August 26th 2017 Week 34th Saturday

Love means finding the beauty in someone‘s imperfections.


Our mate isn‘t actually perfect, but if we want to build a healthy relationship, it is a good way to consider the person is perfect for us, her flaws and all.

If you love her with a true heart, you will be concerned about her, you will take an interest in all the things that attract her and cherish her above anyone else.

Do something every day that you don‘t want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.


From Mark Twain.

I have read the references of PX2 for several days, but I haven‘t successfully run the cameras yet.

I tried a few times with the examples, the output was not satisfying at all, and even worse, I found I couldn‘t understand what the error-messages meant.

So I gave up, at least I thought I should suspend the task for several days.

But that is the very thing I should finish first, otherwise those subsequent works can‘t start as planned.

时间: 2024-10-14 06:30:41

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