CS 105 – Intro to Computing Non-Tech Spring 2019

CS 105 – Intro to Computing Non-Tech Spring 2019
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MP 7 – Extra Credit
In this MP, you will create 3 simple functions in one module. It is VERY important you name the module
and the functions exactly as you are instructed. If the names are not correct, you will get no credit.
1. The Module
Recall that in Python, all code in a single .py file (the sort that the IDLE editor saves) is called a module.
The NAME of the module is the bit before the ‘.py’. Therefore, a module named factorial would be
contained in a file named factorial.py. For this python MP, please name your module <netid>_mp7. My
netid is aharris, therefore, my module name would be aharris_mp7 and the file name would be
aharris_mp7.py. You will turn in that single file using the standard hand-in site. Note: There can be NO
spaces or non-alphanumeric characters other than the underscore (‘_’) in the module name.
2. General Instructions
These general instructions will be the same for each Python lab/MP. You will turn in a source file with your
functions in it. For this assignment, while you should use test cases, prior to turn in, you will comment out
each test case. Recall, in Python, comments are any line that starts with a ‘#’. For example, consider the
following code:
def func(a):
return a
This code snippet has one function, the function has one line (the return). The code also has one test case.
If you run this code in it, it will print ‘Bob’. To comment out the test case, you simply place a ‘#’ in front of
the test case line, so the code looks like the following:
def func(a):
return a
Now if you run the code, it will load the function in memory, but print nothing.
CS 105 – Intro to Computing Non-Tech Spring 2019
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So, before you turn in your code, comment out all your test cases, but NOT your functions. If you comment
out functions, you will not get credit for those functions (because as far as the interpreter is concerned, they
don’t exist). The grading script will remove any print and input statements not commented out and this may
break your code and result in a 0.
Testing: Remember when testing your function, don’t just test using the single example test case provided
to you. Try to think of possible cases that will cause your function to break! For example, if the function is
supposed to take a single string as input, test it with a string containing spaces, punctuation, etc. If the
CS 105作业代做、代写Python实验作业、Python程序语言作业调试、代做IDLE editor作业

function calculates an equation, pass in zero or negative numbers, or big numbers. If your function contains
loops or conditionals, test all edge cases of the conditionals and loops. The grading script will use between
five and ten test cases. You will not be given the test cases we choose prior to grading. It is part of your
assignment to come up with comprehensive testing. For the first few assignments, this will not be difficult.
3. Function One: countDown
The first function you will write should be called ‘countDown’. Your function should take zero (0)
The function should return one (1) list containing integers from 10 to 1 and finally, the string “Liftoff!”. (i.e.,
[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ‘Liftoff!’]).
You function must be recursive (i.e., it should contain a call to itself within the function body). You will get
NO credit if you use any loops (for, while, etc).
4. Function Two: myLSearch
Assume you are given a sorted list of integers to search. Your job is to write a search algorithm to find the
index of a particular number.
CS 105 – Intro to Computing Non-Tech Spring 2019
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The second function you will write should be called ‘myLSearch’. Your function should take two (2)
arguments: an integer to search for and a sorted list of integers.
The function should return one (1) integer, the index in the input list containing the input integer. If the
input integer does not exist in the list, your function should return -1.
For credit, you MUST use either a for or a while loop. This search algorithm should NOT be recursive.
There should be no call to itself in the body of the function or you will get no credit.
5. Function Three: myRSearch
Assume you are given a sorted list of integers to search. Your job is to write a search algorithm to find the
index of a particular number.
The third function you will write should be called ‘myRSearch’. Your function should take two (2)
arguments: an integer to search for and a sorted list of integers.
The function should return one (1) integer, the index in the input list containing the input integer. If the
input integer does not exist in the list, your function should return -1.
For credit, you MUST NOT use either a for or a while loop. This search algorithm MUST be recursive.
There should be at least one call to itself in the body of the function or you will get no credit.

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时间: 2025-01-11 12:22:41

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