libevent 学习的网址


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evdns.h [code]  
event.h [code] A library for writing event-driven network servers
evhttp.h [code]  
evrpc.h [code] This header files provides basic support for an RPC server and client
include/event2/buffer.h [code] Functions for buffering data for network sending or receiving
include/event2/buffer_compat.h [code] Obsolete and deprecated versions of the functions in buffer.h: provided only for backward compatibility
include/event2/bufferevent.h [code] Functions for buffering data for network sending or receiving
include/event2/bufferevent_compat.h [code]  
include/event2/bufferevent_struct.h [code] Data structures for bufferevents
include/event2/dns.h [code] Welcome, gentle reader
include/event2/dns_compat.h [code] Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in dns.h: provided only for backwards compatibility
include/event2/dns_struct.h [code] Data structures for dns
include/event2/event.h [code] Core functions for waiting for and receiving events, and using event bases
include/event2/event_compat.h [code] Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in event.h: provided only for backwards compatibility
include/event2/event_struct.h [code] Structures used by event.h
include/event2/http.h [code] Basic support for HTTP serving
include/event2/http_compat.h [code] Potentially non-threadsafe versions of the functions in http.h: provided only for backwards compatibility
include/event2/http_struct.h [code] Data structures for http
include/event2/tag.h [code] Helper functions for reading and writing tagged data onto buffers
include/event2/thread.h [code] Functions for multi-threaded applications using libevent
include/event2/util.h [code] Common convenience functions for cross-platform portability and related socket manipulations

时间: 2025-01-14 07:28:30

libevent 学习的网址的相关文章


Linux下编译参考源码中的README文件即可,这里主要记录Windows下的编译. 一.准备工作 去官网下载最新的稳定发布版本libevent-2.0.22-stable 官网地址: 二.使用VS2012编译 1.解压libevent到C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\libevent-2.0.22-stable 2.打开“VS2012开发人员命令提示”工具,如下图所示. 3.输入指令开始编译,如下图所示. 有网友说编译之前应该在以下3个文


Access学习个人常用网址珍藏 Access论坛: Access网站: Access培训交流QQ群: Access微博: Access视频教程:http


The libevent API provides a mechanism to execute a callback function when a specific event occurs on a file descriptor or after a timeout has been reached. Furthermore, libevent also support callbacks due to signals or regular timeouts. 环境搭建 下载: http


windows下Code::Blocks建立GNU编译的工程: 1.需要添加如下头文件: D:\E\programing\levent-libevent\include D:\E\programing\levent-libevent\gnu\includeC:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp\MinGW32\include 2.需要添加如下静态库: ws2_32 kernel32 user32 gdi32 winspool shell32 ole32 oleaut32 uuid co

libevent学习文档(三)working with event

Events have similar lifecycles. Once you call a Libevent function to set up an event and associate it with an event base, it becomes initialized. At this point, you can add, which makes it pending in the base. When the event is pending, if the condit

Libevent 学习笔记 (1)——Libevent 2.0安装与简单示例

今天开始学习Libevent .Libevent 是开源社区的一款高性能I/O框架库. 主要特点有: 1 跨平台: 2 统一事件源 3 线程安全 4 基于Reactor 今天主要进行了Libevent的安装,以及利用libevent框架编写一个间隔1s打印 Hello Libevent!信息的程序. 首先是安装: 1 下载libevent源码,下载地址我下载的版本是2.0 stable版本,下载的文件格式是tar.gz包 2 进入刚下载得到的tar.gz


Libevent设计的精化之一在于把Timer事件.Signal事件和IO事件统一集成在一个Reactor中,以统一的方式去处理这三种不同的事件,更确切的说是把Timer事件和Signal事件融合到了IO多路复用机制中. Timer事件的融合相对清晰简单,其套用了Reactor和Proactor模式(如Windows上的IOCP)中处理Timer事件的经典方法,其实Libevent就是一个Reactor嘛.由于IO复用机制(如Linux下的select.epoll)允许使用一个最大等待时间(即最


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libevent学习笔记 一、基础知识

欢迎转载,转载请注明原文地址: 一.libevent是什么 libevent是一个轻量级的开源的高性能的事件触发的网络库,适用于windows.linux.bsd等多种平台,内部使用select.epoll.kqueue等系统调用管理事件机制. 它被众多的开源项目使用,例如大名鼎鼎的memcached等. 特点: 事件驱动,高性能; 轻量级,专注于网络(相对于ACE); 开放源码