April 18 2017 Week 16 Tuesday

Every light has darkness to balance it out.


I strive to get a balance between life and work. But it seems my efforts were just futile and I failed in both.

I originally believed that although there were full of darkness in my life, there must be some glittering lights in the coming future to balance those darkness out.

I have walked too far away from the right direction, how can I shift back to it?

Maybe the truth is most of us don‘t know what we are born with until we try very hard to express it.

You think you know someone. But mostly you just know what you want to know.


Yes, no wonder, everything we see, and every concept we get from the world, is just the reflection of what we want to see and what we want to know.

There are very few people who can always have a deep and thorough understanding over the things, the people and the events they have met or they have experienced.

It is not easy to know someone or something clearly and deeply, and it is especially difficult to know oneself.

Do I know myself? What are my advantanges and disadvantages? I haven‘t got a clear thought about that.

So, it is no suprise that I always live an unexamined life.

Let us stop talking about this weighty topic. It is so frustrated.

Today we will bring an end to our discussion about the signs of being an arrogant person.

13. You have issues building relationships.

People find it difficult to flock to you. Most likely the negative quality of arrogance has a way of turning people away.

Arrogant people have a way of scarificing their relationships with friends and other people for the sake of success or self-gratification.

14. You shield your inferiority with a superiority complex.

Arrogant people always have an Achilles heel, but this they do not want exposed or known by people.

Thus they use an invincible front to protect their vulnerabilities.

15. You show false charm but beneath it exists some cruelty.

You show false charm as a tool to draw attention to you.

But this element of false magnetism can be easily recognized because you can‘t sustain it for so long.

时间: 2024-08-28 07:43:50

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