Language Model

##notes for lec2-2.pdf about language model

Evaluating a Language Model

Intuition about Perplexity

Evaluating N‐grams with Perplexity

Sparsity is Always a Problem
    Dealing with Sparsity
        General approach: modify observed counts to improve estimates
            – Discounting:  allocate  probability mass for unobserved
            events by discounting counts for observed events

– Interpolation: approximate counts of N‐gram using  
            combination of estimates from related denser histories

– Back‐off: approximate counts of unobserved N‐gram based
            on the proportion of back‐off events (e.g., N‐1 gram)

Add‐One Smoothing
                ? We have V words in the vocabulary, N is the number of words
                in the training set
                ? Smooth observed counts by adding one to all the counts and
                – Unigram case:
                – Bigram  case:
                ? More general case:  add‐α, when α is added instead of one.

Linear Interpolation

Tuning Hyperparameters
                ? Both add‐α and linear interpolation have hyperparameters.
                ? The selection of their values is crucial for the smoothing
                The selection of their values is crucial for the smoothing
                ? Their values are tuned to maximize the likelihood of held‐out
                – For linear interpolation, we will use EM to find optimal
                parameters (in few lectures)

Kneser‐Ney Smoothing
                ? Observed n‐grams occur more in the training data than in the
                new data
                ? Absolute discounting: count*(x)=count(x)‐d
                P ad ( w i | w i ? 1 ) =
                count ( w i , w i ? 1 ) ? d
                + α P ? ( w i )
                count ( w i ? 1 )
                ? Distribute the remaining mass based on the skewness in the
                distribution of the lower order N‐gram (i.e., the number of
                words it can follow)
                P ? ( w i ) ∝ | w i ? 1 : count ( w i , w i ? 1 ) > 0 |
                ? Kneser‐Ney is repeatedly proven as very successful estimator

时间: 2024-07-29 23:00:12

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论文地址: 论文给出了NNLM的框架图: 针对论文,实现代码如下: 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 # @time : 2019/10/26 12:20 3 4 import numpy as np 5 import torch 6 import torch.nn as nn 7 import torch.optim as optim 8 from