2017.6.26 MS BI solution seminar

this event was a free of charge. The speaker is Song li huan. he is a MVP. He introduced MS BI Solution for us. By using MS sql server and Power bi , it is very easy to create and publish your dashboards and reports to . MS BI solution helps you empower others with timely critical insights, anytime, anywhere.


时间: 2024-08-01 17:03:40

2017.6.26 MS BI solution seminar的相关文章

2017.8.10 ms solution sharing and training

This event was a free of charge. The speaker was Lihuan Song. He is an MVP. he introduced Ms sql server BI solution for fujian local partners. MS BI solution is very great value to the enterprise customers. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/20727

2017.7.8 MS SQL Server and BI workshop

This workshop was a free of charge. The trainner was Lihuan Song. He is the MVP. He introduced MS sql server and BI for us. The MS SQL server and BI solution is of great value for us. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072744

2017.5.19 MS local partner training

I taught ms data platform and power bi solution for ms local partner . this event was a free of charge. Partners are enthusiastic about learning ms sql and power bi technology. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072737


2017.04.26 天气热. 时间:上午 9:35 ---10:10分 地点:陆大304实验室 会议内容:今天将昨天的的一些问题进行了讨论,以及针对助教提出的问题进行了分析,是因为我们昨天经过讨论后在任务中又加上了一些细节,导致了任务又多了一点点.随着时间的临近,项目Alpha版本即将截止,今天小组成员对任务有又进行了确认,齐心协力完成我们的任务. 1:每日讨论图片(拍摄者小组成员 黄睿) 2.任务分解图: 3.任务分配: 今天的整体分工如下: 武健男:负责今天的博客编写: 林俊鹏:询问实验室

2017.6. 15 MS Power BI workshop for customer

See your company's data in new ways with interactive data visualization BI tools from Microsoft Power BI.This training is free of charge. The speaker is lihuan song. he is an MVP. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072249


预计分数:T1:40AC+60TLE T2:40AC+60TLE   T3:10AC+90TLE 总分=90 实际分数:T1:100AC+0TLE T2:80AC+20TLE   T3:20AC+80TLE 总分=200 感想:数据水的一逼!! 题目实际难度: T1:提高/提高+ T2:提高+ T3:提高+/省选- 我眼中的难度 T1:普及 T2:普及- T3:入门难度 2039. 树的统计 ★★   输入文件:counttree.in   输出文件:counttree.out   简单对比 时


T1 5483. [清华集训2017模拟11.26]简单路径T2 5484. [清华集训2017模拟11.26]快乐树T3 5485. [清华集训2017模拟11.26]字符串 T1 结论题,结论很显然任意两条路径权异或后,会将两条路径的交的贡献删去.然后用个桶存一下出现过的异或和,暴力判一下就可以了 code 1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include<cmath> 3 #include<cstring> 4 #include<algorithm

2017.10.23 MS partner training

This event was a free of charge. MS technology training for ms local partner. the topic is sql database on azure and power bi. The speaker is lihuan song. he is the MVP. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072730

2017.4.26 编程之路启程!

对编程我总觉得有一种缘分和宿命; 从接触电脑开始,我就想学编程,那时候是C++; 2010年安卓系统闻世,我想要学,可惜不能如愿; 现在想想,那个时候坚持学下去,现在也是一们技能; 如今,成家立业. 越能体会,人要有一技傍身; 如此,才能立足于世; 我选择学java,也是想要继续当初的那个愿望; 有些东西,错过了就错过了,不可挽回; 在编程的世界; 一切皆有可能!