projecteuler---->problem=22----Names scores

sing names.txt (right click and ‘Save Link/Target As...‘), a 46K text file containing over five-thousand first names, begin by sorting it into alphabetical order. Then working out the
alphabetical value for each name, multiply this value by its alphabetical position in the list to obtain a name score.

For example, when the list is sorted into alphabetical order, COLIN, which is worth 3 + 15 + 12 + 9 + 14 = 53, is the 938th name in the list. So, COLIN would obtain a score of 938
53 = 49714.

What is the total of all the name scores in the file?



例如,假定你已经把姓氏列表排好了,找到一个姓氏叫Colin,它的字母索引总和为3 + 15 + 12 + 9 + 14 = 53,已经它是第938个姓氏,于是它的分值就是938 × 53 = 49714。


import fileinput,string
for i in range(0,len(info)):
    for j in range(0,len(info[i])):
        if info[i][j]>='A' and info[i][j] <= 'Z':
print resu

projecteuler---->problem=22----Names scores,布布扣,

时间: 2024-11-01 09:11:46

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