- outer1:
- for(int i =0;i<4;i++){
- System.out.println("begin to itrate. "+i);
- for(int j =0;j<2;j++){
- if(i==2){
- continue outer1;
- // break;
- }
- System.out.println("now the value of j is:"+j);
- }
- System.out.println("******************");
- }
begin to itrate. 0
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 1
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 2
begin to itrate. 3
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
注:当i=2的时候,continue outer1 使程序回到了outer1最开始循环的位置,开始下一次循环,这个时候执行的循环是i=3而不是重新从i=0开始。同时当使用continue outer1跳出内层循环的时候,外层循环后面的语句也不会执行。也就是是在begin to itrate. 2后面不会出现一串*号了。
- outer1:
- for(int i =0;i<4;i++){
- System.out.println("begin to itrate. "+i);
- for(int j =0;j<2;j++){
- if(i==2){
- // continue outer1;
- break;
- }
- System.out.println("now the value of j is:"+j);
- }
- System.out.println("******************");
- }
begin to itrate. 0
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 1
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 2
begin to itrate. 3
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
- outer2:
- for(int i =0;i<4;i++){
- System.out.println("begin to itrate. "+i);
- for(int j =0;j<2;j++){
- if(i==2){
- break outer2;
- // break;
- }
- System.out.println("now the value of j is:"+j);
- } System.out.println("******************");
- }
begin to itrate. 0
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 1
now the value of j is:0
now the value of j is:1
begin to itrate. 2
注:从结果就可以看出当i=2的时候,break+标签 直接把内外层循环一起停掉了。而如果我们单独使用break的话就起不了这种效果,那样只是跳出内层循环而已。