk, t0.order_amount order_amount, t0.order_quantity order_quantity from sales_order_fact t0, rds.sales_order t1, ship_date_dim t2, order_dim t3, rds.cdc_time t4 where t0.order_sk = t3.order_sk and t3.order_number = t1.order_number and t1.order_status = ‘S‘ and to_date(t1.status_date) = t2.ship_date and t1.entry_date >= t4.last_load and t1.entry_date < t4.current_load; DELETE FROM sales_order_fact WHERE sales_order_fact.order_sk IN (SELECT order_sk FROM tmp); INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT * FROM tmp; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp; CREATE TABLE tmp AS select t0.order_sk order_sk, t0.customer_sk customer_sk, t0.product_sk product_sk, t0.order_date_sk order_date_sk, t0.allocate_date_sk allocate_date_sk, t0.allocate_quantity allocate_quantity, t0.packing_date_sk packing_date_sk, t0.packing_quantity packing_quantity, t0.ship_date_sk ship_date_sk, t0.ship_quantity ship_quantity, t2.receive_date_sk receive_date_sk, t1.quantity receive_quantity, t0.request_delivery_date_sk request_delivery_date_sk, t0.order_amount order_amount, t0.order_quantity order_quantity from sales_order_fact t0, rds.sales_order t1, receive_date_dim t2, order_dim t3, rds.cdc_time t4 where t0.order_sk = t3.order_sk and t3.order_number = t1.order_number and t1.order_status = ‘R‘ and to_date(t1.status_date) = t2.receive_date and t1.entry_date >= t4.last_load and t1.entry_date < t4.current_load; DELETE FROM sales_order_fact WHERE sales_order_fact.order_sk IN (SELECT order_sk FROM tmp); INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT * FROM tmp; -- 更新时间戳表的last_load字段 INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT current_load, current_load FROM rds.cdc_time;
3. 测试
USE source; /*** 新增订单日期为2016年7月20日的2条订单。 ***/ SET @start_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-20‘); SET @end_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-21‘); SET @request_delivery_date := ‘2016-07-25‘; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_sales_order_data; CREATE TABLE temp_sales_order_data AS SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE 1=0; SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@end_date - @start_date)); SET @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); SET @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90); INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, @order_date, ‘N‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@end_date - @start_date)); SET @amount := floor(1000 + rand() * 9000); SET @quantity := floor(10 + rand() * 90); INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (2, 2, 2, 2, @order_date, ‘N‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); INSERT INTO sales_order select null, (@order_number:[email protected]_number + 1) + 128, customer_number, product_code, status_date, order_status, request_delivery_date, entry_date, order_amount, quantity from temp_sales_order_data t1,(select @order_number:=0) t2 order by t1.status_date; COMMIT ;
use rds; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT ‘2016-07-20‘, ‘2016-07-21‘ FROM rds.cdc_time;
将regular_etl.sh文件中的SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE();行改为SET hivevar:cur_date = ‘2016-07-21‘;
use dw; select b.order_number, c.order_date, d.allocate_date, e.packing_date, f.ship_date, g.receive_date from sales_order_fact a inner join order_dim b on a.order_sk = b.order_sk left join order_date_dim c on a.order_date_sk = c.order_date_sk left join allocate_date_dim d on a.allocate_date_sk = d.allocate_date_sk left join packing_date_dim e on a.packing_date_sk = e.packing_date_sk left join ship_date_dim f on a.ship_date_sk = f.ship_date_sk left join receive_date_dim g on a.receive_date_sk = g.receive_date_sk where b.order_number IN (129 , 130);
USE source; SET @start_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-21‘); SET @end_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-22‘); SET @mid_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-21 12:00:00‘); SET @request_delivery_date := ‘2016-07-25‘; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_sales_order_data; CREATE TABLE temp_sales_order_data AS SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE 1=0; SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@mid_date - @start_date)); select order_amount,quantity into @amount,@quantity from sales_order where order_number=129; INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (1, 129, 1, 1, @order_date, ‘A‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@mid_date + rand() * (@end_date - @mid_date)); INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (2, 129, 1, 1, @order_date, ‘P‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@end_date - @start_date)); select order_amount,quantity into @amount,@quantity from sales_order where order_number=130; INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (3, 130, 2, 2, @order_date, ‘A‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); INSERT INTO sales_order select null, order_number, customer_number, product_code, status_date, order_status, request_delivery_date, entry_date, order_amount, quantity from temp_sales_order_data order by entry_date; COMMIT ;
use rds; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT ‘2016-07-21‘, ‘2016-07-22‘ FROM rds.cdc_time;
将regular_etl.sh文件中的SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE();行改为SET hivevar:cur_date = ‘2016-07-22‘;
use dw; select b.order_number, c.order_date, d.allocate_date, e.packing_date, f.ship_date, g.receive_date from sales_order_fact a inner join order_dim b on a.order_sk = b.order_sk left join order_date_dim c on a.order_date_sk = c.order_date_sk left join allocate_date_dim d on a.allocate_date_sk = d.allocate_date_sk left join packing_date_dim e on a.packing_date_sk = e.packing_date_sk left join ship_date_dim f on a.ship_date_sk = f.ship_date_sk left join receive_date_dim g on a.receive_date_sk = g.receive_date_sk where b.order_number IN (129 , 130);
USE source; SET @start_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-22‘); SET @end_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-23‘); SET @mid_date := unix_timestamp(‘2016-07-22 12:00:00‘); SET @request_delivery_date := ‘2016-07-25‘; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_sales_order_data; CREATE TABLE temp_sales_order_data AS SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE 1=0; SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@mid_date - @start_date)); select order_amount,quantity into @amount,@quantity from sales_order where order_number=129 limit 1; INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (1, 129, 1, 1, @order_date, ‘S‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@mid_date + rand() * (@end_date - @mid_date)); INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (2, 129, 1, 1, @order_date, ‘R‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); SET @order_date := from_unixtime(@start_date + rand() * (@end_date - @start_date)); select order_amount,quantity into @amount,@quantity from sales_order where order_number=130 limit 1; INSERT INTO temp_sales_order_data VALUES (3, 130, 2, 2, @order_date, ‘P‘, @request_delivery_date, @order_date, @amount, @quantity); INSERT INTO sales_order select null, order_number, customer_number, product_code, status_date, order_status, request_delivery_date, entry_date, order_amount, quantity from temp_sales_order_data order by entry_date; COMMIT ;
use rds; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rds.cdc_time SELECT ‘2016-07-22‘, ‘2016-07-23‘ FROM rds.cdc_time;
将regular_etl.sh文件中的SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE();行改为SET hivevar:cur_date = ‘2016-07-23‘;
use dw; select b.order_number, c.order_date, d.allocate_date, e.packing_date, f.ship_date, g.receive_date from sales_order_fact a inner join order_dim b on a.order_sk = b.order_sk left join order_date_dim c on a.order_date_sk = c.order_date_sk left join allocate_date_dim d on a.allocate_date_sk = d.allocate_date_sk left join packing_date_dim e on a.packing_date_sk = e.packing_date_sk left join ship_date_dim f on a.ship_date_sk = f.ship_date_sk left join receive_date_dim g on a.receive_date_sk = g.receive_date_sk where b.order_number IN (129 , 130);
将regular_etl.sh文件中的SET hivevar:cur_date = DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(),2);行改为SET hivevar:cur_date = CURRENT_DATE();