
//@sourceURL=PersonLocation.jsvar window_temp = {    onbeforeunload: null,    DEBUG_MODE: false,    MAPLIST: null,    MAPLIST_CACHE: {},    MAP: null,    MAP_LAYERS: null,    LAYER: [‘basic‘, ‘area‘, ‘device‘, ‘person‘, ‘single‘, ‘building‘],    MAP_CTRLS: null,    CTRLS: [‘scale‘],    CURRID: null,    FOCUSONCE: false,    MAPINIT: false,    MAPMODE: 0,    HIGHLIGHT_LAYER: null,    CURRMAP_DATA: null,    CURRPERMAPID: null,    SCALE: 0,    UNIT: 0,    HISTORY_LAYER: null,    HISTORY_LAYER_CTL: null,};$(function () {    window_temp.onbeforeunload = function (event) {        cancelSocketHandler();        switchMapMode(0);// 还原到正常状态 避免切换页面后出问题    }    initOlPlugin();    //window_temp.DEBUG_MODE = false;    // 地图列表 用于切换地图使用    //window_temp.MAPLIST ;    //window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE={};    //window_temp.MAP;// 地图变量    //window_temp.MAP_LAYERS;// 图层变量    //window_temp.LAYER=[‘basic‘,‘area‘,‘device‘,‘person‘,‘single‘];// 基础 区域 设备 人员    // 图层    //window_temp.MAP_CTRLS;// 控制层    //window_temp.CTRLS=[‘scale‘];// ‘fullscr‘‘overview‘,‘measure‘,‘mapselect‘    //window_temp.CURRID;// 当前追踪人员id    //window_temp.FOCUSONCE = false;    //window_temp.MAPINIT = false;

// 0-正常模式 1-单人实时追踪模式 2-历史轨迹播放模式    //window_temp.MAPMODE = 0;    switchMapMode(0);// 还原到正常状态 避免切换页面后出问题    // 注册socket处理事件    initSocketHandler();    // 获取地图列表    initMapList();    initAllMapList();    //initBuildingAndChildMapList();    initSerchMapData();    loadMapData(null, true);    //初始化隐藏tool    initToolAndList();    //realdebugList();    //echart    //initHighCharts();    //加x号    tool.searchInput(‘#searchIcon‘);


//进行人员和设备之间的的连线function initPersonConnectDevice(personData) {    var datalist = personData.dataList    if (datalist.length > 0) {        for (var i = 0; i < datalist.length; i++) {            if (datalist[i].id == window_temp.CURRID) {                monitorPersonTrace(datalist[i]);            }        }    }}

function initDsss(dataList) {    $(‘#realdebugList‘).bootstrapTable({        height: parseInt(getClientHeight() - 93),        columns: [{            align: ‘center‘,            valign: ‘middle‘,            visible: false        }, {            field: ‘fnSn‘,            title: ‘信号源‘,            align: ‘center‘,            valign: ‘middle‘,        }, {            field: ‘rssi‘,            title: ‘信号强度‘,            align: ‘center‘,            valign: ‘middle‘,        }, {            field: ‘areaType‘,            title: ‘区域类型‘,            align: ‘center‘,            valign: ‘middle‘,        }, {            field: ‘areaName‘,            title: ‘区域名称‘,            align: ‘center‘,            valign: ‘middle‘,        }],        data: dataList,        clickToSelect: true,        pagination: false,        onClickRow: function (row, element) {            var feature = window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().getFeatureById(row.fnSn);            feature.getStyle().getStroke().setColor("yellow");            feature.getStyle().getStroke().setWidth(5);            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].changed();        }    });}

function initToolAndList() {    $(‘.ol-control.layertool‘).hide();    $(‘.ol-control.person‘).hide();}

//右侧输入框显示查询列表function realdebugList(data) {    if (data && data.rssis.length > 0) {         var dataList = [];        if (realdebugList != null || data != undefined) {            var deviesId = data.id;            var happenTime = data.happenTime;            $(‘#devisId‘).text(deviesId);            $(‘#happenTime‘).text(happenTime);            dataList = data.rssis;        }        initDsss(dataList);    }}

//echartvar chartObj;var xMaxTime = 10000;var maxSizePoint = 20;

function putDataToCharts(data) {    if (data && data.rssis.length > 0) {        var x = (new Date(data.happenTime)).getTime();        var chartSeries = chartObj.series;        for (var i = 0; i < chartSeries.length; i++) {            if (chartSeries[i].data[chartSeries[i].data.length - 1].x >= x) {                return;            }            for (var j = 0; j < data.rssis.length; j++) {                if (chartSeries[i].name == data.rssis[j].fnSn) {                    chartSeries[i].addPoint([x, data.rssis[j].rssi], false, true);                    break;                }            }            if (chartSeries[i].data.length > 0 && (chartSeries[i].data[chartSeries[i].data.length - 1].x + xMaxTime < x)) {                chartSeries[i].remove();                i = i - 1;            }        }

for (var i = 0; i < data.rssis.length; i++) {            find = false;            for (var j = 0; j < chartSeries.length; j++) {                if (data.rssis[i].fnSn == chartSeries[j].name) {                    find = true;                    break;                }            }            if (find == false) {                addSeries(x, data.rssis[i]);            }        }        chartObj.redraw();

}}function addSeries(x, series) {    chartObj.addSeries({        name: series.fnSn,        data: (function() {            // generate an array of random data            var data3 = [];

for (var i = -1*(maxSizePoint -1); i < 0; i++) {                data3.push({                    x: x + i * 1000,                    y: null                });            }            data3.push({                x:x,                y:series.rssi            });            return data3;        })()    });}

function initHighCharts() {    Highcharts.setOptions({        global: {            useUTC: false        }    });

$(‘#container‘).highcharts({        chart: {            type: ‘line‘,            animation: Highcharts.svg, // don‘t animate in old IE            events: {                load: function () {                    chartObj = this;                }            }        },        title: {            text: ‘移动设备RSSI动态走势图‘        },        xAxis: {            type: ‘datetime‘,            tickPixelInterval: 100        },        yAxis: {            title: {                text: ‘RSSI信号强度(DBM)‘            },            opposite: true,            plotLines: [{                value: 0,                width: 1,                color: ‘#808080‘            }]        },        tooltip: {            formatter: function () {                return ‘<b>‘ + this.series.name + ‘</b><br/>‘ +                    Highcharts.dateFormat(‘%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S‘, this.x) + ‘<br/>‘ +                    Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0);            }        },        legend: {            enabled: true        },        exporting: {            enabled: false        },        credits: {            enabled: false        }    });

//chartObj.setSize($("#container").width(), getHeight());}

//function getHeight() {//    return $(window).height() - $(‘h1‘).outerHeight(true) - 300;//}

function initOlPlugin() {    /**     * 图层控制控件     */    ol.control.layerTool = function (opt) {        var options = opt || {};        var me = this;        me.closeClass = "unshow";        me.layer = opt.layer;//    me.element_ = goog.dom.createDom(‘DIV‘,‘layertool ol-unselectable ol-control tool‘ );        me.element_ = document.createElement(‘div‘);        me.element_.className = ‘layertool ol-unselectable ol-control tool‘;        me.remove = function () {            $(me.element_).remove();        }        ol.control.Control.call(me, {            element: me.element_,            target: options.target        });        me.display = function (show) {            if (show) {                $(me.element_).find("button").removeClass(me.closeClass);                me.layer.setVisible(true);            } else {                $(me.element_).find("button").addClass(me.closeClass);                me.layer.setVisible(false);                window_temp.MAP.removeOverlay();            }        }    };    ol.inherits(ol.control.layerTool, ol.control.Control);

/* ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 地图切换工具↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ */    ol.control.mapSelectTool = function (opt_options) {        var options = opt_options || {};        var ele = document.createElement("div");        ele.className = "mapselectbutton";        ele.id = "mapselectbutton";        ele.title = ‘‘;        this.changeName = function (name) {            if (window_temp.MAPLIST && window_temp.MAPLIST.length > 1) {                $(ele).html(name + " <i class=‘glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down‘ style=‘margin-left:20px;‘></i>")                    .attr("title", name);                $("#mapquickSearch").val("");                $("#currentMapName").text(name);            } else {                $(ele).html(name).attr("title", name);            }        }        $(ele).on(‘click‘, function () {            if ($(‘#mapselect‘).is(":hidden")) {                $(‘#mapselect‘).slideDown({speed: ‘fast‘});                $(‘#showMap‘).show();                $(".hisqueclose").on(‘click‘, function () {                    $(ele).click();                });//绑定关闭按钮事件            } else {                $(‘#mapselect‘).slideUp({speed: ‘fast‘});                $(‘#showMap‘).hide();            }        });        $(ele).on(‘blur‘, function () {            $(‘#mapselect‘).slideUp();        });        //var element = goog.dom.createDom(‘DIV‘,‘mapselecttool ol-unselectable‘ ,[ele]);        var element = document.createElement(‘div‘);        element.className = ‘mapselecttool ol-unselectable‘;        element.appendChild(ele);        this.reelementmove = function () {            $(element).remove();        }        ol.control.Control.call(this, {            element: element,            target: options.target        });    };    ol.inherits(ol.control.mapSelectTool, ol.control.Control);}

// 模式切换处理函数function switchMapMode(mode) {    var keyMode;    keyMode = window_temp.MAPMODE * 10 + mode * 1;    switch (keyMode) {        case 0:// 正常模式 到正常模式            hidePopup();            hidePopup(‘areapopup‘);            if (window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER) {// 高亮图层初始化                window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();            }            break;        case 1:// 正常模式 进单人追踪模式            //window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].display(true);            window_temp.FOCUSONCE = true;            if (window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER) {// 高亮图层初始化                window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();            }            break;        case 11:// 切换追踪            window_temp.FOCUSONCE = true;            if (window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER) {// 高亮图层初始化                window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();            }            break;        case 10:// 单人追踪 返回正常模式            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘single‘].layer.getSource().getSource().clear();            window_temp.CURRID = null;            hidePopup();            // pullEvent(‘{type:1010}‘);            if (window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER) {// 高亮图层初始化                window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();            }            break;        case 2:// 正常模式进 轨迹播放模式            // pullEvent(‘{type:1002}‘);            break;        case 20:// 轨迹播放 返回正常模式            // pullEvent(‘{type:1001,param:‘+$("#currentMapId").val()+‘}‘);//‘            // ‘{type:10012}‘            break;    }    window_temp.MAPMODE = mode;}

/** * 单个人员追踪 */var datamapidfunction monitorPersonTrace(data) {    datamapid=data.mapId    var currMapId = $(‘#currentMapId‘).val();    if(data.mapId !=currMapId){        //window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().clear();        switchMap(data.mapId);        $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).show()        $(‘.searchClear‘).show()

}        window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().clear();        var rersonDaX = data.x;        var rersonDaY = data.y;        var deviceData = data.rssis;        //画人员        var pointfeature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([rersonDaX, rersonDaY]));        pointfeature.setStyle(            new ol.style.Style({                image: new ol.style.Circle({                    radius: 4,                    stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                        color: ‘#fff‘                    }),                    fill: new ol.style.Fill({                        color: ‘#12ff02‘                    })                })            })        )        window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().addFeature(pointfeature);        //定义数组:不同信号强度显示不同的颜色        function getStyleByLevel(rssi) {            var colors = ["#00FF00", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000", "#0000EE"];//高 中 低 默认            var range = [-100, -50, 50, 100];//,-40,-20,0,20];            var ind = _.findIndex(range, function (item) {                return rssi <= item;            });            if (ind == -1) {                ind = 0;            }            //var width = Math.abs((100 + rssi)) / 25;            return new ol.style.Style({                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({color: colors[ind], width: 3}),                text: new ol.style.Text({                    text: rssi + "",                    stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({width: 1, color: ‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)‘}),                    font: "16px sans-serif",                    fill: new ol.style.Fill({color: ‘rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)‘}),                    stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                        color: "#fff",                        width: 3                    }),                })            });        }

//循环划线        for (var i = 0; i < deviceData.length; i++) {            var feature = new ol.Feature({                geometry: new ol.geom.LineString([[deviceData[i].longitude, deviceData[i].latitude], [rersonDaX, rersonDaY]])            });            feature.set(‘featureType‘, ‘line‘);            var rssiArr = [];            rssiArr.push(data.rssis[i].rssi)            feature.setStyle(getStyleByLevel(rssiArr))            feature.setId(data.rssis[i].fnSn);            //var lineName = data.rssis[i].rssi;            //feature.set(‘lineName‘, lineName);            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().addFeature(feature);        }        realdebugList(data);        putDataToCharts(data);


/** * 处理后台推送消息 人员定位信息 */function monitorPositionData(data) {    if (window_temp.MAPMODE == 1) {        if (data.id == window_temp.CURRID) {            monitorPersonTrace(data);        }    }    if (!$(".layertool.person>button").hasClass("unshow")) {// 未隐藏        if (data && data.mapId == $("#currentMapId").val() && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘]) {            var feature = window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().getFeatureById(data.id);            if (feature) {                window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().removeFeature(feature);            }            if (data.locationType == 2) {                return;            }            var person = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([data.x, data.y]));            person.setId(data.id);            // person.setStyle(new ol.style.Style({image:new            // ol.style.Icon({src:‘../../../resources/image/phone_online.png‘})}));            person.setProperties(data);            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().addFeature(person);        }    }}

function clearPositionData(data) {    if (data && data.mapId == $("#currentMapId").val()) {        // 清除人员图层        if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘]) {            var feature = window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().getFeatureById(data.id);            if (feature) {                window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().removeFeature(feature);            }        }        // 清除单人跟踪图层        if (data.id == window_temp.CURRID) {            data.status = -1;            monitorPersonTrace(data);        }    }}

function mapStaticsInfo(data) {    if (data[$("#currentMapId").val()]) {        monitorTotalInfo(data[$("#currentMapId").val()].type);        mapAreaStaticsInfo(data[$("#currentMapId").val()].area);    }}

/** * 处理后台推送消息 统计信息 */function monitorTotalInfo(data) {    if (data) {        $(".statistic .all").html(data.all.length).data("persons", data.all);        $(".statistic .normalArea").html(data.normalArea.length).data("persons", data.normalArea);        $(".statistic .powerArea").html(data.powerArea.length).data("persons", data.powerArea);        $(".statistic .restrictArea").html(data.restrictArea.length).data("persons", data.restrictArea);    }}

/** * 区域人数统计实时响应函数 */function mapAreaStaticsInfo(data) {    if (window_temp.MAPMODE == 2) {// 历史轨迹播放

} else {        if (data) {// 区域统计信息            for (var key in data) {                var feature = getFeatureById(‘area‘, key);                //$(".statistic").data(key,data[key]);                if (feature) {// 存在指定的区域                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    var disptxt = ‘‘;                    // if( zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")){                    if (data[key]) {                        disptxt = data[key].length + "人";                    } else {                        disptxt = "0人";                    }                    // }                    feature.set(‘person‘, data[key]);                    feature.getStyle().getText().text_ = disptxt;                }            }            if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘area‘]) {                window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘area‘].layer.changed();// 刷新区域图层            }        }    }}

/** * 建筑人数统计实时响应函数 */function buildingInfo(data) {    if (window_temp.MAPMODE == 2) {// 历史轨迹播放

} else {        if (data && data[$("#currentMapId").val()]) {// 建筑统计信息            var buildingData = data[$("#currentMapId").val()];            for (var key in buildingData) {                var feature = getFeatureById(‘building‘, key);                //$(".statistic").data(key,data[key]);                if (feature) {// 存在指定的区域                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    var disptxt = ‘‘;                    if (zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")) {                        if (buildingData[key]) {                            var buildMapData = buildingData[key];                            var total = 0;                            for (var ky in buildMapData) {                                total = total + buildMapData[ky].count;                            }                            disptxt = total + "人";                        } else {                            disptxt = "0人";                        }                    }                    feature.set(‘building‘, buildingData[key]);                    //feature.getStyle().getText().text_ = disptxt;                }            }            if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘building‘]) {                window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘building‘].layer.changed();// 刷新区域图层            }        }    }}

/** * 高亮元素 */var highLightLayer = function (opts) {    var me = this;    me.intval;    me.featureStyle;    me.opts_ = opts || {};    me.switchFlag = false;    me.style = me.opts_.style;    me.source = new ol.source.Vector({wrapX: false});    me.currid;    me.currFeature;    me.lightStyle = {        ‘stroke‘: ‘#FFFFFF‘,        ‘fill‘: ‘rgba(255,255,255,0.4)‘    }    me.layer = new ol.layer.Vector({// 图层引用        source: me.source    });    me.highLightFeature = function (feature, id, speed) {        if (me.currid != id) {            me.unlight();            me.currid = id;        } else {            if (me.intval) {                return;            }        }        if (feature) {            me.currFeature = feature;            me.featureStyle = {}            me.featureStyle[‘stroke‘] = me.currFeature.getStyle().getStroke().getColor();            if (me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill()) {                me.featureStyle[‘fill‘] = me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill().getColor();            }            me.layer.setVisible(true);            me.intval = setInterval(function () {                me.layer.getSource().clear();                if (me.switchFlag = !me.switchFlag) {                    me.currFeature.getStyle().getStroke().setColor(me.lightStyle[‘stroke‘]);                    if (me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill())                        me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill().setColor(me.lightStyle[‘fill‘]);                } else {                    me.currFeature.getStyle().getStroke().setColor(me.featureStyle[‘stroke‘]);                    if (me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill())                        me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill().setColor(me.featureStyle[‘fill‘]);                }                me.layer.getSource().addFeatures([me.currFeature]);            }, speed || 200);        }    }    me.unlight = function () {        if (me.currFeature) {            me.currFeature.getStyle().getStroke().setColor(me.featureStyle[‘stroke‘]);            if (me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill())                me.currFeature.getStyle().getFill().setColor(me.featureStyle[‘fill‘]);        }        me.currFeature = null;        me.featureStyle = null;        me.layer.setVisible(false);        me.layer.getSource().clear();        me.switchFlag = false;        clearInterval(me.intval);        me.intval = null;    }}

/** * 高亮显示区域 */function highlight(type, id, speed) {    if (!window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER) {        window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER = new highLightLayer();        window_temp.MAP.addLayer(window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.layer);    }    if (id) {        var feature = getFeatureById(type, id);        if (feature) {            window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.highLightFeature(feature, id, speed);            if (window_temp.FOCUSONCE) {                window_temp.FOCUSONCE = !window_temp.FOCUSONCE;                focusTo(feature.getGeometry().getFirstCoordinate(), -1);            }        } else {            window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();        }    } else {        window_temp.HIGHLIGHT_LAYER.unlight();    }}

/** * 获取指定图层 指定id元素 layer 包括缓存的 area-设备图层 person-人员定位图层 device-设备图层 basic-基础图层 * val查询值 key查询键 返回openlayer 对象feature */function getFeatureById(layer, val, key) {    if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS && window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[layer]) {        var features = window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[layer].layer.getSource().getFeatures();        if (!val) {            return features;        } else {            for (var i in features) {                if (features[i].get(key || "id") == val) {                    return features[i];                } else if (layer == ‘person‘ && features[i].get("features")) {                    var subFeatures = features[i].get("features");                    for (var k in subFeatures) {                        if (subFeatures[k].get(key || "id") == val) {                            return subFeatures[k];                        }                    }                }            }        }    }}

/** * 获取地图列表 */function initMapList() {    $.ajax({        url: getBaseURL() + ‘personlocation/findAllMap‘,        async: false,  // 同步        type: ‘GET‘,   // 请求类型        cache: false,  // 不缓存        dataType: ‘json‘,        success: function (data) {            if (data && data.length > 0) {                window_temp.MAPLIST = data;                var html = ‘‘;                var mapid, mapname;                var currentMapId = $("#currentMapId").val();                if (currentMapId && currentMapId != ‘‘ && currentMapId != ‘null‘) {// 页面初始化指定显示mapid                    mapid = currentMapId;                } else {// 未指定限制默认列表第一个地图                    mapid = data[0].id;                    mapname = data[0].name;                    $("#currentMapId").val(mapid);                }                for (var i in data) {                    if (data[i].id && data[i].id == mapid) {                        mapname = data[i].name;                        $("#currentMapName").text(mapname);                    }                    html += ‘<li class="selectmap " title="‘ + data[i].name                        + ‘" onclick="switchMap(\‘‘ + data[i].id + ‘\‘,\‘‘ + data[i].name + ‘\‘)">‘ + data[i].name + ‘ </li>‘;                }                $(‘#maplist‘).html(html);            } else {                /*BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘未发现可加载的地图数据‘,                 buttons: [{                 label: ‘确定‘,                 action: function(dialogItself){                 dialogItself.close();                 }                 }]});*/                showInfo("未发现可加载的地图数据!", null, null);            }        },        error: function (e) {            /*BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘数据加载异常‘,             buttons: [{             label: ‘确定‘,             action: function(dialogItself){             dialogItself.close();             }             }]});*/            showInfo("数据加载异常!", null, null);        }    });    // initMapSelect();}

/** * 获取地图列表 */function initAllMapList() {    $.ajax({        url: getBaseURL() + ‘personlocation/findAlldMapAndFirstWord‘,        async: false,  // 同步        type: ‘GET‘,   // 请求类型        cache: false,  // 不缓存        dataType: ‘json‘,        success: function (data) {            if (data.message) {                var firstWordList = data.firstWordList;                var mapList = data.mapList;

//拼接地图首字                if (firstWordList && firstWordList.length > 0) {                    var firsthtml = ‘‘;                    for (var i in firstWordList) {                        firsthtml += ‘<a style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN: 4px 4px;display: inline-block;" href="javascript:scrollToLocation(\‘‘ + firstWordList[i].toLocaleUpperCase() + ‘\‘)">‘ + firstWordList[i].toLocaleUpperCase() + ‘</a>‘;                    }                    $(‘#firstWord‘).html(firsthtml);                }                //拼接地图列表                if (mapList && mapList.length > 0) {                    var maphtml = ‘<table>‘;                    var lastFirstWord = ‘‘;                    var lastBuildName = ‘‘;                    for (var j in mapList) {                        if (mapList[j].name.slice(0, 1).toLocaleUpperCase() != lastFirstWord) {                            lastFirstWord = mapList[j].name.slice(0, 1).toLocaleUpperCase();                            lastBuildName = mapList[j].name;                            if (maphtml != ‘<table>‘) {                                maphtml += "</td></tr>";                            }                            maphtml += "<tr><td style=‘vertical-align: top; padding: 0 14px 0 7px; font-size: 15px;‘>" + lastFirstWord + "</td>";                            maphtml += "<td style=‘white-space: nowrap;vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 8px;‘>" + mapList[j].name + ":</td><td style=‘padding-top: 3px; vertical-align: top;‘>";                            maphtml += getMapHrefHtml(mapList[j]);                        } else {                            if (mapList[j].name != lastBuildName) {                                lastBuildName = mapList[j].name;                                maphtml += "</td></tr>";                                maphtml += "<tr><td style=‘vertical-align: top; padding: 0 14px 0 7px; font-size: 15px;‘></td>";                                maphtml += "<td style=‘white-space: nowrap;vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 8px;‘>" + mapList[j].name + ":</td><td style=‘padding-top: 3px; vertical-align: top;‘>";                                maphtml += getMapHrefHtml(mapList[j]);                            } else {                                maphtml += getMapHrefHtml(mapList[j]);                            }                        }                    }                    if (maphtml != ‘<table>‘) {                        maphtml += "</td></tr></table>";                    } else {                        maphtml += "</table>";                    }                    $(‘#buildingMap‘).html(maphtml);                }            }        },        error: function (e) {            /*BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘数据加载异常‘,             buttons: [{             label: ‘确定‘,             action: function(dialogItself){             dialogItself.close();             }             }]});*/            showInfo("数据加载异常!", null, null);        }    });}

function getMapHrefHtml(map) {    if (map.name) {        return "<a style=‘line-height: 18px;display: inline-block;margin-right: 9px;‘ href=‘javascript:switchMap(" + map.id + ",&quot;" + map.name + "&quot;)‘ >" + map.name + "</a>";    } else {        return ‘‘;    }}

/** * 加载初始化指定地图 */function loadMapData(mapid) {    var mapid = mapid || $("#currentMapId").val();    if (!mapid || ‘‘ == mapid || ‘null‘ == mapid) {        // alert("未发现地图数据!");        return false;    }    hidePopup(‘areapopup‘);    if (!window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[mapid]) {        var loadFlag = false;        // 请求所有地图数据Map、LAYER、ELEMENT        $.ajax({            url: getBaseURL() + ‘personlocation/findMapData/‘ + mapid,            async: false,  // 同步            type: ‘GET‘,   // 请求类型            cache: false,  // 不缓存            dataType: ‘json‘,            success: function (data) {                // 解析数据                if (data && data.data) {// 通过缓存表取得的数据                    data = data.data;                }                window_temp.CURRMAP_DATA = data;                var currentMapName = data.map.name;                $("#currentMapName").text(currentMapName);                if (data && data[‘map‘] && data[‘layer‘]) {                    initMap(data);// 初始化地图                    loadFlag = true;                    window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[mapid] = data;                } else {                    /*BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘地图数据不存在或加载不完整‘,                     buttons: [{                     label: ‘确定‘,                     action: function(dialogItself){                     dialogItself.close();                     }                     }]});*/                    showInfo("地图数据不存在或加载不完整!", null, null);                }            },            error: function (e) {                /*BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘数据加载异常‘,                 buttons: [{                 label: ‘确定‘,                 action: function(dialogItself){                 dialogItself.close();                 }                 }]});*/                showInfo("数据加载异常!", null, null);                window_temp.CURRMAP_DATA = null;            }        });    } else {        initMap(window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[mapid]);// 初始化地图        loadFlag = true;    }    return loadFlag;}

function initMap(data) {    mapData = data[‘map‘];// 基本信息    layerData = data[‘layer‘];// 图层信息    fnsData = data[‘fns‘];// 设备图层的FN信息 -单拎出来了    buildingData = data[‘building‘];

// 初始化openlayer地图    initOlMap(mapData);

// 初始化业务图层LAYER,ELEMENT    // wxh    initPersonLayer();    initSingleLayer();    initAreaLayer(layerData);    initDeviceLayer(fnsData, mapData);    initBuildingLayer(buildingData);    //创建一个线图层    var lineLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({        source: new ol.source.Vector({            features: []        })    });    window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘] = lineLayer;    lineLayer.setZIndex(6);    window_temp.MAP.addLayer(lineLayer);

// 初始化地图控件    initMapTool();    // toolRefresh();    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[‘mapselect‘].changeName(mapData.name);    if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘device‘] != undefined) {        window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘device‘].display(false);    }    $(".ol-attribution").remove();}

function initAreaLayer(layerData, map) {    if (layerData && layerData.length > 0) {        var pointLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({            source: new ol.source.Vector({                features: []            })        });        window_temp.MAP.addLayer(pointLayer);        for (var i = 0; i < layerData.length; i++) {            var ele = layerData[i];            var areaFeature;            if (ele.shapeType == "Circle") {                var center = JSON.parse(ele.coordinate.split("@")[0]);                var radius = ele.coordinate.split("@")[1] * 1;                areaFeature = new ol.Feature({                    geometry: new ol.geom.Circle(center, radius, "XY")                });            } else {                areaFeature = new ol.Feature({                    geometry: new ol.geom.Polygon([JSON.parse(ele.coordinate)])                });            }            areaFeature.setStyle(JDMapVar.getAreaStyle(ele.areaTypeId));            areaFeature.setProperties(ele);            areaFeature.set(‘featureType‘, ‘area‘);            pointLayer.getSource().addFeature(areaFeature);        }        var tool = addLayer(pointLayer, {name: "区域图层"});// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制        window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool);    } else {        console.log("device data  is null");    }}

function initDeviceLayer(data, map) {    //var lineArr = [];    if (data && data.length > 0) {        var deviceLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({            source: new ol.source.Vector({                features: []            })        });        window_temp.MAP.addLayer(deviceLayer);        for (var i in data) {            var feature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([data[i].longitude, data[i].latitude]));            feature.setStyle(                // new ol.style.Style({ image:new                // ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/FN_btn.png‘}) })                function (resolution) {                    // var zoom =                    // window_temp.SPIRIT_CURROMAP.getMap().getView().getZoom();//window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    if (zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")) {// window_temp.SPIRIT_CURROMAP.getMap().get("suitzoom")){                        return [new ol.style.Style({image: new ol.style.Icon({src: getBaseURL() + ‘resources/image/mic_station_btn.png‘})})];                    } else {                        return [new ol.style.Style({                            image: new ol.style.Circle({                                radius: 3,                                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({color: ‘#fff‘}), fill: new ol.style.Fill({color: ‘#00f‘})                            })                        })];                    }                }            );            feature.setProperties(data[i]);

feature.set(‘featureType‘, ‘device‘);            deviceLayer.getSource().addFeature(feature);            // window_temp.SPIRIT_CURROMAP.getLayer(‘device‘).getSource().addFeature(feature);        }        //var feature1 = new ol.Feature({        //   geometry:new ol.geom.LineString(lineArr)        //});        //deviceLayer.getSource().addFeature(feature1);        //var tool = addLayer(deviceLayer, {name: "设备图层"});// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制        //window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool);    }}

function initBuildingLayer(data) {    if (data && data.length > 0) {        var buildingLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({            source: new ol.source.Vector({                features: []            })        });        window_temp.MAP.addLayer(buildingLayer);        for (var i in data) {            var feature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([data[i].mapX, data[i].mapY]));            feature.setStyle(//             new ol.style.Style({image:new ol.style.Icon({src:getBaseURL()+‘resources/image/building.png‘}),//                text:new ol.style.Text({text:"0人", font: "16px sans-serif", stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({width: 1})})//             })                function (resolution) {                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    if (zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")) {                        return [new ol.style.Style({                            image: new ol.style.Icon({src: getBaseURL() + ‘resources/image/building.png‘}),                            text: new ol.style.Text({                                text: /*"0人"*/"",                                font: "16px sans-serif",                                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({width: 1})                            })                        })];                    } else {                        return [new ol.style.Style({                            image: new ol.style.Circle({                                radius: 5,                                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({color: ‘#fff‘}),                                fill: new ol.style.Fill({color: ‘#ff0000‘})                            }),                            text: new ol.style.Text({                                text: "",                                font: "16px sans-serif"                            })                        })];                    }                }            );            feature.setProperties(data[i]);            feature.set(‘featureType‘, ‘building‘);            buildingLayer.getSource().addFeature(feature);            // window_temp.SPIRIT_CURROMAP.getLayer(‘device‘).getSource().addFeature(feature);        }        var tool = addLayer(buildingLayer, {name: "建筑图层"});// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制        window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool);    }}

/** * 初始化地图核心组件 */function initOlMap(mapdata) {    var projection = new ol.proj.Projection({        code: ‘EPSG:4326‘,// ||mapdata.code,        extent: [mapdata.minX, mapdata.minY, mapdata.maxX, mapdata.maxY],        units: mapdata.unit    });

var view = new ol.View({        center: [mapdata.cx, mapdata.cy],        projection: projection,        zoom: mapdata.zoom,        maxZoom: mapdata.maxZoom,        minZoom: mapdata.minZoom,        zoomFactor: 1.2    });    /* $("#map").html(‘‘); */    window_temp.SCALE = mapdata.scale;    window_temp.UNIT = mapdata.unit;    if (window_temp.MAP) {        window_temp.MAPINIT = true;        // 已存在        clearMap();// 清空现有图层        window_temp.MAP.setView(view);        thisSvgResover(mapdata, view);        window_temp.MAP.changed();    } else {// 不存在新创建        window_temp.MAP = new ol.Map({            target: ‘map‘,            view: view,            interactions: ol.interaction.defaults().extend([                new ol.interaction.DragRotateAndZoom()            ]),        });        thisSvgResover(mapdata, view);    }    window_temp.MAP.setProperties({        "suitzoom": mapdata.zoom || 5,        "recenter": [mapdata.cx || mapdata.minX + ((mapdata.maxX - mapdata.minX) / 2),            mapdata.cy || mapdata.minY + ((mapdata.maxY - mapdata.minY) / 2)]    });}

function thisSvgResover(data, view) {    var layer = new ol.layer.Image({        source: new ol.source.ImageStatic({            url: getBaseURL() + "module/uploads/" + data.mapUrl,            projection: view.getProjection(),            imageExtent: [data.minX, data.minY, data.maxX, data.maxY]        })    });    layer.setZIndex(0);    // wxh    var tool = addLayer(layer, {name: "basic"});// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制    window_temp.MAP.addLayer(layer);}

// 清除地图图层 控制器数据 停止定位信息处理function clearMap() {    for (var i in window_temp.LAYER) {// 删除图层        if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[window_temp.LAYER[i]]) {            window_temp.MAP.removeLayer(window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[window_temp.LAYER[i]].layer);            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[window_temp.LAYER[i]].remove();        }    }    for (var i in window_temp.CTRLS) {// 删除图层        window_temp.MAP.removeControl(window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[window_temp.CTRLS[i]]);    }    // window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[‘mapselect‘].remove();

window_temp.MAP_LAYERS = null;// 图层置空    // window_temp.MAP_CTRLS = null;//地图控制器置空}

// 获取当前区域人员列表function currSearchList(id) {    var datas = [‘all‘];    var array = [];    if (id) {        datas = [id];    } else {        var result = null;        $.ajax({            url: getBaseURL() + ‘personlocation/onlinePerson‘,            async: false,  // 同步            type: ‘POST‘,      // 请求类型            cache: false,  // 缓存            dataType: ‘json‘,            success: function (data) {                result = data;                window_temp.PERSON_DATA = data;                if (!data || data.length == 0) {                    /*BootstrapDialog.show({                     title: ‘系统提示‘,                     message: ‘当前无在线人员!‘,                     buttons: [{                     label: ‘确定‘,                     action: function(dialogItself){                     dialogItself.close();                     $(".quickSearch").removeClass("canclear");                     hidePopup();                     if(window_temp.MAPMODE!=0){                     switchMapMode(0);                     }                     $("#personquickSearch").val(null);                     }                     }]                     });*/

showInfo("当前无在线人员!", null, null);                    $(".quickSearch").removeClass("canclear");                    hidePopup();                    if (window_temp.MAPMODE != 0) {                        switchMapMode(0);                    }                    $("#personquickSearch").val(null);                }            },            error: function (e) {                console.error(‘在线人员信息加载失败-‘ + e.description);            }        });        return result;        // return data = $("#all").data("persons");    }    var content = ‘‘;    for (var k in datas) {        var data = $("#" + datas[k]).data("persons");        if (data && data.length > 0) {            for (var i in data) {                content += "<li class=‘" + datas[k] + "-front‘ x=‘" + data[i].x + "‘ y=‘" + data[i].y + "‘ nameAlphabet=‘" + data[i].nameAlphabet + "‘ id=‘" +                    data[i].id + "‘>" + "<i class=‘glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker‘></i> " + data[i].name + "(" + data[i].id + ")" + data[i].officeName + "</li>";            }        }    }    return content;}

// 统计信息事件绑定function listPersonArea(id) {    $(".personlist")        .val(id)        .removeClass("normal")        .removeClass("power")        .removeClass("restrict")        .addClass(id);    var data = $("#" + id).data("persons");    var content = "<ul >";    var data = currSearchList(id);    if (data != ‘‘) {        content += data;    } else {        content += ‘<span>此区域没有人员</span>‘;    }    content += ‘</ul>‘;    $(".personinfo").html(content);}

// 在指定位置显示popup提示信息// location popup显示在地图的坐标位置// content 内容// popid 标识// dispPos 显示在元素的相对位置function showPopup(loc, content, popid, dispPos) {    popid = popid || "popup";    var popup = window_temp.MAP.getOverlayById(popid);    if (!popup) {        var ele = document.createElement("div");        ele.className = "popup";        ele.id = popid;        popup = new ol.Overlay({            element: ele,            positioning: dispPos || ‘bottom-left‘,            stopEvent: true,            id: popid        });        window_temp.MAP.addOverlay(popup);    }    popup.setPosition(loc);    popup.setVisible(true);    var element = $(‘#‘ + popid)    if (content) {        $(element).html(content);    }    if ($(element).html()) {        $(element).show();// slideDown(‘fast‘);    }}// 隐藏指定的popupfunction hidePopup(popid, keepContent) {    popid = popid || "popup";    if (window_temp.MAP) {        var popup = window_temp.MAP.getOverlayById(popid);        if (popup) {            popup.setVisible(false);            $("#" + popid).hide()            if (!keepContent) {                $("#" + popid).html(null);            }        }    }}

/** * 聚焦地图指定位置 按指定缩放比例 */function focusTo(location, zoomTo) {    var zoom = zoomTo || (window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom") * 1);    var duration = 500;    var pan = ol.animation.pan({        duration: duration,        source: /** @type {ol.Coordinate} */ (window_temp.MAP.getView().getCenter()),    });    var zooma = ol.animation.zoom({        duration: duration,        resolution: 1 * window_temp.MAP.getView().getResolution()    });    if (-1 == zoom) {        zoom = window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom") * 1;        window_temp.MAP.beforeRender(pan);    } else {        window_temp.MAP.beforeRender(zooma, pan);    }    window_temp.MAP.getView().setCenter(location);    window_temp.MAP.getView().setZoom(zoom);}

// 工具条显示隐藏按钮function toolToggle() {    if ($(this).hasClass("arrow_up")) {        $(this).removeClass("arrow_up");        $(this).addClass("arrow_down");        $(".ol-control, .maptool, .tool").each(function (e) {            if (!$(this).hasClass("arrow_down") && !$(this).hasClass("person") && !$(this).hasClass("area") && !$(this).hasClass("device") && !$(this).hasClass("building")) {                $(this).addClass("hide");            }        });        $(‘.ol-control.layertool‘).hide();        $(‘.ol-control.person‘).hide();    } else {        $(this).removeClass("arrow_down");        $(this).addClass("arrow_up");        $(".ol-control, .maptool, .tool").each(function (e) {            $(this).show().removeClass("hide");        });        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.measure.renderOver = true;    }}

// 地图放大按钮事件function toolMapZoomIn() {    var view = window_temp.MAP.getView();    var zoom = view.getZoom();    view.setZoom(zoom + 1);}// 地图缩小按钮事件function toolMapZoomOut() {    var view = window_temp.MAP.getView();    var zoom = view.getZoom();    view.setZoom(zoom - 1);}

// 还原地图位置和缩放比例function toolRefresh() {    var center = window_temp.MAP.get("recenter");    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom");    var duration = 1500;    var start = +new Date();    var pan = ol.animation.pan({        duration: duration,        source: /** @type {ol.Coordinate} */ (window_temp.MAP.getView().getCenter()),        start: start    });    var bounce = ol.animation.bounce({        duration: duration,        resolution: 1.1 * window_temp.MAP.getView().getResolution(),        start: start    });    var zooma = ol.animation.zoom({        duration: duration,        resolution: 1 * window_temp.MAP.getView().getResolution(),        start: start    });    window_temp.MAP.beforeRender(bounce, pan, zooma);    window_temp.MAP.getView().setCenter(center);    window_temp.MAP.getView().setZoom(zoom);}

// 保存地图缩放比例和中心位置布局function toolLayout() {    var params = {        mapid: $("#currentMapId").val(),        zoom: window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom(),        center: window_temp.MAP.getView().getCenter()    };    $.ajax({        url: getBaseURL() + ‘personlocation/maplayout‘,        async: true,   // 异步        type: ‘POST‘,      // 请求类型        cache: false,  // 缓存        contentType: ‘application/json‘,        data: JSON.stringify(params),        success: function (data) {            // BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘数据已保存‘});            if (window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE && window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[$("#currentMapId").val()]) {                var center = window_temp.MAP.getView().getCenter();                var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();                window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[$("#currentMapId").val()].map.cx = center[0];                window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[$("#currentMapId").val()].map.cy = center[1];                window_temp.MAPLIST_CACHE[$("#currentMapId").val()].map.zoom = zoom;            }            /*BootstrapDialog.show({             title: ‘系统提示‘,             message: ‘数据已保存!‘,             buttons: [{             label: ‘确定‘,             action: function(dialogItself){             dialogItself.close();             }             }]             });*/            showInfo("数据已保存!", null, null);            return;        },        error: function (e) {            // BootstrapDialog.show({title: ‘系统提示‘,message: ‘数据保存失败‘});            /*BootstrapDialog.show({             title: ‘系统提示‘,             message: ‘数据保存失败!‘,             buttons: [{             label: ‘确定‘,             action: function(dialogItself){             dialogItself.close();             }             }]             });*/            showInfo("数据保存失败!", null, null);            return;        }    });    window_temp.MAP.setProperties({"suitzoom": params.zoom || 10});    window_temp.MAP.setProperties({"recenter": params.center || [0, 0]});}

//初始化所查询的所有地图数据function initSerchMapData() {    mapQuickSearch(‘mapquickSearch‘, ‘/sncp/mapManager/selectAllMap‘, {}, mapNameSearchSelected);}

function mapNameSearchSelected(item) {    var id = item.split(‘(‘)[0];    var name = item.split("(")[1].split(")")[0];    switchMap(id, name);}

function mapQuickSearch(controlerId, url, params, callback) {    mapSearch = new QuickSearch({        initEle: false,        input: $("#" + controlerId)[0],        dataurl: url,        dataparams: params,        hintSize: 20,        hintUpdater: function (item) {// 选中后输入框内容            item = JSON.parse(item);            var data = item.id + "(" + item.name + ")";            return data;        },        hintDisplayText: function (item) {// 列表显示格式            try {                item = JSON.parse(item);                var modal = "(" + item.name + ")";                return modal;            } catch (e) {                return item;            }        },        hintAfterSelect: function (item) {// 选择项目后回调函数            callback(item);        }    }).show();}

function scrollToLocation(id) {    var mainContainer = $(‘#buildingMap‘),        scrollToContainer = mainContainer.find(‘td:contains("‘ + id + ‘")‘);//滚动到<div id="buildingMap">中Id名为id的最后一个span处    mainContainer.animate({        scrollTop: scrollToContainer.offset().top - mainContainer.offset().top + mainContainer.scrollTop()    }, 1000);//2秒滑动到指定位置}

function quickSearch() {    $(".statistic >span").removeClass("active");    $(".personlist").hide().val(‘‘);    $(".perlistclose").unbind(‘click‘);    $("#personquickSearch").typeahead({// 姓名手机号姓名拼音自动提示        source: function (query, process) {            var results = _.map(currSearchList(), function (item) {                return JSON.stringify(item);            });            process(results);        },        autoSelect: true,        items: 10,// 选择列表最多显示条目数        updater: function (item) {// 选中后输入框内容            item = JSON.parse(item);            return item.name + "(" + item.id + ")";        },        displayText: function (item) {// 列表显示格式            try {                item = JSON.parse(item);                return item.name + "(" + item.id + "," + item.nameAlphabet + ")";            } catch (e) {                return item;            }        },        afterSelect: function (item) {// 选择项目后回调函数            if (item) {                var val = item.split(‘(‘)[1].replace(")", ‘‘);                window_temp.CURRID = val;                /*if (val != window_temp.CURRID) {// 追踪换人                 window_temp.CURRID = val;                 switchMapMode(1);                 }*/            }        }    });    $("#personquickSearch").on(‘click‘, function (e) {// 清除追踪

if (e.offsetX > 180) {            $(".quickSearch").removeClass("canclear");            e.preventDefault();            hidePopup();            if (window_temp.MAPMODE != 0) {                switchMapMode(0);            }            $(this).val(null);        }    }).on(‘change‘, function (e) {

if ($(this).val() == ‘‘ || $(this).val() == null) {            e.preventDefault();            hidePopup();            if (window_temp.MAPMODE != 0) {                switchMapMode(0);            }            window_temp.CURRID = null;            window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().clear();            $(‘#devisId‘).text("");            $(‘#happenTime‘).text("");            $(".quickSearch").removeClass("canclear");            $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).hide();            $(‘#realdebugList‘).bootstrapTable(‘destroy‘);        } else {            $(".quickSearch").addClass("canclear");            $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).show();            initHighCharts();            $(‘.searchClear‘).show()        }

}).on(‘mousemove‘, function (e) {        if (e.offsetX > 180) {            $(this).css("cursor", "pointer");        } else {            $(this).css("cursor", "auto");        }    }).on(‘blur‘, function () {        //$(‘#showEchartAndList‘).hide();    });    $(‘.searchImg‘).on(‘click‘, function () {        $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).hide();


function initMapTool() {    if (!window_temp.MAPINIT) {        // 添加自定义业务操作工具栏        var btns = [            // 工具条显示隐藏控制钮            {                id: "toolbar-tool",                tagName: ‘li‘,                className: ‘arrow_down ctl‘,                title: "工具栏",                trigger: ‘click‘,                callback: toolToggle            },            // 地图放大按钮            {id: "toolbar-zoomin", className: ‘zoomin tool‘, title: ‘放大‘, trigger: ‘click‘, callback: toolMapZoomIn},            // 地图缩小按钮            {id: "toolbar-zoomout", className: ‘zoomout tool‘, title: ‘缩小‘, trigger: ‘click‘, callback: toolMapZoomOut},            // 地图还原位置和缩放比例            {id: "toobar-refresh", className: ‘refresh tool‘, title: ‘还原‘, trigger: ‘click‘, callback: toolRefresh},            /*// 地图位置和缩放比例保存             {id:"toobar-layout",className:‘layout tool‘,title:‘地图视图保存‘,trigger:‘click‘,callback:toolLayout},*/            // 历史轨迹控制按钮            {                id: "toolbar-history",                className: ‘history tool‘,                title: ‘轨迹回放‘,                trigger: ‘click‘,                callback: toolHistoryPlay            }        ];        for (var i in btns) {            addBusinessTool({btns: btns[i]});// btns:btns        }        // 统计信息点击事件绑定        $(".statistic >span").each(function () {            $(this).on("click", function () {                var id = $(this).attr("id");                var listid = $(".personlist").val();                var active = $(this).hasClass("active");                if (id == listid) {                    if (active) {                        $(this).removeClass("active");                        $(".personlist").hide().val(‘‘);                        $(".perlistclose").unbind(‘click‘);                        hidePopup();                    }                } else {// 不同区域                    $(".searchBtn").removeClass("active");                    /* $("#personquickSearch").animate({width:‘-180px‘}, "300"); */                    /* $(".quickSearch").hide(); */

var data = $(this).data("persons");                    if (!active) {                        $(this).addClass("active");                    }                    $(".personlist").show();                    $(".perlistclose").on(‘click‘, function () {                        $(".personlist").hide();                        $(".personlist >.personinfo").html(‘‘);                    })                    listPersonArea(id);                }            });        })        // 快速搜索按钮绑定事件        $(".quickSearch").on(‘mouseover‘, quickSearch);    }

// 添加地图操作控件:导航、比例、测距、鹰眼    addControls();

$(".maptool.overview.tool>button").attr("title", "缩略图");    $(".maptool.measure.tool>button").attr("title", "测距");

if (!window_temp.MAPINIT) {        $(".maptool>button").each(function () {            if (!$(this).hasClass("zoomin")                && !$(this).hasClass("zoomout")                && !$(this).hasClass("layout")                && !$(this).hasClass("refresh")) {                $(this).on(‘click‘, function () {                    if ($(this).hasClass("active")) {                        $(this).removeClass("active");                    } else {                        $(this).addClass("active");                    }                });            }        });        $(".maptool.tool").each(function (e) {            $(this).hide();        });

$(".ol-zoom, .ol-zoomslider").remove();        // 添加地图元素事件        addMapElementEvent();    }}

/** * 初始化基础图层和基础业务图层 */function initOneLayer(data) {// 绘制一个图层    if (data.type === ‘fns‘) {        var features = convertToFeature(data);        if (window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘device‘]) {            if (features) {                window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘device‘].layer.getSource().addFeatures(features);            }        }    } else {        var features = convertToFeature(data);        var layer = new ol.layer.Vector({source: new ol.source.Vector({})});        layer.getSource().addFeatures(features);        // layer.setProperties({"layerType":data})        window_temp.MAP.addLayer(layer);        var tool = addLayer(layer, data);// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制        window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool);        /*         * if(data.type==2){//业务图层 if(data.name!=‘校正图层‘){ var tool =         * addLayer(layer, data);//将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制 window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool); }         * }else if(data.type==1){//基础图层 var tool = addLayer(layer,         * {name:"basic"});//将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制 }         */    }}

/** * 初始化人员定位图层 */function initPersonLayer() {    var styleCache = {};    var personlayer = new ol.layer.Vector({        source: new ol.source.Cluster({            distance: 10,            source: new ol.source.Vector({})        }),        style: function (feature, resolution) {            var size = feature.get(‘features‘).length;            var style = styleCache[size];            if (!style) {                if (size == 1) {                    style = [new ol.style.Style({                        image: new ol.style.Circle({                            radius: 10,                            stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            }),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#7FFF00‘                            })                        })                    })];                } else {                    style = [new ol.style.Style({                        image: new ol.style.Circle({                            radius: 10,                            stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            }),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#3399CC‘                            })                        }),                        text: new ol.style.Text({                            text: size.toString(),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            })                        })                    })];                }            } else {                if (size == 1) {                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    if (zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")) {                        style = [new ol.style.Style({image: new ol.style.Icon({src: ‘/sncp/resources/image/person_single.png‘})})];                    } else {                        style = [new ol.style.Style({                            image: new ol.style.Circle({                                radius: 5,                                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                    color: ‘#fff‘                                }),                                fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                    color: ‘#7FFF00‘                                })                            })                        })];                    }                }            }            styleCache[size] = style;            return style;        }    });    window_temp.MAP.addLayer(personlayer);    var tool = addLayer(personlayer, {name: ‘人员图层‘});// 将图层显示/隐藏热纳入控制    window_temp.MAP.addControl(tool);}

/** * 初始化单人跟踪图层 */function initSingleLayer() {    var styleCache = {};    var singlelayer = new ol.layer.Vector({        source: new ol.source.Cluster({            distance: 10,            source: new ol.source.Vector({})        }),        style: function (feature, resolution) {            var size = feature.get(‘features‘).length;            var style = styleCache[size];            if (!style) {                if (size == 1) {                    style = [new ol.style.Style({                        image: new ol.style.Circle({                            radius: 10,                            stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            }),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#7FFF00‘                            })                        })                    })];                } else {                    style = [new ol.style.Style({                        image: new ol.style.Circle({                            radius: 10,                            stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            }),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#3399CC‘                            })                        }),                        text: new ol.style.Text({                            text: size.toString(),                            fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                color: ‘#fff‘                            })                        })                    })];                }            } else {                if (size == 1) {                    var zoom = window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();// window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                    if (zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")) {                        style = [new ol.style.Style({image: new ol.style.Icon({src: ‘/sncp/resources/image/person_single.png‘})})];                    } else {                        style = [new ol.style.Style({                            image: new ol.style.Circle({                                radius: 5,                                stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({                                    color: ‘#fff‘                                }),                                fill: new ol.style.Fill({                                    color: ‘#7FFF00‘                                })                            })                        })];                    }                }            }            styleCache[size] = style;            return style;        }    });    window_temp.MAP.addLayer(singlelayer);    addLayer(singlelayer, {name: ‘single‘});}

/** * 私有处理元素数据为openlayers元素 */function convertToFeature(data) {    var features = new Array();    var busiType = data.type;// 图层业务类型    if (busiType === ‘fns‘) {        /*         * data = data.data; if(data){ var feature ;//元素临时变量 for(var i in data){         * feature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([data[i].x,data[i].y]));         * feature.setStyle( //new ol.style.Style({ image:new         * ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/FN_btn.png‘}) })         * function(resolution){ var zoom =         * window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();//window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom") if( zoom >=         * window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")){ return [new ol.style.Style({image:new         * ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/FN_btn.png‘})})]; }else{         * return [new ol.style.Style({ image: new ol.style.Circle({ radius: 3,         * stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({color: ‘#fff‘}),fill: new         * ol.style.Fill({color: ‘#00f‘}) }) })]; } } );         * feature.setProperties(data[i]); feature.set(‘type‘,‘fn‘);         * features.push(feature); } }         */        return features;    } else {        if (data.elements && data.elements.length > 0) {            for (var i in data.elements) {                var ele = data.elements[i];                var feature = new ol.Feature({                    geometry: new ol.geom.Polygon([JSON.parse(ele.coordinate)])                });                // daFeature.setStyle(JDMapVar.getAreaStyle(data.areaTypeId,"0"));                // daFeature.set("name",data.name);                features.push(feature);

/*                 * var ele = data.elements[i]; var eleType ;                 * if(busiType==2){//业务图层元素                 * if(ele.busiObj&&ele.busiObj.busiType){ eleType =                 * ele.busiObj.busiType; }else{ console.log("data error"); }                 * }else if(busiType==1){//基础图层元素 eleType =ele.type;//1-点 } var                 * type = busiType*10+eleType;//业务图层类型和元素类型 var feature                 * ;//元素临时变量 switch(type){ //业务元素类 case 21://区域 feature = new                 * ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.Polygon(convert(ele.coordinate,‘Polygon‘))); var                 * colors = [‘#f35958‘,‘#eeb559‘,‘#53cda8‘]; var rgbcor =                 * [‘rgba(243,89,88,0.3)‘,‘rgba(238,181,89,0.3)‘,‘rgba(83,205,168,0.3)‘];//限制区,功率区,非限制区                 * feature.setStyle( new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({color:colors[ele.busiObj.type*1-1],                 * width:2}), fill: new ol.style.Fill({color:                 * rgbcor[ele.busiObj.type*1-1]}), text: new ol.style.Text({                 * text:"0人", offsetY:28, scale:1.4, fill: new ol.style.Fill({                 * color: "#fff"//colors[ele.busiObj.type*1-1] }), stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({color:"#fff",//colors[ele.busiObj.type*1-1]                 * width:1}), }) })); break; case 22://标志物 feature = new                 * ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.Point(convert(ele.coordinate,‘Point‘))); break; case                 * 23://CC feature = new ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.Point(convert(ele.coordinate,‘Point‘)));                 * //feature.setStyle(new ol.style.Style({image:new                 * ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/cc.png‘})}));                 * feature.setStyle(function(resolution){ var zoom =                 * window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();//window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                 * if( zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")){ return [new                 * ol.style.Style({image:new                 * ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/CC_btn.png‘})})];                 * }else{ return [new ol.style.Style({ image: new                 * ol.style.Circle({ radius: 6, stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({color: ‘#fff‘}),fill: new                 * ol.style.Fill({color: ‘#fff‘}) }) })]; } }); break; case                 * 24://LINE feature = new ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.LineString(convert(ele.coordinate,‘LineString‘),‘XY‘)) ;                 * feature.setStyle(new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({ color: ‘#FFFFFF‘,//‘rgba(220,200,220,0.8)‘                 * width:2 }) })); break; case 25://微基站 feature = new                 * ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.Point(convert(ele.coordinate,‘Point‘)));                 * feature.setStyle(function(resolution){ var zoom =                 * window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom();//window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")                 * if( zoom >= window_temp.MAP.get("suitzoom")){ return [new                 * ol.style.Style({image:new                 * ol.style.Icon({src:‘../resources/image/mic_station_btn.png‘})})];                 * }else{ return [new ol.style.Style({ image: new                 * ol.style.Circle({ radius: 4, stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({color: ‘#fff‘,width:2}),fill: new                 * ol.style.Fill({color: ‘#0ff‘}) }) })]; } }); break; //基础图层元素                 * case 11://点 feature = new ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.Point(convert(ele.coordinate,‘Point‘))); break; case                 * 12://线 feature = new ol.Feature(new                 * ol.geom.LineString(convert(ele.coordinate,‘LineString‘),‘XY‘));                 * feature.setStyle(new ol.style.Style({ stroke: new                 * ol.style.Stroke({ color: ‘#5e9ce2‘//‘rgba(220,200,220,0.8)‘ })                 * })); break; case 13://多边形 break;                 *                 * default: break; } if(feature){ if(busiType==2){//业务元素 添加业务属性                 * feature.setProperties(ele.busiObj); } features.push(feature); }                 */            }        }        return features;    }}

/** * 转换坐标 */function convert(coodinates, type) {    var result = [];    for (var pos in coodinates) {        result.push([coodinates[pos].x, coodinates[pos].y]);    }    if (type == ‘Polygon‘) {        return [result];    } else if (type == "LineString") {        return result;    } else if (type == "Point") {        return result[0];    }}

/** * 添加地图基础控件 */function addControls() {

if (!window_temp.MAP_CTRLS) {        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS = {};    }    /*     * //缩放滑块控制器 var zoomslider = new ol.control.ZoomSlider();     * window_temp.MAP.addControl(zoomslider);     */

// 比例尺控制器    var scaleControl = new ol.control.Scale({scale: window_temp.SCALE, unit: window_temp.UNIT});    window_temp.MAP.addControl(scaleControl);    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[‘scale‘] = scaleControl;

if (!window_temp.MAPINIT) {        // 地图选择控制器        mapselectControl = new ol.control.mapSelectTool();        window_temp.MAP.addControl(mapselectControl);        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[‘mapselect‘] = mapselectControl;        //window_temp.MAP.getLayers()[0].        //url: getBaseURL()+"module/uploads/"+data.mapUrl,        //imageExtent: [data.minX,data.minY,data.maxX,data.maxY]        /*var layer_temp = new ol.layer.Layer({         source:new ol.source.ImageStatic({         projection:window_temp.MAP.getView().getProjection(),         url: getBaseURL()+"module/uploads/",         imageExtent: [1,1,1,1]         }),         zIndex:1         });*/        // 缩略图控制器(1.1开放)//    console.log(window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘basic‘].layer);//    var overviewmapControl =new ol.control.OverviewMap({//       className: ‘maptool overview tool ol-overviewmap ol-custom-overviewmap‘,// ‘‘,//       layers: [window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘area‘].layer],//[window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘basic‘].layer],// window_temp.MAP.getLayers(),//       collapseLabel: ‘ ‘,// ‘\u00BB‘,//       label: ‘ ‘,// ‘\u00AB‘,//       collapsed: true//    });//    window_temp.MAP.addControl(overviewmapControl);//    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS[‘overview‘]=overviewmapControl;        // 测量控制器        var measureControl = new ol.control.Measure({            tipLabel: ‘测距‘,            scale: window_temp.SCALE,            unit: window_temp.UNIT,            className: ‘maptool measure tool‘,            label: ‘ ‘,            collapseLabel: ‘ ‘,            openLabel: ‘ ‘,            zIndex: 6        });        window_temp.MAP.addControl(measureControl);        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.measure = measureControl;        measureControl.renderOver = false;    } else {        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.measure.scale_ = window_temp.SCALE;        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.measure.unit_ = window_temp.UNIT;        window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.measure.renderOver = false;//    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.overview.ovmap_.getLayers().forEach(function(e,a,i){//       window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.overview.ovmap_.removeLayer(e);//    })//    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.overview.ovmap_.addLayer(window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘basic‘].layer);//    window_temp.MAP_CTRLS.overview.changed();    }

/*     * var drawControl = new ol.control.Draw({tipLabel: ‘区域查询‘,     * callback:areaSearch,className:‘maptool area tool‘,label:‘     * ‘,collapseLabel:‘ ‘,openLabel:‘ ‘}); window_temp.MAP.addControl(drawControl);     */

/*     * //全屏控制器 var fullscreenControl = new ol.control.FullScreen({tipLabel:     * ‘全屏‘,className:‘maptool fullscr tool‘,label:‘ ‘,collapseLabel:‘     * ‘,openLabel:‘ ‘}); window_temp.MAP.addControl(fullscreenControl);     */

if (window_temp.DEBUG_MODE) {        if (!window_temp.MOUSE_CTRL) {            window_temp.MOUSE_CTRL = new ol.control.MousePosition({                coordinateFormat: function (coordinate) {                    return ol.coordinate.format(coordinate,                        "X:{x},Y:{y},Zoom:" + window_temp.MAP.getView().getZoom()                        , 2);                },                className: ‘custom-mouse-position‘,                target: document.getElementById("locinfo"),                undefinedHTML: ‘‘            });            window_temp.MAP.addControl(window_temp.MOUSE_CTRL);        }    }


/** * 切换地图 */function switchMap(id, value) {    if (id != $(‘#currentMapId‘).val()) {        $(‘#currentMapId‘).val(id);        window_temp.LOCAL_MAP_LAYERS = {};        if (window_temp.MAPMODE == 1) {            $(".quickSearch").removeClass("canclear");            switchMapMode(0);            $("#personquickSearch").val("");        }        hidePopup();        window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘person‘].layer.getSource().getSource().clear();        //切换地图隐藏线        window_temp.MAP_LAYERS[‘line‘].getSource().clear();        window_temp.CURRID = null;        $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).hide()        $(‘#devisId‘).text("");        $(‘#happenTime‘).text("");        $(‘#realdebugList‘).bootstrapTable(‘destroy‘);        if($(‘#personquickSearch‘).val() !=undefined){            $(‘.searchImg‘).show()        }else {            $(‘.searchImg‘).hide()        }        if (!$(‘#currentMapId‘).val() || id!=datamapid) {

$(‘#personquickSearch‘).val(null)            $(‘#showEchartAndList‘).hide()            $(‘.searchImg‘).hide()        }        loadMapData(id, true);        /*initOlPlugin();         initMapTool();*/    }    $("#mapquickSearch").val("");    $(‘#mapselect‘).hide();    $(‘.ol-control.layertool‘).hide()}/* ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 地图选择工具↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ */

/* ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 地图业务控制工具↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ *//** * 添加地图业务工具栏 */function addBusinessTool(opt) {    businessTool = function (opt_options) {        var options = opt_options || {};//    var element = goog.dom.createDom(‘DIV‘,//          ‘maptool ol-unselectable ol-control ‘+opt_options.btns.className);        var element = document.createElement(‘div‘);        element.className = ‘maptool ol-unselectable ol-control ‘ + opt_options.btns.className;        var button = createToolbarBtn(options.btns);        element.appendChild(button);        ol.control.Control.call(this, {            element: element,            target: options.target        });

};    ol.inherits(businessTool, ol.control.Control);    window_temp.MAP.addControl(new businessTool(opt));}

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//重新计算表格高度$(window).resize(function () {    $(‘#realdebugList‘).bootstrapTable(‘resetView‘, {height: parseInt(getClientHeight() - 93)});})
时间: 2024-08-11 01:58:55


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原文:http://www.jb51.net/article/74564.htm 一.连接数据库 格式:mysql -h主机地址 -u用户名 -p用户密码 1.1.连接到本机上的MYSQL. 首先打开DOS窗口,然后进入目录mysql\bin,再键入命令mysql -u root -p,回车后提示你输密码. 注意用户名前可以有空格也可以没有空格,但是密码前必须没有空格,否则让你重新输入密码. 如果刚安装好MYSQL,超级用户root是没有密码的,故直接回车即可进入到MYSQL中了,MYSQL的提


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