hdu 3436








  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <cstdio>
  3 #include <cstring>
  4 #include <algorithm>
  5 #include <map>
  6 #include <set>
  8 #define KT ch[ch[root][1]][0]
  9 #define LC ch[x][0]
 10 #define RC ch[x][1]
 11 #define N 310001
 12 using namespace std;
 14 struct node{
 15     char op[10];
 16     int x;
 17     void in(){
 18         scanf("%s%d",op,&x);
 19     }
 20 };
 21 struct SplayTree{
 22     int root;
 23     int fa[N];
 24     int ch[N][2];
 25     int sz[N];
 26     int top1;
 27     int top2;
 28     int ss[N];
 29     int que[N];
 31     void pushdown(int x){
 33     }
 34     void pushup(int x){
 35         sz[x]=1+sz[LC]+sz[RC];
 36         sum[x]=val[x]+sum[LC]+sum[RC];
 37     }
 38     void rotate(int x,bool f){
 39         int y=fa[x];
 40         int z=fa[y];
 41         pushdown(y);
 42         pushdown(x);
 43         ch[y][!f]=ch[x][f];
 44         fa[ch[x][f]]=y;
 45         fa[x]=z;
 46         if (z) {
 47             ch[z][ch[z][1]==y] = x;
 48         }
 49         ch[x][f] = y;
 50         fa[y]=x;
 51         pushup(y);
 52     }
 53     void splay(int x, int g) {
 54         int y = fa[x];
 55         pushdown(x);
 56         while(y!=g){
 57             int z= fa[y];
 58             bool f = (ch[y][0]==x);
 59             if(z != g && f == (ch[z][0]==y)){
 60                 rotate(y,f);
 61             }
 62             rotate(x,f);
 63             y=fa[x];
 64         }
 65         pushup(x);
 66         if(g==0) root = x;
 67     }
 68     void rotateTo(int k,int g) {
 69         int x=root;
 70         pushdown(x);
 71         while(sz[LC] != k){
 72             if(k<sz[LC]){
 73                 x=LC;
 74             }else{
 75                 k -= sz[LC] + 1;
 76                 x = RC;
 77             }
 78             pushdown(x);
 79         }
 80         splay(x,g);
 81     }
 82     void build(int l,int r,int f){
 83         if(l>r){
 84             return ;
 85         }
 86         int x = (l + r) >> 1;
 87         LC = (x - 1 >= l)? (x - 1 + l)>> 1 :0;
 88         RC = (r >= x + 1)? (x + 1 + r)>> 1 :0;
 89         fa[x] = f;
 90         build(l,x - 1,x);
 91         build(x + 1,r,x);
 92         pushup(x);
 93     }
 94     void erase(int x){
 95         if(x==0)
 96             return;
 97         int father= fa[x];
 98         int head = 0, tail=0;
 99         for(que[tail++] =x ; head < tail; head++){
100             ss[top2++] = que[head];
101             if(ch[que[head]][0]){
102                 que[tail++]=ch[que[head]][0];
103             }
104             if(ch[que[head]][1]){
105                 que[tail++] = ch[que[head]][1];
106             }
107         }
108         ch[father][ch[father][1]==x]=0;
109         pushup(father);
110     }
111     void treaval(int x){
112         if (x) {
113             pushdown(x);
114             treaval(LC);
115             printf("@%d",val[x]);
116             //ans[cnt++]=val[x];
117             treaval(RC);
118         }
119     }
120     void newNode(int &x,int c,int r,int st){
121         if(top2){
122             x = ss[--top2];
123         } else {
124             x = ++top1;
125         }
126         LC = RC = fa[x] =0;
127         sz[x] = 1;
128         val[x] = c;
129         ret[x] = r;
130         start[x]=st;
132         if(r&&pos.find(r)==pos.end()){
133             pos[r]=x;
134         }
136     }
137     void makeTree(int &x, int l, int r, int f){
138         if(l > r){
139             return;
140         }
141         int m=(l+r)>>1;
143         newNode(x, num[m], m%2?a[m/2]:0,b[m]);
144         makeTree(LC,l,m-1,x);
145         makeTree(RC,m+1,r,x);
146         fa[x]=f;
147         pushup(x);
148     }
149     void debug(){
150         treaval(root);
151         cout<<endl;
152     }
153     void cutTo(int l,int r,int c){
154         rotateTo(l-1,0);
155         rotateTo(r+1,root);
156         //debug();
157         int tmp=KT;
158         KT=0;
159         pushup(ch[root][1]);
160         pushup(root);
161         rotateTo(c,0);
162         rotateTo(c+1,root);
163         fa[tmp]=ch[root][1];
164         KT=tmp;
165         pushup(ch[root][1]);
166         pushup(root);
167         //debug();
168     }
169     int find(int x,int k){
170         if(sum[LC]<=k-1&&sum[LC]+val[x]>=k){
171             return start[x]+k-sum[LC]-1;
172         }
173         else if(sum[LC]>=k){
174             return find(LC,k);
175         }else {
176             return find(RC,k-sum[LC]-val[x]);
177         }
178     }
179     void init(int n,int m){
180         pos.clear();
181         top1=top2=root=0;
182         newNode(root,0,0,0);
183         newNode(ch[root][1],0,0,0);
184         fa[ch[root][1]]=root;
185         for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
186         {
187             Q[i].in();
188             aa[i]=Q[i].x;
189         }
190         sort(aa,aa+m);
191         a[0]=aa[0];
192         int cnt=1;
193         for(int i=1;i<m;i++){
194             if(aa[i]!=aa[i-1])
195                 a[cnt++]=aa[i];
196         }
197         m=cnt;
198         num[0]=a[0]-1;
199         b[0]=1;
200         for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
201             if(i!=0){
202                 num[i*2]=a[i]-a[i-1]-1;
203                 b[i*2]=a[i-1]+1;
204             }
205             num[i*2+1]=1;
206             b[i*2+1]=a[i];
207         }
208         num[m*2]=n-a[m-1];
209         b[m*2]=a[m-1]+1;
210         makeTree(KT,0,2*m,ch[root][1]);
211         pushup(ch[root][1]);
212         pushup(root);
213     }
214     void top(int v){
215         int x=pos[v];
216         splay(x,0);
217         int k=sz[ch[root][0]];
219         cutTo(k,k,0);
220     }
221     int rank(int k){
223         return find(root,k);
224     }
225     int query(int v){
226         int x=pos[v];
227         splay(x,0);
228         //debug();
229         return sum[LC]+1;
230     }
231     void solve(int m){
233         int v;
234         for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
235            // debug();
236             v=Q[i].x;
237             if(Q[i].op[0]==‘T‘){
238                 top(v);
239             }else if(Q[i].op[0]==‘R‘){
240                 printf("%d\n",rank(v));
241             }else{
242                 printf("%d\n",query(v));
243             }
244         }
245     }
246     int val[N];//数值
247     int sum[N];
248     int ret[N];//结果
249     int start[N];//该区间开始的数;
251     int aa[N];
252     int a[N];
253     int b[N];
254     int num[N];
255     //int pos[N];
256     map<int,int>pos;
257     node Q[N];
258 }spt;
260 int main()
261 {
262     int T;
263     cin>>T;
264     int n,m;
265     int cas=1;
266     while(T--){
267         scanf("%d%d",&n,&m);
268         printf("Case %d:\n",cas++);
269         spt.init(n,m);
270         spt.solve(m);
271     }
272     return 0;
273 }

时间: 2024-10-24 04:32:10

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