C#轻量级企业事务 - TransactionScope

 1 using System;
 2 using System.Data.SqlClient;
 3 using System.Transactions;
 5 namespace SomeDBTransaction
 6 {
 7     class Program
 8     {
 9         static void Main(string[] args)
10         {
11             string con1 = "SERVER=.; DATABASE=db1; UID=sa; PWD=llh";
12             string con2 = "SERVER=.; DATABASE=db2; UID=sa; PWD=llh";
13             string sqlStr1 = "U_t1";
14             string sqlStr2 = "U_t1";
16             int resu=CreateTransactionScope(con1, con2, sqlStr1, sqlStr2);
17             Console.WriteLine("受影响的行数:"+resu);
19             Console.Read();
20         }
22         // This function takes arguments for 2 connection strings and commands to create a transaction
23         // involving two SQL Servers. It returns a value > 0 if the transaction is committed, 0 if the
24         // transaction is rolled back. To test this code, you can connect to two different databases
25         // on the same server by altering the connection string, or to another 3rd party RDBMS by
26         // altering the code in the connection2 code block.
27         static public int CreateTransactionScope(
28             string connectString1, string connectString2,
29             string commandText1, string commandText2)
30         {
31             // Initialize the return value to zero and create a StringWriter to display results.
32             int returnValue = 0;
33             System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
35             try
36             {
37                 // Create the TransactionScope to execute the commands, guaranteeing
38                 // that both commands can commit or roll back as a single unit of work.
39                 using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
40                 {
41                     using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connectString1))
42                     {
43                         // Opening the connection automatically enlists it in the
44                         // TransactionScope as a lightweight transaction.
45                         connection1.Open();
47                         // Create the SqlCommand object and execute the first command.
48                         SqlCommand command1 = new SqlCommand(commandText1, connection1);
49                         command1.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
50                         returnValue = command1.ExecuteNonQuery();
51                         writer.WriteLine("Rows to be affected by command1: {0}", returnValue);
53                         // If you get here, this means that command1 succeeded. By nesting
54                         // the using block for connection2 inside that of connection1, you
55                         // conserve server and network resources as connection2 is opened
56                         // only when there is a chance that the transaction can commit.
57                         using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(connectString2))
58                         {
59                             // The transaction is escalated to a full distributed
60                             // transaction when connection2 is opened.
61                             connection2.Open();
63                             // Execute the second command in the second database.
64                             returnValue = 0;
65                             SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(commandText2, connection2);
66                             command1.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
67                             returnValue = command2.ExecuteNonQuery();
68                             writer.WriteLine("Rows to be affected by command2: {0}", returnValue);
69                         }
70                     }
72                     // The Complete method commits the transaction. If an exception has been thrown,
73                     // Complete is not  called and the transaction is rolled back.
74                     scope.Complete();
76                 }
78             }
79             catch (TransactionAbortedException ex)
80             {
81                 writer.WriteLine("TransactionAbortedException Message: {0}", ex.Message);
82             }
83             catch (ApplicationException ex)
84             {
85                 writer.WriteLine("ApplicationException Message: {0}", ex.Message);
86             }
87             catch (Exception ex)
88             {
89                 writer.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}",ex.Message);
90             }
91             // Display messages.
92             Console.WriteLine(writer.ToString());
94             return returnValue;
95         }
96     }
99 }


代码很简单啦 ~~,就多加了一个using而已

C#轻量级企业事务 - TransactionScope

时间: 2024-08-15 04:54:56

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