python sorted() count() set(list)-去重


(1) 创建文件对象f后,解释f的readlines和xreadlines方法的区别?

(2) 追加需求:引号内元素需要算作一个单词,如何实现?

cat /root/text.txt

hello world 2018 xiaowei,good luck
hello kitty 2017 wangleai,ha he
hello kitty ,hasd he
hello kitty ,hasaad hedsfds


#get [‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘]
import re
with open(‘/root/text.txt‘) as f:
  openfile =

def get_list_dict():
  word_list = re.split(‘[0-9\W]+‘,openfile)
  list_no_repeat = set(word_list)
  dict_word = {}
  for each_word in list_no_repeat:
    dict_word[each_word] = word_list.count(each_word)
  del dict_word[‘‘]
  return dict_word

#{‘a‘:2,‘c‘:5,‘b‘:1} => {‘c‘:5,‘a‘:2,‘b‘:1}
def sort_dict_get_ten(dict_word):
  list_after_sorted = sorted(dict_word.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
  print list_after_sorted
  for i in range(3):
  print list_after_sorted[i][0],list_after_sorted[i][1]

def main():

dict_word = get_list_dict()

if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:


[(‘hello‘, 4), (‘kitty‘, 3), (‘he‘, 2), (‘good‘, 1), (‘hasd‘, 1), (‘wangleai‘, 1), (‘hasaad‘, 1), (‘xiaowei‘, 1), (‘hedsfds‘, 1), (‘luck‘, 1), (‘world‘, 1), (‘ha‘, 1)]
hello 4
kitty 3
he 2


时间: 2024-11-05 11:43:36

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