OEM Web Tier重启问题

Web Tier重启问题描述:
Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c ( issues – yodContextUnwrap(,FALSE)
Posted on 22/10/2012
Today we started with the new version of the Oracle Cloud Control on OEL 6.3 (x64), and as soon as I turned on notifications, my inbox filled up with messages about the OGC WebTier beeing down. This was not true, and trying to get control of the webtier in OGC was not possible.
The logs filled up with this message

[2012-10-22T10:28:52.1857+02:00] [OHS] [INCIDENT_ERROR:10] [OHS-501] [mod_context.c] [host_id: xxx] [host_addr: xxx] [pid: 26522] [tid: 139633992931072] [user: oracle] [VirtualHost: main] yodContextUnwrap(,FALSE) failed

During my quest to find a solution to this problem, I also came across a bug that causes logrotate not to work unless you install this package:

yum install compat-expat1.x86_64

But that is a different issue.

Looking into this i noticed that the agent on my Enterprise manager server was still running version
Since I had little or no reference to this error on MOS or in the forums, I thought it might be a good idea to restart my EM, and to
start it with the agent instead.
This issue was not a problem when both the OMS and agent was at the same version.
Upgrading the agent/OMS make sure you are running both at the same version, as Oracle will not alert you to wrong version of the agent being used.
Since starting the agent my issue as been resolved, and that annoying email every 16 sec is gone.

WebLogic Server Plugin version 1.1 <WLSPLUGINS_11.>
Oracle-Application-Server-11g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server (Unix) mod_ssl/ OtherSSL/0.0.0 mod_plsql/ mod_onsint/2.0 configured -- resuming normal operations
The HTTP Server instance is down
CLEARED - The HTTP Server instance is up

but it clears itself within minutes. Still manages to spam my mailbox.
This started last night after upgrading the Database plug-in to
Oracle Support pointed me to a tech note with titel: Cloud Control : False Alerts about EMGC_GCDomain/instance1/ohs1 Target Down (Doc ID 1496775.1)
This provides a link to a patch (p13490778_111160_Generic.zip). Opatch apply that one on all OMS installs and restart all. Fixed.

--The END--

时间: 2024-07-28 22:23:28

OEM Web Tier重启问题的相关文章


jps -lvm|grep "young_rd_10004" | awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill -9; sleep 3; /home/web_server/apis/young_rd_10004/bin/startup.sh 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/koushr/p/11799220.html


相关知识: gzip是http协议中使用的一种加密算法,客户端向web服务器端发出了请求后,通常情况下服务器端会将页面文件和其他资源,返回到客户端,客户端加载后渲染呈现,这种情况文件一般都比较大,如果开启Gzip ,那么服务器端响应后,会将页面,JS,CSS等文本文件或者其他文件通过高压缩算法将其压缩,然后传输到客户端,由客户端的浏览器负责解压缩与呈现.通常能节省40%以上的流量(一般都有60%左右),一些PHP,JSP文件也能够进行压缩. 1.实现: Tomcat 开启Gzip : 1.找到T


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修改和获取web.config或app.config文件appSettings配置节中的Add里的value属性 函数

1: /// <summary> 2: /// 修改web.config或app.config文件appSettings配置节中的Add里的value属性 3: /// </summary> 4: /// <remarks> 5: /// 注意,调用该函数后,会使整个Web Application重启,导致当前所有的会话丢失 6: /// </remarks> 7: /// <param name="key">要修改的键key

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刚刚开始学OCP.第一关,安装,被折腾得稀碎...查询了大量资料,多次失败后终于总结出一些经验,简单整理如下. 需要注意的是:如果想尝试我提供的环境设置脚本,一定要根据自己的实际情况修改变量! Centos6安装oracle10g一.安装流程1.最小安装Centos6.6虚拟机(虚拟机系统推荐Virtualbox https://www.virtualbox.org ),Centos6镜像地址 http://mirrors.163.com/centos/6.6/isos/x86_64/CentO

10.23 linux任务计划cron10.24chkconfig工具10.25 systemd管理服务10.26 unit介绍 10.27 target介绍

- 10.23 linux任务计划cron - 10.24 chkconfig工具 - 10.25 systemd管理服务 - 10.26 unit介绍 - 10.27 target介绍 - 扩展 1. anacron http://blog.csdn.net/strikers1982/article/details/4787226  2. xinetd服(默认机器没有安装这个服务,需要yum install xinetd安装) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_46