

106.In a new installation of Oracle Database 11g, you perform these activities:
1. Organize software and data on different subdirectories to avoid poor performance.
2. Use consistent naming conventions for database files.
3. Separate administrative information pertaining to the database in different directories.
Which option corresponds to the type of activities you performed?
A. Oracle Managed Files
B. Oracle Grid Architecture
C. Optimal Flexible Architecture
D. Oracle database architecture
E. Automatic Storage Management 

Answer: C

最优灵活体系结构(Optimal Flexible Architecture,简称OFA)


107.You configured the Flash Recovery Area (FRA) for your database. The database instance is running
in ARCHIVELOG mode. The default location for the archived redo log files is the Flash Recovery Area.
Which two files are removed automatically if the space is required in the FRA as per the retention policy?
(Choose two.)
A. Flashback log files
B. Backups that have become obsolete
C. User managed backups of the data files and control files
D. Archived redo log files that have multiple copies in a different archive location and not backed up

Answer: AB


108.All the database users are presently connected to the database instance and working. The HR user
has opened three database sessions and executed the following command in one of his sessions:
SQL> UPDATE persons SET ccode=‘U031‘ WHERE ccode=‘U029‘; 123 rows updated.
SQL> DELETE FROM persons WHERE exp=‘Y‘;
3 rows deleted.
The SYS user opens a new session after HR executed the above commands.
Which sessions can see the effect of the UPDATE and DELETE commands?
A. All sessions of the HR user only
B. All sessions of the HR user and the SYS user
C. The session of the HR user that executed the commands
D. All the sessions for which the database users have access privilege to the PERSONS table

Answer: C

109、View the Exhibit and examine the attributes of an undo tablespace.

In an OLTP system, the user SCOTT has started a query on a large table in the peak transactional hour that performs bulk inserts.
The query runs for more than 15 minutes and then SCOTT receives the following error:
ORA-01555: snapshot too old
What could be the reason for this error?
A. The query is unable to get a read-consistent image.
B. There is not enough space in Flash Recovery Area.
C. There is not enough free space in the flashback archive.
D. The query is unable to place data blocks in undo tablespace. 

Answer: A



110.The user HR receives the following error while inserting data into the TTK table:
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01653: unable to extend table HR.TTK by 128 in tablespace SMD Upon investigation, you find that
SMD is a small file tablespace.
Which three action would allow the user to insert data? (Choose three.)
A. Add a data file to the SMD tablespace.
B. Add a data file to the temporary tablespace associated with the user HR.
C. Resize the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to make it larger.
D. Alter the data file associated with the SMD tablespace to grow automatically.
E. Change the segment space management for the SMD tablespace to automatic.

Answer: ACD

时间: 2024-10-05 04:19:28


【管理心得之二十二】小人物 仰视 大授权

场景再现====================Boss:小王,来我办公室一下.小王: 嗯Boss:近期总公司有会,需要到外地出差几日.我不在的这段期间里,公司大小事务你帮忙处理一下.          如果有什么难决定的事,第一时间电话.邮件联系我商定即可.小王:  明白.放心吧领导,绝不会让你失望的Boss:嗯,那就好,没事了. {小王走出办公室} 心中暗喜,"难道这就是传说中的授权,Boss不在的时候,我岂不是最高权力的行使者." ==================== 从场景


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《Programming in Lua 3》读书笔记(二十二)

日期:2014.8.6 PartⅣ The C API 26 Extending Your Application 使用Lua很重要的一点是用来做配置语言.配合主语言做一些功能的配置. 26.1 The Basics 有的时候程序需要配置一些功能信息,很多时候可能有许多别的方法比用lua做配置要更简单:如使用环境变量或者读取文件,读取文件涉及到文件的解析.如果使用Lua进行配置的话,相当于用lua文件替代了要读取的如csv.txt文件等. 使用Lua进行配置的时候,就需要使用Lua API去控制


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Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head. For example, Given 1->2->3->4, you should return the list as 2->1->4->3. Your algorithm should use only constant space. You may not modify the values in the list, on

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挂载就是将文件系统与目录结合的操作.挂载点就是目录,该目录就是进入分区或文件系统的入口. 一.挂载前的注意事项: 1.单一文件系统不应该被重复挂载在不同的挂载点中. 2.单一目录不应该重复挂载多个文件系统. 3.即将作为挂载点的目录理论上应该都是空目录才对. 注意:对应2和3,如果要挂载的目录不为空,那么挂载了新的文件系统之后,原来的目录会暂时消失(并非覆盖掉),系统会显示最新挂载的文件系统.新分区被卸载之后,原来的文件系统会重新显示出来. 二.命令介绍 mount [-t 文件系统] [-L


代码: import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; // 辅助类 class Item{ String value; boolean isNumber; public Item(String value,boolean isNumber){ this.value=value; this.isNumber=isNumber; } public Item(char c,boolean isNumber){ this.value=String.


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Java Web总结二十二投票系统

投票系统需求: (1)查询所有候选人基本信息 (2)查询某位候选人详细信息 (3)投票人登录和退出 (4)投票人限制1分钟之内重复投票 (5)投票人IP和最后投票时间查询 (6)阻止相同用户名二次在线登录 (7)票数条形显示和候选人头像处理 (8)显示投票人归属地 (9)热门候选人,即投票数最多 (10)后台管理员登录 可选需求: (11)查询.删除.更新.增加候选人详细信息 (12)与一个Listener,创建所有表格式和初始化数据 代码参见:day19/vote(此处不上传) Java We