No.179 Largest Number

No.179 Largest Number

Given a list of non negative integers, arrange them such that they form the largest number.

For example, given [3, 30, 34, 5, 9], the largest formed number is 9534330.

Note: The result may be very large, so you need to return a string instead of an integer.





#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

class Solution
    static bool compare(string &s1, string s2)
        return s1+s2 > s2+s1;
    string largestNumber(vector<int> &nums)
        int count = nums.size();
        string res("");
        if(count == 0)
            return res;
        vector<string> v;
        for(auto const &i : nums)

        for(auto const &i : v)
            res += i;
        //针对特例int data3[] = {0,0};
        if(res[0] != ‘0‘)
            return res;
            return "0";

int main()
    Solution sol;
    int data1[] = {3,30,34,5,9};
    vector<int> test1(data1,data1+sizeof(data1)/sizeof(int));
    cout << sol.largestNumber(test1)<<endl;

    int data2[] = {121,12};
    vector<int> test2(data2,data2+sizeof(data2)/sizeof(int));
    cout << sol.largestNumber(test2)<<endl;

    int data3[] = {0,0};
    vector<int> test3(data3,data3+sizeof(data3)/sizeof(int));
    cout << sol.largestNumber(test3)<<endl;


 1 #include "stdafx.h"
 2 #include <string>
 3 #include <vector>
 4 #include <iostream>
 5 #include <algorithm>
 6 using namespace std;
 8 class Solution
 9 {
10 public:
11     //自定义的比较函数,为使sort调用,必须是全局或者是静态的,不能是普通成员函数
12     static bool compare(int n1, int n2)
13     {
14         string s1 = to_string(n1);
15         string s2 = to_string(n2);
16         //借助string的比较函数进行比较
17         //想的太过于简单,对于12和121,并不是简单的12一定小于121,这种是前缀的情况,要单独考虑
18         //三种情况:相同,返回false;12和2,前面已比较出大小;对于一个数是另一个数的前缀,比较的就是前缀和后面的大小
19         //另外解法:直接从头到尾进行比较
20         int size1 = s1.size();
21         int size2 = s2.size();
23         if(size1 == size2)//不会出现前缀问题,直接比较
24             return (>0;
25         if(size1 < size2)
26         {//判断s1是否为s2前缀
27             if(,size1)) == 0)//是前缀,之前判断错误,要加上0
28                 //比较拆分的两部分,此时需要递归调用本函数,而不能单纯调用string::compare
29                 return compare(atoi(s1.c_str()), atoi(s2.substr(size1).c_str()));//注意顺序保存一致!!!
30         }
31         else
32         {//判断s2是否为s1前缀
33             if(,size2)) == 0)//是前缀
34                 //比较拆分的两部分
35                 return compare(atoi(s1.substr(size2).c_str()), atoi(s2.c_str()));
36         }
37         //不是前缀,直接比较
38         return (>0;
39     }
40     string largestNumber(vector<int> &nums)
41     {//给一组非负整数,将其重新排列形成一个最大数
42      //思路:将nums排序[降序],与一般排序不同,它按照首位大小排序,而不是末尾排序
43         int count = nums.size();
44         string res("");
45         if(count == 0)
46             return res;
47         //按定义的比较操作降序排列数组
48         sort(nums.begin(),nums.end(),compare);
49         //拼接数组数字即可
50         for(auto const &i : nums)
51             res += to_string(i);
52         //针对特例int data3[] = {0,0};
53         if(res[0] != ‘0‘)
54             return res;
55         else
56             return "0";
57     }
58 };
60 int main()
61 {
62     Solution sol;
63     int data1[] = {3,30,34,5,9};
64     vector<int> test1(data1,data1+sizeof(data1)/sizeof(int));
65     cout << sol.largestNumber(test1)<<endl;
67     //错误示例!!
68     int data2[] = {121,12};
69     vector<int> test2(data2,data2+sizeof(data2)/sizeof(int));
70     cout << sol.largestNumber(test2)<<endl;
72     //错误示例!!
73     int data3[] = {0,0};
74     vector<int> test3(data3,data3+sizeof(data3)/sizeof(int));
75     cout << sol.largestNumber(test3)<<endl;
76 }


时间: 2024-10-26 15:07:46

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