October 14th 2017 Week 41st Saturday

I was well beaten myself, and I am beffer for it.


For most of us, the life road can‘t be as easy and smooth as we had expected, it is inevitable that we would experience failures, frustrations and losses.

No doubt the effects of them are often negative, but we can choose to react against them with positive attitudes to retrive something beneficial from those unfortunate experiences.

We can learn from them, so that we can‘t fall down twice in the same way.

The next time we meet the same problems again, we would know how to deal with them, compared to the last time, we have become better.

What people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.


From Henry David Thoreau.

Take people‘s suggestion seriously, sometimes the harsh words may be the truth, for it provides an outernal view on yourself.

We always need to get the recogonition of the public, that doesn‘t depend on what we talk, but on what we do, and the down-to earth results presented by us.

Yesterday, my compilation of ros for raspberry-pi failed with an "internal compiler error", according to the tutorial, the problem was caused by memory exhaustion.

I have never met with such problems before, now I knew how to fix it by adding the swap-memory and I got the conception about making my program more efficient and lighter.

The time I spent in waiting for the termination of the compilation was worthwhile, wasn‘t it?


时间: 2024-08-30 02:13:58

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