[LeetCode 题解]: Symmetric Tree

Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).

For example, this binary tree is symmetric:

   /   2   2
 / \ / 3  4 4  3

But the following is not:

   /   2   2
   \      3    3

Bonus points if you could solve it both recursively and iteratively.

confused what "{1,#,2,3}" means? > read more on how binary tree is serialized on OJ.

OJ‘s Binary Tree Serialization:

The serialization of a binary tree follows a level order traversal, where ‘#‘ signifies a path terminator where no node exists below.

Here‘s an example:

  /  2   3

The above binary tree is serialized as "{1,2,3,#,#,4,#,#,5}".





  例如:  1


  例如: 1        1          1

     /    或     \     或    /    \

    2           2        2   2

                       /  \

                       4    4


左孩子的左孩子 是否等于 右孩子的右孩子。

左孩子的右孩子 是否等于 右孩子的左孩子。

class Solution {
    bool isSymmetric(TreeNode *root){
        return root? Symmetric(root->left,root->right):true;
    bool Symmetric(TreeNode *left, TreeNode *right){
        if(left==NULL && right==NULL) return true;// 左右孩子为空
        if(!left || !right) return false; // 仅含有左子树或者右子树
        return left->val == right->val
            && Symmetric(left->left,right->right)
            && Symmetric(left->right,right->left);

转载请注明出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/double-win/ 谢谢!

[LeetCode 题解]: Symmetric Tree,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-22 01:29:17

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