10 Best Java Tools That Every Java Programmers Should Know


10 Best Java Tools That Every Java Programmers Should Know

Jan 15, 2015by vikas in TOOLS

Computer development is all based on a resource called Language. The way we interact, the computer also interacts with us, on the basis of a language. Computer languages may be of a lot of types, some might be aiding in the development of Web applications, some might be helping in development of user end API’s and some might be helping in server handling, or databases. This is a very versatile topic to discuss, and the most important computer development language, we will be talking about today is Java.

Java is a computer application, that is used to create amazing dynamic applications, API’s and web applications. Java is an object oriented language, and like any other Object oriented language, like C++, requires a lot of concentration and dedication while coding the source file, because a single error in the file, may add in a lot of extra effort to further, correct that error. To keep things simple, the developers prefer to use some nice tools, and features, that help you achieve the results you want, in the least possible time and with the aid of least efforts.

There are a lot of tools available for each kind of a computer language, which help in the development process of the same, every time. Considering the same for Java, you may find thousands of overpriced, and some even useless tools, which will be available in the online marketplace. So, it becomes a pain in the ass, as an inexperienced person to choose the tool, that will help you in getting through the perfect results for what you want. So, we have prepared a list of some of the best tools available, for Java, that will help you aid thorough your development process. Let’s check some of the best Java tools you should know about in year 2015.

1) SparkJava

SparkJava is new, lightweight and powerful web application framework for java programmers. Spark focuses on being as simple and straight-forward as possible, without the need for cumbersome (XML) configuration, to enable very fast web application development in pure Java with minimal effort.

2) jClarity

jClarity is the place where you can find two most important product – one is for performance monitoring called Illuminate and Second one is census for focused on garbage collection logs and analysis. Features – Build for cloud, increase up time and revenue and light weight & Low impact.

3) Clover

This is the great tool for code coverage, that provides the metrics of writing code that does stuff and code that tests stuff. Clover runs in your IDE or your continuous integration system, and includes test optimization to make your tests run faster, and fail more quickly.

4) jProfiler

JProfiler’s intuitive UI helps you resolve performance bottlenecks, pin down memory leaks and understand threading issues.

5) Visualvm

VisualVM is a visual tool integrating several commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities. It utilizes various available technologies like jvmstat, JMX, the Serviceability Agent (SA), and the Attach API to get the data and automatically uses the fastest and most lightweight technology to impose minimal overhead on monitored applications.

6) Elasticsearch

A application to provide strategic business insights or integrate with your existing applications to power their interactions with incoming data.Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search

7) Sonarqube

SonarQube is an open platform to manage code quality. SonarQube is a web-based application. Rules, alerts, thresholds, exclusions, settings… can be configured online. By leveraging its database, SonarQube not only allows to combine metrics altogether but also to mix them with historical measures

8) Bintray

9) jUnit

JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.

10) Takipi

Takipi is a Java agent, installs in minutes. No code annotations or configurations. Keep one server with full capabilities free for good

11) YourKit

YourKit is a technology leader, creator of the most innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java & .NET applications. The YourKit Java Profiler has been already recognized by the IT professionals and analysts as the best profiling tool.

时间: 2024-10-10 18:28:26

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