March 6 2017 Week 10 Monday

A well-spent day brings happy sleep.


Recently my sleep is not so good, for one thing I go to bed too late, then sometimes I miss the right hour for sleep and lose sleep, I have to take too much time to float back into sleep.

Actually, if I can simply go to bed when I feel sleepy, and then get up at a fixed time, my sleep quality will be improved.

And for another thing, the reason I go to bed so late may be I always think I have a lot things to do, and those things should have been completed in the day time, but I failed to finish them.

Then I felt anxious and guilty, I want to continue doing them and finish them. Vicious cirle, isn‘t it?

Just cherish the day time and make good use of every heartbeat, once I could try my best to finish the work, I will finish them on time and the quality may be not bad.

Then, I will have a good sleep at night.

You need to take responsibility for your life.


Take responsiblity for my life, do everything to the best I can, then leave all others to the Heaven.

But it seems that everything is happening to me, I don‘t know what will happen in the future, and I have to leave my fate to the Heaven.

时间: 2024-08-24 00:44:43

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