python build-in function __cmp__


A namespace is a mapping from names to objects

>>> class a:
    def __cmp__(self,other):
        if other > 0 : print ‘other > 0‘ ;return -1
        elif other < 0 : print ‘other < 0‘ ;return 1
        else : print ‘other==0‘; return 0

>>> o=a()
>>> if (o > 10) : print ‘tt‘

other > 0
>>> if (o < 10) : print ‘tt‘

other > 0
>>> if (o > -10) : print ‘tt‘

other < 0
>>> if (o < -10) : print ‘tt‘

other < 0

__cmp__ 中return的3个值 1,-1,0




时间: 2024-12-30 03:01:43

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