M_LROOT,LD_LIBRARY_PATH, “Not all extension Dlls were loaded”问题原因及解决方法



1、Upload Linux.zip to 指定的机器

2、解压,chmod 777 $Linux/installer.sh





export PRODUCT_DIR="/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator"
export M_LROOT="/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$M_LROOT/bin:$M_LROOT/lib:/usr/lib
export DISPLAY=‘0.0‘
export PATH=$PATH:${M_LROOT}/bin


chmod 777 env.sh

3、在环境变量中使用该文件,在/etc/profile 和/etc/bashrc 最后加入:

source /opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/env.sh


echo $M_LROOT
echo $PATH





(1)/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/limithost: /opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/chk_thread_lmt: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

sudo yum install glibc.i686

(2)/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/chk_thread_lmt: error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/limithost: line 134: [: : integer expression expected

sudo yum install libgcc-4.4.7-11.el6.i686.rpm


7、启动linux agent 进程(在/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/下)。成功后可以看到进程号,如果失败在/tmp下有个m_daemon***.log 文件去查看失败原因。

./m_daemon_setup start

三、controller连接、场景试跑,报错:Not all extension Dlls were loaded

分析:开始以为本地Dll路径不对,百度一下,HP的论坛里这个问题很多人提问,但回答都说是linux agent的配置错误。



解决 M_LROOT变量找不到的问题修改: /opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/vusrchk中288行,将unset M_LROOT下移到289行后面

269       my_shell="/bin/$my_shell"
270    else
271       temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY ‘ 2> /dev/null`
272       if [ "$temp" = "MERCURY" ];then
273          echo "Failed $trail"
274          remote_install=1
275          echo "_____Failed to run $my_shell. $trail"
276          exit 1
277       fi
278    fi
279 fi
281 if [ $found_ksh != 0 ]; then
282    ENV="$HOME/.profile"
283    export ENV
284 fi
286 echo $ECHO_N  "Verify \$M_LROOT ...$ECHO_C"
287 save_m_lroot="$M_LROOT"
288 #unset M_LROOT
289 temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY $M_LROOT ‘ 2> /dev/null`
290 unset M_LROOT
291 new_m_lroot=`echo $temp | $SED -e ‘s/.*MERCURY[ ]*\(.*\)/\1/‘`
293 if [ "$new_m_lroot" = "" ]; then
294         echo "Failed $trail"
295         remote_install=1
296         echo "_____It was not possible to set the \$M_LROOT from $trail"
297         echo "_____the shell dot files. One of several things might be happening: $trail"
298         echo "_____1) \$M_LROOT is not set at all in the shell dot files. $trail"
299         echo "_____2) There is some error in the shell dot files which stops their execution $trail"
300         echo "_____   before it sets \$M_LROOT. $trail"
301         echo "_____3) There is conditional code in the shell dot files (most likely related to $trail"
302         echo "_____   interactive and non interactive shells) and \$M_LROOT is set $trail"
303         echo "_____   only in one of the sections. $trail"
304         echo "_____Aborting virtual user tests on host `$HOSTNAME` $trail"



    348 case "$os_name" in
    349 HP-UX)
    350    temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY $SHLIB_PATH ‘ 2> /dev/null`
    351    ;;
    352 AIX)
    353    temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY $LIBPATH ‘ 2> /dev/null`
    354    ;;
    355 SunOS|Linux)
    356    #temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ‘ 2> /dev/null`
    357    temp=`$my_shell -c ‘ echo MERCURY ${M_LROOT}/bin ‘ 2> /dev/null`
    358    ;;
    359 esac


Verify running the product executables...Failed
_____Failed to run the product executables.
mdrv: error while loading shared libraries: libdriver.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

(1)  先find下,看下libdriver.so所在目录

[[email protected] bin]$ find . -name "libdriver.so"
[[email protected] bin]$ pwd

(2)将该路径加入/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/vusrchk 文件中

修改/opt/HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/vusrchk,在483行处再加入一次这个lib的路径:export  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/${M_LROOT}/bin

    469 echo $ECHO_N "Verify that the product executables are run from \$M_LROOT/bin...$ECHO_C"
    470 which_mdrv=`$my_shell -c ‘which mdrv‘ | $AWK  ‘{which_mdrv=$0} END{print which_mdrv}‘`
    471 if [ "$which_mdrv" != "$PRODUCT_DIR/bin/mdrv" ]; then
    472    wrong_path=`echo $which_mdrv | $SED -e ‘s/\/mdrv//‘`
    473    echo "Failed $trail"
    474    remote_install=1
    475    echo "_____The product executables are run from $wrong_path $trail"
    476    echo "_____and not from $PRODUCT_DIR/bin. $trail"
    477    echo "_____Make sure that the PATH environment variable contains $trail"
    478    echo "_____$PRODUCT_DIR/bin before $trail"
    479    echo "_____$wrong_path. $trail"
    480    exit 1
    481 else
    482   echo "OK $trail"
    483 fi
    484 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/${M_LROOT}/bin
    486 echo $ECHO_N "Verify running the product executables...$ECHO_C"
    487 rm -f /tmp/verify_mdrv_err.txt
    488 if [ $found_ksh != 0 ]; then
    489    $my_shell -c ‘(mdrv > /dev/null) 2> /tmp/verify_mdrv_err.txt‘ > /dev/null
    490 else
    491    $my_shell -c ‘(mdrv > /dev/null) >& /tmp/verify_mdrv_err.txt‘ > /dev/null
    492 fi

至此./verfify_generator 已可以验证通过。

启动: ./m_daemon_setup start 执行成功。

四、再次使用Control验证“Not all extension Dlls were loaded”,该问题消失。

It work!~~~


M_LROOT、LD_LIBRARY_PATH和libdriver.so找不到,主要原因是LR提供的/opt /HP/HP_LoadGenerator/bin/lrv/vusrchk脚本中代码存在问题引起.写在这里,方便各位测试同仁遇到问题时不会无厘头的到处查问题,少走些弯路。当然我的代码中使用写死的办法完全是“头痛医头,脚痛医脚”的方法,后续有时间时会继续针对该代码进行调整,以解决代码通用性问题,欢迎各位点赞或拍砖!~

时间: 2025-01-10 06:42:52

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