c++ 名字粉碎(name mangling)


Name mangling is the encoding of
function and variable names into unique names so that linkers can separate
common names in the language. Type names may also be mangled. The
compiler generates function names with an encoding of the types of the function
arguments when the module is compiled. Name
mangling is commonly used to facilitate the overloading feature and visibility
within different scopes. Name mangling also applies to variable names. If
a variable is in a namespace, the name of the namespace is mangled into the
variable name so that the same variable name can exist in more than one
namespace. The C++ compiler also mangles C variable names to identify the
namespace in which the C variable resides.

The scheme for producing a mangled name differs with the object model used to
compile the source code: the mangled name of an object of a class compiled using
one object model will be different from that of an object of the same class
compiled using a different object model. The object model is controlled by
compiler option or by pragma.

Name mangling is not desirable when linking C modules with libraries or
object files compiled with a C++ compiler. To prevent the C++ compiler from
mangling the name of a function, you can apply the extern
 linkage specifier to the declaration or declarations, as shown in
the following example:

extern "C" {
int f1(int);
int f2(int);
int f3(int);

This declaration tells the compiler that references to the functions f1, f2,
and f3 should not be mangled.

The extern
 linkage specifier can also be used to prevent mangling of
functions that are defined in C++ so that they can be called from C. For

extern "C" {
void p(int){
/* not mangled */


时间: 2024-10-06 11:49:01

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