问题:编译eshoponcontainers失败,提示error:invalid reference format


visual studio 2017 v15.4.2,docker ce Version 17.06.0-ce-win19 (12801)





error : Building webstatus

error : invalid reference format.


audipen commented on 26 Sep ? edited



audipen commented on 28 Sep ? edited

So finally figured out the issue. After comparing the docker-compose file with a ‘Hello World‘ application I realised that the ‘image‘ tag in the docker-compose was causing the ‘invalid reference format‘ error.

For example in the definition of the ‘basket‘ microservice the ‘image‘ has the following value.
image: eshop/basket.api:${TAG:-latest}

If I remove ‘:${TAG:-latest}‘ everything runs as expected. Not sure what the problem with the value is though. Still not that docker proficient. I removed this tagging for all service entries.

sgreenmsft commented on 7 Oct

@audipen The issue with the ${TAG:-latest} was a bug in the VS Docker tools. It‘s fixed in the VS 2017 15.4 update (currently in preview).


删除docker-compose.yml中所有镜像的 ‘:${TAG:-latest}‘ 后缀。因为默认debug模式下,visual studio 2017 docker tools会生成docker-compose.vs.debug.g.yaml,会在镜像后增加:dev标签。如果在docker-compose.yaml中增加了latest标签,则会导致生成的镜像为name:latest:dev,导致编排失败。

这是visual studio 2017 docker tool的bug,会在后续版本解决。

当前的解决方案是,删除所有‘:${TAG:-latest}‘ 后缀。

时间: 2024-07-31 17:34:17

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