In his memoir So, Anyway. . ., comedian John Cleese writes of the class di erence between his father(who was "middle-middle-middle-lower-middle class") and his mother (who was "upper-upper-lower-middle class"). These fine distinctions between classes tend to confuse American readers, so you are to write a program to sort a group of people by their classes to show the true distinctions.
There are three main classes: upper, middle, and lower. Obviously, upper class is the highest,and lower class is the lowest. But there can be distinctions within a class, so upper-upper is ahigher class than middle-upper, which is higher than lower-upper. However, all of the upper classes(upper-upper, middle-upper, and lower-upper) are higher than any of the middle classes.
Within a class like middle-upper, there can be further distinctions as well, leading to classes like lower-middle-upper-middle-upper. When comparing classes, once you‘ve reached the lowest level of detail, you should assume that all further classes are the equivalent to the middle level of the previous level of detail. So upper class and middle-upper class are equivalent, as are middle-middle-lower-middle and lower-middle.
The rst line of input containsn(1<=n<=1 000), the number of names to follow. Each of the followingnlines contains the name of a person (a sequence of 1 or more lowercase letters `a‘-`z‘),a colon, a space, and then the class of the person. The class of the person will include one or more modifiers and then the word class. The colon, modi ers, and the wordclasswill be separatedfrom each other by single spaces. All modifiers are one of upper,middle, or lower. It is guaranteed that the input is well-formed. Additionally, no two people have the same name. Input lines are no longer than 256 characters.
Print the n names, each on a single line, from highest to lowest class. If two people have equivalent classes, they should be listed in alphabetical order by name.
//Sample Input 5 mom: upper upper lower middle class dad: middle middle lower middle class queenelizabeth: upper upper class chair: lower lower class unclebob: middle lower middle class 10 rich: lower upper class mona: upper upper class dave: middle lower class charles: middle class tom: middle class william: lower middle class carl: lower class violet: middle class frank: lower class mary: upper class //Sample Output queenelizabeth mom dad unclebob chair mona mary rich charles tom violet william carl dave frank
给定的所在班级的顺序为从后到前排列,例如 upper lower class是低于lower upper class(先比较class之前的,以此往前推)。
如果没有排列,默认为中等,例如upper class是高于lower upper class(upper class相当于middle upper class)。
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> struct node { char name[100]; char lever[100]; char le[300]; } z[1100]; using namespace std; bool cmp(struct node a,struct node b) { if(strcmp(a.le,b.le)==0)//如果标记的数组相等 return strcmp(,<0;//按照姓名排序 else return (strcmp(a.le,b.le)>0);//否则按照标记的排序 } void Reverse(char *s,int n)//字符串翻转 { for(int i=0,j=n-1; i<j; i++,j--) { char c=s[i]; s[i]=s[j]; s[j]=c; } } int main() { int n ; int logo=0; int flag=0; while(~scanf("%d",&n)) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { logo=0; flag=0; scanf("%s",z[i].name); int str = strlen(z[i].name); z[i].name[str-1] = 0;//去掉冒号 for(int j=0; j<300; j++) { if(j==299) z[i].le[j]=0; else z[i].le[j]=‘2‘; } while(1) { flag++; scanf("%s",z[i].lever); if(strcmp("upper",z[i].lever)==0) z[i].le[logo++]=‘3‘; if(strcmp("middle",z[i].lever)==0) z[i].le[logo++]=‘2‘; if(strcmp("lower",z[i].lever)==0) z[i].le[logo++]=‘1‘; if(strcmp("class",z[i].lever)==0) break; } Reverse(z[i].le,flag-1); } sort(z,z+n,cmp); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("%s",z[i].name); printf("\n"); } } }