MSAA, UIA brief explanation

MSAA, UIA brief explanation的相关文章

《Temporal AA , SMAA and MSAA》

Temporal AA Temporal AA主要是为了修复场景帧率小于运动物体运动速度的锯齿问题,当帧率太低时候,运动的物体就会一卡一卡,为了避免这种造成的锯齿,原理上帧率刷新速度应该大于两倍运动速度才行.TXAA就是为了修复这种情况.比如高速旋转的轮子用这种AA就会有很好的效果. 伪代码: For each image frame: For each object in the frame: Calculate the temporal transformation function for

PhyreEngine3.8 MSAA resolution

There is something wrong in PhyreEngine 3.8 to fullfill MSAA, actually, I think it is eqaa You have to merge the codes from PhyreEngine 3.9. Thank God they fixed it in 3.9. A depth target is redefined in it is scope every time!! PhyreEngine3.8 MSAA r

英语口语练习(Don't get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I'm still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable!)

绿色:连读:                  红色:略读:               蓝色:浊化:               橙色:弱读     下划线_为浊化 口语蜕变(2017/7/11) 英文原文: Don’t get me wrong, that explanation makes no difference, I'm still mad at you. Come on, be reasonable! 英式音标: [d?n] [ti?] [get] [mi?] [r??] , [ð

A Quick Overview of MSAA

A Quick Overview of MSAA 原文地址: Previous article in the series: Applying Sampling Theory to Real-Time Graphics MSAA can be a bit complicated, due to the fact that it affects nearly the entire

What is an intuitive explanation of the relation between PCA and SVD?

What is an intuitive explanation of the relation between PCA and SVD? 36 FOLLOWERS Last asked: 30 Sep, 2014 QUESTION TOPICS Singular Value Decomposition Principal Component Analysis Intuitive Explanations Statistics (academic discipline) Machine Lear

word and its explanation

Liskov Substitution Princple, LSPFor every object "o1" from type "t1", there is object "o2" from type "t2", when all "o2" is replaced with "o1" in program "p" defined in T1, the program


问题:获取Text控件的内容 场景:Win+R启动运行框,需要设置或获取Edit控件中的内容 解决: 1.使用.NETFramework UIA中有个TextPattern,里面有TextPatternRange,即可得到Text的内容 代码如下: var desktop = AutomationElement.RootElement; var condition_Name = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty

False Discovery Rate, a intuitive explanation

[转载请注明出处] Today let's talk about a intuitive explanation of Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure. My teacher Can told me this explanation. Suppose there are $M$ hypothesis:$$H_1,H_2,\cdots,H_M$$and corresponding $M$ p-values:$$p

autoit UIA获取Listview的信息

#include "CUIAutomation2.au3" Opt( "MustDeclareVars", 1 ) Global $oUIAutomation MainFunc() Func MainFunc() ; Be sure to use the right class if you are on Vista or Windows 8 Local $hWindow = WinGetHandle( "[CLASS:CabinetWClass]&quo