UVA11524 - InCircle






using namespace std;
int main()
	int N;
	double s,a,b,c,r,n[10],m[10],x;

Time limit: 2.000 seconds

Problem E


Input: Standard Input

Output: Standard Output

In-circle of a triangle is the circlethat touches all the three sides of the triangle internally. The center of thein-circle of a triangle happens to be the common intersection point of thethree bisectors of the internal angles. In this problem you will
not be askedto find the in-circle of a triangle, but will be asked to do the opposite!!


You can see in the figure above that the in-circle of triangle ABC touches thesides AB, BC and CA at point P, Q and R respectively and P, Q and R divides AB,BC and CA in ratio m1:n1, m2:n2 and m3:n3 respectively. Given these ratios andthe value of the radius
of in-circle, you have to find the area of triangleABC.


First line of the input filecontains an integer N (0<N<50001), which denotes how many input sets areto follow. The description of each set is given below.

Each set consists of four lines.The first line contains a floating-point number r (1<r<5000), whichdenotes the radius of the in-circle. Each of the next three lines contains two floating-pointnumbers, which denote the values of m1, n1,
m2,n2, m3 and n3 (1<m1, n1,m2, n2, m3, n3<50000)respectively.


For each set ofinput produce one line of output. This line contains a floating-point numberthat denotes the area of the triangle ABC. This floating-point number shouldcontain four digits after the decimal point. Errors less than 5*10-3will be
ignored. Use double-precision floating-point number for calculation.

SampleInput                              Output for Sample Input



15.3010457320 550.3704847907

464.9681681852 65.9737378230

55.0132446384 10.7791711946


145.7725891419 8.8264176452

7.6610997600 436.1911036207

483.6031801012 140.2797089713



Problemsetter: Shahriar Manzoor

Special Thanks: Mohammad Mahmudur Rahman

时间: 2024-08-12 04:02:17

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