[Recompose] Lock Props using Recompose -- withProps

Learn how to use the ‘withProps’ higher order component to pre-fill a prop, unable to be overridden.

const { Component } = React;
const { withProps } = Recompose;

// with function as arguement
const HomeLink = withProps(({ query }) => ({ href: ‘#/?query=‘ + query }))(‘a‘);
// take object as arguement
const ProductsLink = withProps({ href: ‘#/products‘ })(‘a‘);
const CheckoutLink = withProps({ href: ‘#/checkout‘ })(‘a‘);

const App = () =>
  <div className="App">
      <HomeLink query="logo">Logo</HomeLink>

  <App />,

withProps, take string as arguement for creating a new DOM element.

时间: 2024-08-28 01:10:08

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