HBase 1.1.1 发布(分布式数据库)

HBase 1.1.1 发布下载:


** 子任务

* [HBASE-13470] - High level Integration test for master DDL operations

* [HBASE-13497] - Remove MVCC stamps from HFile when that is safe

* [HBASE-13579] - Avoid isCellTTLExpired() for NO-TAG cases

* [HBASE-13593] - Quota support for namespace should take snapshot restore and clone into account

* [HBASE-13658] - Improve the test run time for TestAccessController class

* [HBASE-13937] - Partially revert HBASE-13172

** Bug 修复

* [HBASE-11830] - TestReplicationThrottler.testThrottling failed on virtual boxes

* [HBASE-12413] - Mismatch in the equals and hashcode methods of KeyValue

* [HBASE-13200] - Improper configuration can leads to endless lease recovery during failover

* [HBASE-13217] - Procedure fails due to ZK issue

* [HBASE-13312] - SmallScannerCallable does not increment scan metrics

* [HBASE-13325] - Protocol Buffers 2.5 no longer available for download on code.google.com

* [HBASE-13333] - Renew Scanner Lease without advancing the RegionScanner

* [HBASE-13377] - Canary may generate false alarm on the first region when there are many delete markers

* [HBASE-13411] - Misleading error message when request size quota limit exceeds

* [HBASE-13564] - Master MBeans are not published

* [HBASE-13574] - Broken TestHBaseFsck in master with hadoop 2.6.0

* [HBASE-13576] - HBCK enhancement: Failure in checking one region should not fail the entire HBCK operation.

* [HBASE-13600] - check_compatibility.sh should ignore shaded jars

* [HBASE-13604] - bin/hbase mapredcp does not include yammer-metrics jar

* [HBASE-13606] - AssignmentManager.assign() is not sync in both path

* [HBASE-13607] - TestSplitLogManager.testGetPreviousRecoveryMode consistently failing

* [HBASE-13608] - 413 Error with Stargate through Knox, using AD, SPNEGO, and Pre-Auth

* [HBASE-13611] - update clover to work for current versions

* [HBASE-13612] - TestRegionFavoredNodes doesn‘t guard against setup failure

* [HBASE-13617] - TestReplicaWithCluster.testChangeTable timeout

* [HBASE-13618] - ReplicationSource is too eager to remove sinks

* [HBASE-13625] - Use HDFS for HFileOutputFormat2 partitioner‘s path

* [HBASE-13626] - ZKTableStateManager logs table state changes at WARN

* [HBASE-13628] - Use AtomicLong as size in BoundedConcurrentLinkedQueue

* [HBASE-13632] - Backport HBASE-13368 to branch-1 and 0.98

* [HBASE-13635] - Regions stuck in transition because master is incorrectly assumed dead

* [HBASE-13638] - Put copy constructor is shallow

* [HBASE-13647] - Default value for hbase.client.operation.timeout is too high

* [HBASE-13653] - Uninitialized HRegionServer#walFactory may result in NullPointerException at region server startup

* [HBASE-13662] - RSRpcService.scan() throws an OutOfOrderScannerNext if the scan has a retriable failure

* [HBASE-13663] - HMaster fails to restart ‘HMaster: Failed to become active master‘

* [HBASE-13664] - Use HBase 1.0 interfaces in ConnectionCache

* [HBASE-13668] - TestFlushRegionEntry is flaky

* [HBASE-13686] - Fail to limit rate in RateLimiter

* [HBASE-13703] - ReplicateContext should not be a member of ReplicationSource

* [HBASE-13704] - Hbase throws OutOfOrderScannerNextException when MultiRowRangeFilter is used

* [HBASE-13709] - Updates to meta table server columns may be eclipsed

* [HBASE-13711] - Provide an API to set min and max versions in HColumnDescriptor

* [HBASE-13717] - TestBoundedRegionGroupingProvider#setMembershipDedups need to set HDFS diretory for WAL

* [HBASE-13721] - Improve shell scan performances when using LIMIT

* [HBASE-13723] - In table.rb scanners are never closed.

* [HBASE-13727] - Codehaus repository is out of service

* [HBASE-13729] - Old hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.upperLimit and lowerLimit properties are ignored if present

* [HBASE-13731] - TestReplicationAdmin should clean up MiniZKCluster resource

* [HBASE-13732] - TestHBaseFsck#testParallelWithRetriesHbck fails intermittently

* [HBASE-13733] - Failed MiniZooKeeperCluster startup did not shutdown ZK servers

* [HBASE-13734] - Improper timestamp checking with VisibilityScanDeleteTracker

* [HBASE-13741] - Disable TestRegionObserverInterface#testRecovery and testLegacyRecovery

* [HBASE-13746] - list_replicated_tables command is not listing table in hbase shell.

* [HBASE-13767] - Allow ZKAclReset to set and not just clear ZK ACLs

* [HBASE-13768] - ZooKeeper znodes are bootstrapped with insecure ACLs in a secure configuration

* [HBASE-13776] - Setting illegal versions for HColumnDescriptor does not throw IllegalArgumentException

* [HBASE-13777] - Table fragmentation display triggers NPE on master status page

* [HBASE-13778] - BoundedByteBufferPool incorrectly increasing runningAverage buffer length

* [HBASE-13779] - Calling table.exists() before table.get() end up with an empty Result

* [HBASE-13789] - ForeignException should not be sent to the client

* [HBASE-13797] - Fix resource leak in HBaseFsck

* [HBASE-13800] - TestStore#testDeleteExpiredStoreFiles should create unique data/log directory for each call

* [HBASE-13801] - Hadoop src checksum is shown instead of HBase src checksum in master / RS UI

* [HBASE-13802] - Procedure V2: Master fails to come up due to rollback of create namespace table

* [HBASE-13809] - TestRowTooBig should use HDFS directory for its region directory

* [HBASE-13810] - Table is left unclosed in VerifyReplication#Verifier

* [HBASE-13811] - Splitting WALs, we are filtering out too many edits -> DATALOSS

* [HBASE-13812] - Deleting of last Column Family of a table should not be allowed

* [HBASE-13821] - WARN if hbase.bucketcache.percentage.in.combinedcache is set

* [HBASE-13822] - shell is broken with NoMethodError

* [HBASE-13824] - TestGenerateDelegationToken: Master fails to start in Windows environment

* [HBASE-13826] - Unable to create table when group acls are appropriately set.

* [HBASE-13831] - TestHBaseFsck#testParallelHbck is flaky against hadoop 2.6+

* [HBASE-13833] - LoadIncrementalHFile.doBulkLoad(Path,HTable) doesn‘t handle unmanaged connections when using SecureBulkLoad

* [HBASE-13834] - Evict count not properly passed to HeapMemoryTuner.

* [HBASE-13845] - Expire of one region server carrying meta can bring down the master

* [HBASE-13847] - getWriteRequestCount function in HRegionServer uses int variable to return the count.

* [HBASE-13851] - RpcClientImpl.close() can hang with cancelled replica RPCs

* [HBASE-13853] - ITBLL improvements after HBASE-13811

* [HBASE-13873] - LoadTestTool addAuthInfoToConf throws UnsupportedOperationException

* [HBASE-13875] - Clock skew between master and region server may render restored region without server address

* [HBASE-13877] - Interrupt to flush from TableFlushProcedure causes dataloss in ITBLL

* [HBASE-13878] - Set hbase.fs.tmp.dir config in HBaseTestingUtility.java for Phoenix UT to use

* [HBASE-13885] - ZK watches leaks during snapshots

* [HBASE-13892] - Scanner with all results filtered out results in NPE

* [HBASE-13901] - Error while calling watcher on creating and deleting an HBase table

* [HBASE-13904] - TestAssignmentManager.testBalanceOnMasterFailoverScenarioWithOfflineNode failing consistently on branch-1.1

* [HBASE-13905] - TestRecoveredEdits.testReplayWorksThoughLotsOfFlushing failing consistently on branch-1.1

* [HBASE-13933] - DBE‘s seekBefore with tags corrupts the tag‘s offset information thus leading to incorrect results

* [HBASE-13935] - Orphaned namespace table ZK node should not prevent master to start

* [HBASE-13938] - Deletes done during the region merge transaction may get eclipsed

** 改进

* [HBASE-12415] - Add add(byte[][] arrays) to Bytes.

* [HBASE-13247] - Change BufferedMutatorExample to use addColumn() since add() is deprecated

* [HBASE-13344] - Add enforcer rule that matches our JDK support statement

* [HBASE-13366] - Throw DoNotRetryIOException instead of read only IOException

* [HBASE-13420] - RegionEnvironment.offerExecutionLatency Blocks Threads under Heavy Load

* [HBASE-13671] - More classes to add to the invoking repository of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.driver

* [HBASE-13673] - WALProcedureStore procedure is chatty

* [HBASE-13675] - ProcedureExecutor completion report should be at DEBUG log level

* [HBASE-13761] - Optimize FuzzyRowFilter

* [HBASE-13780] - Default to 700 for HDFS root dir permissions for secure deployments

* [HBASE-13816] - Build shaded modules only in release profile

* [HBASE-13828] - Add group permissions testing coverage to AC.

* [HBASE-13846] - Run MiniCluster on top of other MiniDfsCluster

* [HBASE-13894] - Avoid visitor alloc each call of ByteBufferArray get/putMultiple()

** Task

* [HBASE-13666] - book.pdf is not renamed during site build

* [HBASE-13697] - publish updated ref guide with prereq tables for 1.1 release train

* [HBASE-13764] - Backport HBASE-7782 (HBaseTestingUtility.truncateTable() not acting like CLI) to branch-1.x

* [HBASE-13799] - javadoc how Scan gets polluted when used; if you set attributes or ask for scan metrics

* [HBASE-13929] - make_rc.sh publishes empty shaded artifacts

** Test

* [HBASE-13591] - TestHBaseFsck is flakey

* [HBASE-13609] - TestFastFail is still failing

* [HBASE-13623] - TestSplitLogManager.testGetPreviousRecoveryMode is still flaky

* [HBASE-13940] - IntegrationTestBulkLoad needs option to specify output folders used by test

HBase – Hadoop Database,是一个高可靠性、高性能、面向列、可伸缩的分布式存储系统,利用HBase技术可在廉价PC Server上搭建起大规模结构化存储集群。

HBase是Google Bigtable的开源实现,类似Google Bigtable利用GFS作为其文件存储系统,HBase利用Hadoop HDFS作为其文件存储系统;Google运行MapReduce来处理Bigtable中的海量数据,HBase同样利用Hadoop MapReduce来处理HBase中的海量数据;Google Bigtable利用 Chubby作为协同服务,HBase利用Zookeeper作为对应。


时间: 2024-08-02 06:37:22

HBase 1.1.1 发布(分布式数据库)的相关文章


Hbase是运行在Hadoop上的NoSQL数据库,它是一个分布式的和可扩展的大数据仓库,也就是说HBase能够利用HDFS的分布式处理模式,并从Hadoop的MapReduce程序模型中获益. 1.HBase定义 HBase是一个分布式的.面向列的开源数据库,该技术来源于 Fay Chang 所撰写的Google论文“Bigtable:一个结构化数据的分布式存储系统”.就像Bigtable利用了Google文件系统(File System)所提供的分布式数据存储一样,HBase在Hadoop之


新霸哥注意到了在人类随着计算机技术的发展,数据的存储量发生了很大的变化,可以用海量来形容,同时,存储的数据类型也是有多种多样的,网页,图片,视频,音频,电子邮件等等,所以在这中情况下以谷歌旗下的BigTable为代表的新型数据库产生并且迅速发展.Hbase就是BigTable的开源实现,下面新霸哥将详细的为你揭晓HBase相关知识以及相关应用. 互联网时代对数据库的要求和传统的还是有区别的 其中比较突出的一点就是数据量的问题,在数据量非常庞大的今天关系型数据可能无法实现存储并处理海量数据,但是分


Hbase 是一个面向列的分布式数据库.Hbase不是一个关系型数据库,其设计目标是用来解决关系型数据库在海量数据处理中理论和实现的不足和局限.传统的关系型数据库上世纪七八十年代为交易系统建立 ,以满足数据一致性(ACID)为目标,并没有考虑数据规模扩大时的拓展性,和单点系统失效时的可靠性.虽然经过技术的发展,实现了对关系数据库的弥补(并行数据库),但由于理论和实现的约束,拓展从来没超过40个节点的服务器.而Hbase从一开始就为TB和PB级别的海量数据的高速存储而设计,这要求数据能够被分配在数

分布式数据库HBase安装与使用(shell+Java API)

本指南介绍了HBase,详细指导大家安装配置HBase及其使用.本教程在Ubuntu14.04下测试通过. 一.HBase介绍 HBase是一个分布式的.面向列的开源数据库,源于Google的一篇论文<BigTable:一个结构化数据的分布式存储系统>.HBase以表的形式存储数据,表有行和列组成,列划分为若干个列族/列簇(column family).欲了解HBase的官方资讯,请访问HBase官方网站. HBase的运行有三种模式:单机模式.伪分布式模式.分布式模式. 单机模式:在一台计算


4.1概述 HBase是一个高可靠.高性能.面向列.可伸缩的分布式数据库,是谷歌BigTable的开源实现,主要用来存储非结构化和半结构化松散数据. HBase与传统数据库的区别 数据类型上的区别,它把数据存储为未经解释的字符串 数据操作,没有像关系型数据库那样的复杂数据操作,通常采用单表的主键查询. 存储模式,关系型数据库是采用行进行存储的,但是HBase是采用列存储的. 数据索引,HBase只有一个索引,就是行键. 数据维护,HBase中执行更新操作时,并不会删除数据旧的版本,而是生成一个新


一.前言 大数据技术从诞生到现在,已经经历了十几个年头.市场上早已不断有公司或机构,给广大金融从业者"洗脑"大数据未来的美好前景与趋势.随着用户对大数据理念与技术的不断深入了解,人们已经开始从理论探索转向对场景落地的寻找,让大数据在企业中落地并开花结果. 从大数据的管理和应用方向集中在两个领域.第一,大数据分析相关,针对海量数据的挖掘.复杂的分析计算:第二,在线数据操作,包括传统交易型操作以及海量数据的实时访问.大数据高并发查询操作.用户根据业务场景以及对数据处理结果的期望选择不同的大


在上一篇文章<从架构特点到功能缺陷,重新认识分析型分布式数据库>中,我们完成了对不同"分布式数据库"的横向分析,本文Ivan将讲述拆解的第二部分,会结合NoSQL与NewSQL的差异,从纵向来谈谈OLTP场景"分布式数 据库"实现方案的关键技术要点.本文既是前文的延伸,同时也算是分布式数据库专题文章的一个总纲,其中的要点Ivan之后也会单独撰文阐述. 一.NewSQL & NoSQL NewSQL是本专题关注的重点,也是前文中特指的"分


概述 水平拆分的概念随着分布式数据库的推广已为大部分人熟知.分库分表.异构索引.小表广播.这些功能几乎是产品功能需求标配.然而有些客户使用分布式数据库后的体验不尽如意.本文尝试从数据的角度总结分布式数据的复制(replication)和分区(partition)技术原理和方案,其中分区也有称为分片(sharding),希望能引起读者一些思考,在分布式数据库选型中能注意这些细节的区别,选择适合业务的数据水平拆分方案. 分布式数据库架构 分布式数据库以集群形式存在,有多个节点.集群架构有共享磁盘架构


[http://www.csdn.net/article/2015-07-15/2825221] 云时代的分布式数据库:阿里分布式数据库服务DRDS -- 伴随着系统性能.成本及扩展性的新时代需要,以HBase.MongoDB为代表的NoSQL数据库和以阿里DRDS.VoltDB.ScaleBase为代表的分布式NewSQL数据库如雨后春笋般不断涌现出来.本文详细介绍了阿里分布式数据库服务DRDS.