Lintcode: Permutation Index

Given a permutation which contains no repeated number, find its index in all the permutations of these numbers, which are ordered in lexicographical order. The index begins at 1.

在计算最终的 index 时需要动态计算某个数的相对大小。我们可通过两重循环得出到某个索引处值的相对大小。



故表达式为:(3-1)*2! + (1-1)*1! + (1-1)*0! + 1 = 5


故表达式为:(2-1)*2! + (2-1)*1! + (1-1)*0! + 1 = 4



 1 public class Solution {
 2     /**
 3      * @param A an integer array
 4      * @return a long integer
 5      */
 6     public long permutationIndex(int[] A) {
 7         // Write your code here
 8         long res = 0;
 9         int n = A.length;
10         long fact = 1;
11         for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
12             fact *= i; //fact should at last equal (n-1)!
13         }
14         int initial = n-1; //use to update factorial
15         for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
16             long count = 0;
17             for (int j=i; j<n; j++) {
18                 if (A[i] >= A[j]) {
19                     count++;
20                 }
21             }
22             res += (count-1)*fact;
23             if (initial != 0) {
24                 fact /= initial;
25                 initial--;
26             }
27         }
28         res = res + 1;
29         return res;
30     }
31 }
时间: 2024-08-02 16:41:27

Lintcode: Permutation Index的相关文章

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Permutation Index I &amp; II

Given a permutation which contains no repeated number, find its index in all the permutations of these numbers, which are ordered in lexicographical order. The index begins at 1. Example Given [1,2,4], return 1. 分析:

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[LintCode] Permuation Index

Given a permutation which contains no repeated number, find its index in all the permutations of these numbers, which are ordered in lexicographical order. The index begins at 1. Example Given [1,2,4], return 1. class Solution { public: /** * @param


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