Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software developmentand distribution .The defining component of Linux is the Linux kernel , andoperating system kernel was first released October 5 , 1991 by Linus Torvalds . Itwas originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-basedpersonal computers . It has since been ported to more computer hardwareplatforms than any other operating system . It is a leading operating system onservers and other big iron systems such as mainframe computers andsupercomputers . It also runs on embedded systems such as mobile phones ,tablet computers , network routers , televisions and video game consoles ; theAndroid system in wide use on mobile devices is built on the Linux kernel . Asfollows , here is some list of Linux common commands :
admin : create and administer SCCS files .
at : execute commands at a later time .
batch : schedule commands to be executed ina batch queue .
cal : print a calendar .
cat :concatenate and print files .
cd :change the working directory .
chgrp :change the file group ownership .
chmod :change the file modes/attributes/permissions .
chown :change the file ownership .
clear :clear the screen .
cmp :compare two files .
command: execute a simple command .
cp :copy files .
cut :cut out selected fields of each line of a file .
date :display the date and time .
diff :compare two files .
echo :write arguments to standard output .
false :return false value .
file :determine file type .
find :find files .
get :get a version of an SCCS file .
getconf: get configuration values .
grep :search text for a pattern .
id :return user identity .
jobs :display status of jobs in the current session .
kill :terminate or signal processes .
locale: get locale-specific information .
logger: log messages .
lp :send files to a printer .
ls :list directory contents .
man :display system documentation .
mkdir :make directories .
more :display files on a page-by-page basis .
mv :move files .
newgrp: change to a new group .
ps :report process status .
pwd :print working directory or return working directory name .
rm : removedirectory entries .
rmdir :remove directories .
time :time a simple command .
touch :change file access and modification times .
true :return true value .
uname :return system name .
vi :display editor .
what :identify SCCS flies .
who :display who is on the system .
write :write to another user’s terminal .