
在定义BOM的时候,我们需要设定,工单供货的方式(Supply Type).


Assembly Pull 
拉式发料,装配件完工或报废时自动按标准消耗量触发 消耗比较稳定的物料。

Operation Pull 
拉式发料,工序移动至To Move时自动按标准消耗量触发 消耗比较稳定的物料。

另外附上老外的一篇文章,介绍Supply Type,比较完整

Supply Types in Oracle WIP

Supply types decides the method of supplying component materials to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules in WIP module. It also controls how materials are planned in MS/MRP module and how materials are costed in Cost Management module.

You can assign supply types to the items when you define in Inventory module. You can also assign supply types to components when you create bills of material in Bills of Material and Engineering modules. The following is a list of the WIP supply types and the way they work:

a) Push
Push components can be manually issued directly to discrete jobs and repetitive schedule as per requirements. You can specify the subinventory for items in Item definition form or in Bills or define default subinventory in WIP parameters form. Work in Process defaults the supply subinventory associated with the component.

b) Operation Pull:
Operation pull components that are assigned to backflush operations, are automatically backflushed (pulled) from inventory and issued to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules when assemblies are moved and completed at that operation i.e. when you complete backflush operations. Also, operation pull component that have not been backflushed because they are assigned to non-backflush operations prior to the backflush operation are also backflushed. 
The Components are pulled from the supply subinventory assigned to the component. You cannot assign this supply type to an assenbly without a routing or a non-standard discrete job without a routing. You can assign this supply type to assemblies that have routings with no operations or when the routing has disabled operations. However, all components with a supply type of operation pull are automatically changed to assembly pull.

c) Assembly pull: 
Assembly Pull components are issued (backflushed) to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules when you complete all operations on assemblies in Work in Process. They are pulled from the supply subinventory assigned to the component requirement.
If you want to assign pull components to a bill of material or job that is not associated with a routing, you must assign an Assembly Pull supply type, rather than operation pull supply type. You cannot assign this supply type to a non-standard discrete job if you have not specified an assembly or bill of material reference for that non standard discrete job.

d) Based on Bill: 
When you define a discrete job or a repetitive line/assembly association in WIP, the supply type for the assembly defaults to Based on Bill and assembly components are supplied based upon their bill of material supply types. You can change the defaulted Based on Bill supply type that is assigned to jobs and schedules as you define them. The Based on Bill supply type is WIP specific.

If the supply type for a job or line/assembly association is changed, the new supply type is applied to all component material requirements. For example, if you change the supply type of a job assembly from Based on Bill to Assembly Pull, the supply types of all assembly components are changed to Assembly pull. You can update the supply types of individual material requirements using the Material Requirements window in WIP
The system automatically changes components with a supply type of Operation Pull to Assembly Pull, when the Based on Bill supply type is applied to a job or repetitive job/ schedule that has a bill of material but has no a routing or operations.

e) Bulk: 
Bulk component requirements can be viewed and are displayed on reports and inquiry forms (that display components requirements) when you include Bulk components on a bill of material. They can be used to communicate to the shop floor that bulk components must be used but need not be transacted. You can choose specific components in the type field of WIP material transaction form for issuing bulk components.

Bulk components are not backflushed nor do they default when issuing all components for an assembly. You can, however, manually issue specific bulk components to a discrete job or repetitive schedule. This supply type is selected for components like screws,nuts,bolts,nails,etc where it is difficult and may not be necessary to transact the exact quantity used.

f) Supplier/Vendor: 
Supplier component requirements can be included on bills of material. Requirements for supplier components are created when you define discrete jobs and repetitive schedules in Work in Process. Supplier component requirements can be viewed and are displayed on reports. They provide information on the component materials that your suppliers provide but need not be transacted. Supplier components are not backflushed nor do they default when issuing all components for an assembly. You can, however, manually issue specific supplier components to discrete jobs and repetitive schedules/job.

g) Phantoms:
Phantom components can be assigned to bill of material component subassemblies and subassembly items in BOM and Engineering. Components of phantom subassemblies are used as if they were tied directly to the parent assembly. Phantom supply types cannot be assigned to jobs and repetitive lines/assembly associations in Work in Process. When model or option class bills are components to another bill of material, that component supply type is phantom.
Phantoms behave normally when they are top level assemblies, such as when master scheduled or manufactured on a discrete job. As subassemblies, they lose their distinct identity and become a collection of their components. Phantom components (not the phantom itself) are included on discrete jobs and repetitive job/schedules and are listed on the Discrete Job and Repetitive Schedule Pick List Reports.


时间: 2024-10-31 06:13:37



今天遇到个小问题,引以为戒...就复制代码过来吧 中间加了段查询的代码,RSART在BOM设置为中止,后继相关的时候会设置个值...这个值在过账的时候就很重要了... 吃一堑长一智 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form PRM_POST *&------------------------------------------------------------

技能UP:SAP OBYC自动记账的实例说明(含value String应用说明)

一. 自动过账原理 在MM模块的许多操作都能实现在FI模块自动过账,如PO收货.发票验证(LIV).工单发料.向生产车间发料等等.不用说,一定需要在IMG中进行配置才可以实现自动处理.但SAP实现的这种自动配置的机制是怎样的呢?其实也并不复杂,让我们先以一种最简单的情况来了解实现原理和实现流程,然后就可以轻松对各种情况作出配置. 如果我们使用SAP系统,初始化库存一定必不可少.大家都知道初始化库存使用移动类型(movement type) 561/562.我们先以561 / 562的配置方法为例


SAP虹: SAP计算产品成本的方法有三种,按期间计算成本,按工单计算成本,按销售单(sales order)计算成本.其中,按工单计算成本最为常见,我们以此为例说明SAP产品计算的流程. 一.SAP产品成本计算与常规成本计算的不同点:1. 常规成本计算的方法是月底一次性计算,但SAP提供在工单建立时就可计算出计划成本.公司日常业务操作,比如发料,报工时等,成本会立即计入工单之中,即时性较好,标准术语叫Simultaneous Costing. 2. 常规成本计算的方法在发料时,将物料从原材料(


1. OU.库存组织 SELECT hou.organization_id ou_org_id, --org_id hou.name ou_name, --ou 名称 ood.organization_id org_org_id, -- 库存组织 id ood.organization_code org_org_code, -- 库存组织代码 msi.secondary_inventory_name, -- 子库存名称 msi.description -- 子库存描述 FROM hr_organ

SAP MM/FI 自动过账实现 OBYC 接口执行

一. 自动过账原理 在MM模块的许多操作都能实现在FI模块自动过账,如PO收货.发票验证(LIV).工单发料.向生产车间发料等等.不用说,一定需要在IMG中进行配置才可以实现自动处理.但SAP实现的这种自动配置的机制是怎样的呢?其实也并不复杂,让我们先以一种最简单的情况来了解实现原理和实现流程,然后就可以轻松对各种情况作出配置. 如果我们使用SAP系统,初始化库存一定必不可少.大家都知道初始化库存使用移动类型(movement type) 561/562.我们先以561 / 562的配置方法为例


前段时间帮忙客户实现了MES系统的SMT线上的JIT功能(JIT功能只适合电子行业的生产线),今天就来谈谈JIT功能是什么,为什么工厂车间需要用到JIT等等一些经验 首先说说JIT: 准时制生产方式(Just In Time简称 JIT)指的是:将必要的零件以必要的数量在必要的时间送到生产线,并且只将所需要的零件.只以所需要的数量.只在正好需要的时间送到生产 JIT生产方式的基本思想是"只在需要的时候,按需要的量,生产所需的产品",也就是追求一种无库存,或库存达到最小的生产系统 以上这

外挂系统 -减少SAP B1用户许可数, 多点操作及时同步SAP

用过SAP B1的人都知道SAP B1是按照用户数来计算项目费用和年维护费的,当然SAP B1标准的功能也相对简单化,要实现一些自定义的功能来满足各企业实际业务,那需要进行二次开发,有些顾问公司则通过在SAP B1中开发ADDON来实现具体的功能需求,但是这个做法只是满足了业务功能,不能解决SAP B1用户数量:所以我想到了通过开发外挂系统独立于SAP B1载体来实现,这样做的好处有: 1)减少SAP B1用户数量,即减少SAP B1上线费用和年维护费用 2)后期SAP B1升级的话,不受SAP

BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE(调拨 收货 发货 入库 退货)

code-gm_code取值: 01 MB01 按采购订单的货物移动02 MB31 按生产订单的货物移动03 MB1A 货物提取(工单退料04 MB1B 转移过帐 05 MB1C 其他收货06 MB11 货物移动07 MB04 "物料供应"消耗的事后调整 itab-mvt_ind = 'B'. "移动标识 无参考的货物移动B 按采购订单的货物移动F 有关生产单的货物移动 10020211L 有关交货通知的货物移动 K 看板需求的货物移动(WM-仅限内部)O "提供物

Oracle ERP系统借贷关系表

成本核算会计信息归纳 按照事务处理的来源类型归纳. 一. 采购接收入库和退货: 1.接收:   借:材料采购 (订单价格) 贷:应计负债 (订单价格) 2.入库: 借:原材料 (标准成本) 贷:材料采购 (订单价格) 借或贷:材料成本差异_材料订单价格 3.退货至接收时产生与上面第2步相反的分录,退货至供货商时产生与上面第1步相反的分录. 二. 子库存转移:只有转出子库产生分录 借:原材料(自制半成品.库存商品) 贷:原材料(自制半成品.库存商品) 三. 杂项事务处理: 1.库存增加:借:原材料