Firebird Connection pool is full

今天在做Firebird V3.0.3  x64 版本内存测试,本地PC上,准备开启800个事务(保持不关闭),每个事务做些事,尽量不释放内存。

每次测试当事务数达到100时,就提示Connection pool is full,此时内存才吃到500+MB。

在系统配置里没有一个选项是最大连接数,最后发现是在连接字符串里,有个选项是 MaxPoolSize 。

令 MaxPoolSize = 1000 ,程序敞开跑,最后后台进程用到 5GB多,PC内存不够了。


 1 FbConnectionStringBuilder connBuilder = new FbConnectionStringBuilder();
 2 connBuilder.DataSource = "localhost";
 3 connBuilder.UserID = "sysdba";
 4 connBuilder.Password = "123456";
 5 connBuilder.Database = "x";
 6 connBuilder.Charset = "utf8";
 7 connBuilder.ServerType = FbServerType.Default;
 8 connBuilder.Dialect = 3;
 9 connBuilder.MaxPoolSize = 1000;
10 connBuilder.Pooling = true;
11 _connStr = connBuilder.ConnectionString;


 1     for (int i = 0; i < 800; i++)
 2     {
 3         var db = DbCtxt.NewDbContext().UseTransaction(true);
 4         for (int j = 0; j < 500; j++)
 5         {
 6             db.Insert("m_user").Column("code", "1234567890")
 7                 .Column("label", "ABCDEFGHIJ")
 8                 .Column("pwd", "1234").Column("is_del", false).Execute();
 9         }
10     }



时间: 2024-10-31 17:03:02

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