Learning Puppet — Variables, Conditionals, and Facts


    $my_variable = "A bunch of text"
    notify {$my_variable:}

Yup, that’s a variable, all right.

refer: https://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/variables.html

时间: 2024-07-30 19:42:48

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定义资源: type {'title':   attribute1 => value1,   attribute2 => value2,  } 要点:type表示资源类型必须小写:title是定义资源名称,在同一类型下必须惟一: 常用资源类型: user, group, file, package, service, exec, cron, notify 资源的3类特殊属性: NameVar:名称变量,值必须唯一(如果NameVar类型的属性未指定值会使用item定义的值): ensure:用


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