Callback的本质是设置一个函数指针进去,然后在需要需要触发某个事件时调用该方法, 比如Windows的窗口消息处理函数就是这种类型。比如下面的示例代码,我们在Download完成时需要触发一个通知外面的事件:
#include <iostream> typedef void (__stdcall *DownloadCallback)(const char *pURL,bool OK); void DownLoadFile(const char *pURL,DownloadCallback callback) { std::cout<<"downloading..."<<pURL<<""<<std::endl; callback(pURL,true); } void __stdcall onDownloadFinished(const char* pURL,bool bOK) { std::cout<<"onDownloadFinished..."<<pURL<<" status:"<<bOK<<std::endl; } void main() { DownLoadFile("http://wwww.baidu.com",onDownloadFinished); system("pause"); }
Sink的本质是你按照对方要求实现一个C++接口,然后把你实现的接口设置给对方,对方需要触发事件时调用该接口, COM中连接点就是居于这种方式。上面下载文件的需求,如果用Sink实现,代码如下:
//2. sink方式 class IDownloadSink { public: virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char *pURL,bool bOK) = 0; }; class CMyDownloader { public: CMyDownloader (IDownloadSink *pSink) :m_pSink(pSink) { } void DownloadFile(const char* pURL) { std::cout<<"downloading..."<<pURL<<""<<std::endl; if(m_pSink!=NULL) { m_pSink->OnDownloadFinished(pURL,true); } } private: IDownloadSink *m_pSink; }; class CMyFile:public IDownloadSink { public: void download() { CMyDownloader downloader(this); downloader.DownloadFile("www.baidu.com"); } virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char *pURL,bool bOK) { std::cout<<"onDownloadFinished..."<<pURL<<" status:"<<bOK<<std::endl; } }; void main() { CMyFile *file = new CMyFile(); file->download(); system("pause"); }
小结:从上面的代码中可以看出,IDownloadSink 接口是一种约定,CMyDownloader 是接口的使用者,CMyFile是接口的实现者。他们两者之间是通过IDownloadSink 进行解耦的,使他们可以专注于自己的实现,接口的使用者CMyDownloader只管怎么使用接口的,接口怎么实现他不必关心;而接口的实现者IDownloadSink 他只管实现接口,接口怎么去用他不关心。维系两者关系的就是接口约定IDownloadSink 。
class CDownloadDelegateBase { public: virtual void Fire(const char* pURL, bool bOK) = 0; }; template<typename O, typename T> class CDownloadDelegate: public CDownloadDelegateBase { typedef void (T::*Fun)(const char*, bool); public: CDownloadDelegate(O* pObj = NULL, Fun pFun = NULL) :m_pFun(pFun), m_pObj(pObj) { } virtual void Fire(const char* pURL, bool bOK) { if(m_pFun != NULL && m_pObj != NULL) { (m_pObj->*m_pFun)(pURL, bOK); } } private: Fun m_pFun; O* m_pObj; }; template<typename O, typename T> CDownloadDelegate<O,T>* MakeDelegate(O* pObject, void (T::*pFun)(const char* pURL, bool)) { return new CDownloadDelegate<O, T>(pObject, pFun); } class CDownloadEvent { public: ~CDownloadEvent() { vector<CDownloadDelegateBase*>::iterator itr = m_arDelegates.begin(); while (itr != m_arDelegates.end()) { delete *itr; ++itr; } m_arDelegates.clear(); } void operator += (CDownloadDelegateBase* p) { m_arDelegates.push_back(p); } void operator -= (CDownloadDelegateBase* p) { ITR itr = remove(m_arDelegates.begin(), m_arDelegates.end(), p); ITR itrTemp = itr; while (itrTemp != m_arDelegates.end()) { delete *itr; ++itr; } m_arDelegates.erase(itr, m_arDelegates.end()); } void operator()(const char* pURL, bool bOK) { ITR itrTemp = m_arDelegates.begin(); while (itrTemp != m_arDelegates.end()) { (*itrTemp)->Fire(pURL, bOK); ++itrTemp; } } private: vector<CDownloadDelegateBase*> m_arDelegates; typedef vector<CDownloadDelegateBase*>::iterator ITR; }; class CMyDownloaderEx { public: void DownloadFile(const char* pURL) { cout << "downloading: " << pURL << "" << endl; downloadEvent(pURL, true); } CDownloadEvent downloadEvent; }; class CMyFileEx { public: void download() { CMyDownloaderEx downloader; downloader.downloadEvent += MakeDelegate(this, &CMyFileEx::OnDownloadFinished); downloader.DownloadFile("www.baidu.com"); } virtual void OnDownloadFinished(const char* pURL, bool bOK) { cout << "OnDownloadFinished, URL:" << pURL << " status:" << bOK << endl; } };
Yet Another C#-style Delegate Class in Standard C++
Member Function Pointers and the Fastest Possible C++ Delegates
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { DownloadFile("www.baidu.com", OnDownloadFinished); CMyFile f1; f1.download(); CMyFileEx ff; ff.download(); system("pause"); return 0; }
第二种Sink的方法是面向对象的,在C++里使用较多, 可以在一个Sink里封装一组回调接口,适用于一系列比较固定的回调事件。