Careers/Staffing Index

Careers/Staffing Index

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IT Salary 2017
By James Maguire | Careers/Staffing Article Published on December 08, 2016
IT salary increases in 2017 indicate that IT professionals are in high demand – pushing IT salaries steadily higher.

Top 10 Free IT Certification Training Resources
By Cynthia Harvey | Careers/Staffing Article Published on December 01, 2016
Getting an IT cert can be an expensive proposition. These websites can help you prepare for your exam without emptying your bank account.

Decentralized IT Management Becoming the New Normal
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on November 17, 2016
Digital transformation is clouding how IT departments control their organization‘s data and technology investments, says a new VMware study.

IT Job Market Growth Slows
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on November 11, 2016
An analysis from Janco Associates reveals that IT job creation in 2016 isn‘t as brisk as it was last year.

Soft Skills: An IT Career Must-Have
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on November 03, 2016
Of course technical knowledge is essential, but job seekers may also want to develop their soft skills to land a coveted IT position in 2017.

Top 10 Best-Paying IT Certs
By Cynthia Harvey | Careers/Staffing Article Published on November 01, 2016
Many of the top-paying IT certifications are related to security, networking and cloud computing.

How CIOs Are Adapting to Digital Transformation
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on October 28, 2016
Shadow IT departments, new spending patterns and other changes await CIOs whose organizations are undergoing the digital transformation.

IT Salary: IT and Engineering Workers Got a Near 4% Pay Bump in 2015
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on October 14, 2016
The biggest IT salary gainers are systems and control specialists who saw their salaries rise by nearly 9 percent.

IT Salary: 12 Best-Paying IT Jobs
By Cynthia Harvey | Careers/Staffing Article Published on October 11, 2016
If your job title includes the words "data" or "architect," you can expect a large salary for 2017.

Government CIOs and the IT Talent Gap
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on September 23, 2016
Faced with an aging workforce, federal agencies are having a tough time hiring fresh tech talent. States, meanwhile, are getting innovative in recruiting IT workers.

CIOs Trail CMOs in Digital Transformation
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on September 21, 2016
Although digital transformation is a tech-reliant process, CMOs are more likely than CIOs to lead this journey, indicates new research from the Altimeter Group.

10 Tips for a Higher IT Salary
By Cynthia Harvey | Careers/Staffing Article Published on September 19, 2016
Looking for a higher IT salary? These moves could help you become more marketable.

How to Become a DevOps Engineer
By Guest Author | Careers/Staffing Article Published on August 18, 2016
Companies are eager to hire DevOps engineers, and it is not unusual for salaries of $200,000 or more to be offered to DevOps team leaders.

Executive Leadership Is Overwhelmingly Focused on Digital Transformation
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on August 10, 2016
A new study from QuickBase finds that the vast majority of C-level executives are bullish about their organizations‘ digital transformation efforts.

Employee Productivity Driving Digital Transformation in the Enterprise
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on July 27, 2016
Businesses are hoping to improve their workers‘ productivity by embracing digital transformation initiatives, but lax security may stifle their progress, finds a recent study from Dell.

CIOs Grapple with IT Skills Shortage
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on June 06, 2016
More technology leaders have a direct line to the CEO but many are finding it hard to find skilled workers, according to the Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey.

Microsoft Build and Women in Technology
By Rob Enderle | Careers/Staffing Article Published on March 31, 2016
A student panel at the Microsoft developer conference highlighted some of the diversity problems in the industry.

Chief Digital Officer or Chief IoT Officer?
By Jeff Kaplan | Careers/Staffing Article Published on February 18, 2016
How many C-suite executives have the organizational skills to play the role of CDO or Chief IoT Officer?

Rise of the Chief Data Officer
By Pedro Hernandez | Careers/Staffing Article Published on February 11, 2016
Recognizing the value of business data, enterprises are increasingly welcoming a new member to the CxO club, according to Gartner.

时间: 2024-08-07 00:14:52

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