Ford Mondeo engine fails to start

Mileage of about 160,000 km Ford Mondeo 2.0L sedan. The vehicle can not be started due to engine maintenance into the store.
         Troubleshooting: After receiving the car, when you start the engine, start the machine Nissan Pin Code Reader running strong, but when you turn the ignition switch, can not hear the voice of the main relay, can not hear the sound of the fuel pump operation. Carefully check the relevant fuse found in the passenger side of the fuse box fuse F67 blown.
         After replacing the fuse F67, test found that the fuse blows again, suspect a short circuit associated line. After schematic view, unplug the fuse F67, instead of using the test light, test lights explain the existence of the line short circuit. After disconnecting the fuse NSPC001 Nissan Automatic Pin Code Reader F67 all appliances, test light is still on. Check the fuse associated with the electrical wiring harness to the F67, it was found at the harness through the cylinder head has a copper wire exposed, exposed to the engine block, remove this part of the test harness also sparks and lights are not lit, indicating that short-circuit on here.
         Troubleshooting: test, failure to completely rule out the related wiring harness processing.

时间: 2024-07-30 23:51:16

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