Codeforces Round #590 (Div. 3)补题

要想上2000分,先刷几百道2000+的题再说 ———某神

题目 E F
赛时是否尝试 × ×
tag math bitmask
难度 2000 2400
状态 ?




已知: 一个字符串,可进行不超过一次操作
操作限定: 选择某个子串,使其在原串中翻转

与a 01互补的“串”不一定出现在原串中,所以对于每一个串,我们都要求出其最大的合法长度,以便我们最后计算答案

#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i)
#define per(i,a,b) for(int i = (a);i>=(b);--i)
#define fo(i,a,b) for(int i =(a);i<(b);++i)
#define de(x) cout<<#x<<" = "<<x<<endl;
#define endl '\n'
#define mem(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a));
#define ls(p) ((p)<<1)
#define rs(p) (((p)<<1)|1)
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int mn = 105;

int main(){
    string s;
    cin >> s;

    vector <int> dp(1<<20);
    for(int i = 0; i < int(s.size()); ++i){//  start char of substring
        vector<bool> used(20);
        int mask = 0;
        for(int j = 0; i + j < int(s.size()); ++j){
            if(used[s[i + j]-'a']) break; // current char has appear in the substring
            used[s[i+j]-'a'] = true;        // update mask
            mask |= 1<<(s[i+j]-'a');        // update dp hashtable
            dp[mask] = __builtin_popcount(mask);
    for(int mask = 0;mask < (1<<20);++mask){
        for (int pos = 0; pos < 20;++pos) {
            if((mask >> pos) & 1) {
                dp[mask] = max(dp[mask],dp[mask ^ (1 << pos)]);
                //because mask ^ (1<<pos) < mask, dp[mask ^ (1 << pos)] have been iterated

    int ans = 0;
    for(int mask = 0;mask < (1<<20);++mask) {
        if(dp[mask] == __builtin_popcount(mask)){
                one interger's mask is absolutely less than or equal to itself
                if mask unequals to itself ,that mean this substring do not appear
                but it can show the complement string's max number
            int comp = ~mask & ((1 << 20)-1);
            // get complement string's max number
            ans = max(ans,dp[mask] + dp[comp]);


时间: 2024-08-27 21:33:50

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