


RAM (random access memory) 随机存取存储器,随机存取是指存储单元的内容可按需要随意取出或存入,且存取的速度与存储单元的位置无关。

RAM分为SRAM(static random access memory)和DRAM(dynamic random access memory),







channel > DIMM > rank > chip > bank > row / column



Bank往下拆就是一个个的储存单元,横向为row,纵向为column。每个column下方有一个row buffer,用于缓存读出的数据。


In the past, memory speeds were able to keep up with the processor‘ s requirements.However, when we reached the point where the processor‘ s ability to process data was accelerating faster than current memory technologies could support, memory became a major limitation in system performance. Simply put, memory speeds could no longer keep up with advances in processor speeds and data throughput. A new method to get more data to the processor in mainstream computers was needed – without relying solely on memory speed.

Intel and many system architects decided that the solution was to add a second channelof memory – called the "dual channel" memory layout.

A processor in a computer is like the engine of a car. A car needs gasoline to fuel its engine. Similarly, a computer processor needs memory storage to process its data. Data (in bits which are zeros and ones) must be stored in memory first, before being delivered to the processor. When more data can be delivered to the processor via memory at faster speeds, the processor can manipulate instructions and data more efficiently and ultimately, the requested task can be accomplished in less time.

To illustrate the difference between single- and dual-channel memory, let‘ s extend the analogy above. Data is filled into a funnel (memory); the funnel then "channels" the data through its pipe to the processor‘ s input: In this illustration, single-channel memory is like a funnel that feeds data to the processor engine through a single pipe. Data is transferred 64 bits at a time.

Dual-channel memory utilizes two funnels (and thus two pipes) to feed data to the processor, thereby being able to deliver up to twice the data of the single funnel. With two funnels or channels, data is transferred 128 bits at a time. The process works the same way when data is "emptied" from the processor by reversing the flow of data. To prevent the funnel from being over-filled with data or to reverse the flow of data through the funnel, there is a "traffic" controller shown as a valve on the funnel‘ s pipe. In computers, there is a special chip called the "Memory Controller" that handles all data transfers involving the memory modules and the processor.

The Memory Controller manages all movement of data between the processor and the memory modules. Data is sent to the Memory Controller (which is part of a computer motherboard‘ s "chipset"). The Memory Controller is like a traffic signal that regulates data transfer either to memory modules for storage, or to the processor for data manipulation or "crunching". Graphically, this architecture is pictured below:

Data moves through the funnel‘ s pipe in one direction at a time (just like a one-lane bridge that can be used in both directions, but only one car can cross it at a time). The memory controller acts like a traffic signal that directs the movement of data across the memory channel. For example, data arriving to the Memory Controller is first stored in the memory modules (2), then is re-read (3) and finally transferred to the processor (4). On a typical motherboard, these same components can be easily identified:


DRAM芯片包装在存储器模块(memory module)中,它是插到主板的扩展槽上的。常见的包装是168个引脚的双列直插存储器模块(Dual inline memory module,DIMM),它以64位为块传送数据到存储控制器和从存储控制器传出数据。DIMM是在单列直插存储器模块(single inline memory module,SIMM)发展起来的,SIMM以32位为块传送数据。


内存控制器只允许CPU每次只能与内存进行一组64bits的数据交换,这一个64bit的带宽就是一个rank,即1rank = 64bits。内存数据读写每次是64bits的一个数据宽度,ECC内存增加了8bit的校验位,因此ECC内存是72bits。


如果1根ECC DIMM的9颗芯片都位于DIMM的同一面,就叫做single-sided,如果9颗芯片分布在DIMM的两面,就叫做double-sided。




Most companies prefer to use more chips, because this gives the DRAM more processing power and more areas in which to store data.As of 2011, there are four types of rank: single or one layer, dual or two layers, quad or four layers and octal or eight layers. The more layers, the more memory the company can fit onto a chip. Commonly, consumers only find single- or dual-layer memory in their computers, while powerful server computers make use of the quad- and octal-layer ranked memory chips.



Intel Dual Channel DDR Memory Architecture

时间: 2024-10-13 02:02:43


[转帖] 内存扫盲

https://www.cnblogs.com/jintianfree/archive/2010/03/16/1687540.html#3841218 快速补充关于内存的一些基础知识,主要是为了理解DPDK,没有涉及太深. 简介 RAM (random access memory) 随机存取存储器,随机存取是指存储单元的内容可按需要随意取出或存入,且存取的速度与存储单元的位置无关. RAM分为SRAM(static random access memory)和DRAM(dynamic rando

关键业务系统的JVM参数推荐(2018仲夏版) (强烈推荐 唯品会)

年更贴,因为两年里遇到的事情,一些想法变了.也补充了不少VJTools的内容,比如为伸手党们准备的jvm-options.sh. 在关键的业务系统里,除了继续追求技术人员最爱的高吞吐与低延时之外,系统的稳定性与排查问题的便捷性也很重要.这是本文的一个原则,后面也会一次又一次的强调. 前言1,资料 1. 学习开源项目的启动脚本是个不错的主意,比如ElasticSearch家的,Cassandra家的, 附送一篇解释它的文章. 2. VJTools的 jvm-options.sh,伸手党们最爱,根据


1. 性能篇 1.1 建议的性能参数 1. 取消偏向锁: -XX:-UseBiasedLocking JDK1.6开始默认打开的偏向锁,会尝试把锁赋给第一个访问它的线程,取消同步块上的synchronized原语.如果始终只有一条线程在访问它,就成功略过同步操作以获得性能提升. 但一旦有第二条线程访问这把锁,JVM就要撤销偏向锁恢复之前的状态,如果打开安全点日志,可以看到不少RevokeBiasd的纪录,像GC一样Stop The World的干活,虽然只是很短的停顿,但对于多线程并发的应用,取


接触了两年多时间的单片机编程本人对关于单片机程序内存如何耗费的问题一直懵懵懂懂,直到在近日看到某篇有关于MDK MAP文件介绍的帖子后才有种醍醐灌顶的感觉,这里我将分享在此之上的观点与见解以供大家讨论学习. 大家都知道ARM单片机的内部存储空间极其匮乏无论是从Flash还是RAM上,每每给单片机机编程都有一种惜字如金的感觉,工程师们一般会在容量有限的情况下规范其编程习惯简化代码避免冗余,那么首先我们如何知道的程序下载到单片机上到底占用了多少Flash程序运行又会使用多少RAM? 首先上一张图:


很多人在购买计算机时,在碰到内存时会 有点懵比. 不知道 选多大内存, 对计算机的影响,或者说对计算机的作用是什么. 其本质的问题就是.(老子不知道内存是个什么鬼,还他妈这么贵!) so  简单剖析一下. first: 计算机必备的几大组件: CPU: CPU和人脑差不多. 人脑有两大功能. 1.提供逻辑的运算, 2.记忆/存储功能. but     CPU 和人脑的区别就是,CPU只有逻辑运算的功能.所以CPU能做的事情,就只有运算.  CPU是没办法记忆数据的. so     CPU想要进行


1.硬件+操作系统+软件应用=用户电脑 2.win7  2007年 winXP 2001年  不能兼容64位 win98 1998年 UNIX  银行操作系统 Linux开源自由的操作系统,安全稳定比较出色,在服务领域使用广泛,安卓是基于Linux操作系统 Mac OS苹果操作系统 MS-DOS 命令行操作 3.win7版本 win7家庭普通版的功能最少,简装版本 win7旗舰版,功能最多 硬件需求 cpu1GH以上,内存1G以上,硬盘16G以上,32位最多支持3个G得内存 cpu1GH以上,内


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概要 近期这几天開始进入java的学习,接触到了好多不是非常了解的概念,像JDK.JRE.JVM.GC等等这些,放到这里来进行下扫盲. java java是一种面向对象程序设计语言和java平台的总称,即java包含java语言和java平台. java语言 java语言跟我们曾经接触过的C#.C++语言一样都是面向对象的语言,拥有面向对象语言的基本特点,java语言也有它自身的特点.比如添加了垃圾回收的一些特点. 同一时候java语言的编程风格跟C#.C++也特别的相似,全部java语言是比較


大数据扫盲 目录 大数据扫盲????1 0.1.????大数据处理流程????1 0.2.????大数据处理技术架构????2 1.????数据分区与路由????2 1.1.????二级映射机制????3 1.1.1.????哈希分区????3 1.1.2.????虚拟桶(virtual bucket)????3 1.1.3.????一致性哈希(consistent hashing)????4 1.2.????一致性????4 1.2.1.????CAP理论????4 1.2.2.????ACI