#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(Father_path) from core import main if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main.run()
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys,time,json Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0,Father_path) from core import auth from core import db_handle from conf import settings from conf import Color_set from core import transaction color=Color_set.Colorset() user_data = { ‘account_id‘: None, ‘is_authentic‘: False, ‘account_data‘: None } def auth_transfer_id(): trans_id = input("输入转账ID:").strip() trans_file = Father_path+"/db/accounts/%s.json" % trans_id if os.path.isfile(trans_file): return trans_id def action_type(acc_data,action): Exit_flag = True while Exit_flag: values = input("请输入%s金额:" %action.strip()) if values.isdigit(): if action == "还款": action_result = transaction.make_transaction(acc_data,"repayment",values) if action_result: print(color.red("您的最新余额为%s" %action_result[‘balance‘])) break elif action == "取款": action_result = transaction.make_transaction(acc_data, "enchashment", values) if action_result: print(color.red("您的最新余额为%s" % action_result[‘balance‘])) break elif action == "转账": while True: trans_id = auth_transfer_id() if trans_id == acc_data[‘id‘]: print(color.red("账户无效,请重新输入!")) elif not trans_id: Exit_flag = False print(color.red("账户无效,请重新输入!")) elif trans_id: f = Father_path + "/db/accounts/%s.json" % trans_id trans_file = open(f) trans_dict = json.load(trans_file) action_result = transaction.make_transaction(acc_data, "transfer", values) if action_result: print(color.red("您的最新余额为%s" % action_result[‘balance‘])) # logger.logger(acc_data["id"], action_result[‘balance‘], "transfer") break else: print("\033[31;1m 账户无效,请重新输入!!\033[;0m") break elif values == "b": Exit_flag = False else: print(color.red("[%s]不是有效的金额,必需输入数字!" % values)) def account_info(acc_data): print("以下为您的个人账户基本信息:\n") print(color.red("卡号:%s\n信用额度:%s\n可用余度:%s\n还款日:%s\n出账日:%s\n账户状态:%s\n" %(acc_data[‘id‘],acc_data[‘credit‘],acc_data[‘balance‘],acc_data[‘pay_day‘],acc_data[‘account_day‘],acc_data[‘status‘])) ) def repayment(acc_data): action_type(acc_data,"还款") def enchashment(acc_data): action_type(acc_data, "取款") def transfer(acc_data): action_type(acc_data, "转账") def billing(acc_data): print("账单查询功能正在建设中,给您造成不便,敬请谅解!") def logout(acc_data): print("欢迎再次使用,祝生活愉快,再见!") exit() def interactive(acc_data): menu = color.red(‘‘‘ 1. 账户信息\n 2. 还款\n 3. 取款\n 4. 转账\n 5. 账单\n 6. 退出\n ‘‘‘) menu_dic = { ‘1‘ : account_info, ‘2‘ : repayment, ‘3‘ : enchashment, ‘4‘ : transfer, ‘5‘ : billing, ‘6‘ : logout } str = "欢迎使用银行信用卡自助服务系统!\n" for i in str: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.3) Exit_flag = True while Exit_flag: print(menu) user_option = input("请选择服务项目:").strip() if user_option in menu_dic: menu_dic[user_option](acc_data) else: print(color.red("输入错误,请重新输入!")) def run(): acc_data = auth.acc_login(user_data) if user_data[‘is_authentic‘]: user_data[‘account_data‘] = acc_data interactive(acc_data)
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ ‘‘‘ conn_params must be a dict 以下定义了两个函数: file_db_handle 来确定数据文件的路径 db_handle_type 来确定数据文件的类型 ‘‘‘ def file_db_handle(conn_params): db_path = ‘%s/%s‘ %(conn_params[‘path‘],conn_params[‘name‘]) return db_path def db_handle_type(conn_params): if conn_params[‘engine‘] == ‘file_storage‘: return file_db_handle(conn_params)
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys,json Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0,Father_path) from core import db_handle from conf import settings from conf import Color_set color=Color_set.Colorset() def acc_auth(account,passwd): db_path=db_handle.db_handle_type(settings.DATABASE) data_file=‘%s/%s.json‘ %(db_path,account) if os.path.isfile(data_file): with open(data_file,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: account_data=json.load(f) if account_data[‘password‘] == passwd: return account_data else: print(color.red("用户名或密码错误!")) else: print(color.red("账户不存在!")) def acc_login(user_data): retry_times = 0 while user_data["is_authentic"] is not True and retry_times < 3: account = input("请输入账号:") passwd = input("请输入密码:") auth = acc_auth(account,passwd) if auth: user_data["is_authentic"] = True user_data ["account_id"] = account return auth retry_times += 1 else: print(color.red("账户 [%s] 错误登录次数已达上限,已被锁定,解锁请联系客服10086!" % account)) exit()
accounts (读取和保存用户数据模块):
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import json,os,sys Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0,Father_path) from core import db_handle from conf import settings def load_current_balance(account_id): db_path = db_handle.db_handle_type(settings.DATABASE) account_file = "%s/%s.json" % (db_path, account_id) with open(account_file,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: acc_data = json.load(f) return acc_data def dump_account(account_data): db_path = db_handle.db_handle_type(settings.DATABASE) account_file = "%s/%s.json" % (db_path, account_data["id"]) with open(account_file, "w",encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: json.dump(account_data, f) return True
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) DATABASE = { ‘engine‘:‘file_storage‘, ‘name‘:‘accounts‘, ‘path‘:‘%s/db‘ %Father_path } TRANSACTIONE_TYPE = { ‘repayment‘: {‘action‘ : ‘plus‘, ‘interest‘: 0}, ‘enchashment‘: {‘action‘ : ‘minus‘, ‘interest‘: 0.005}, ‘transfer‘: {‘action‘ : ‘minus‘, ‘interest‘: 0.005} }
#coding:gbk # ------------------------------------------------ # python终端显示彩色字符类,可以调用不同的方法 # 选择不同的颜色.使用方法看示例代码就很容易明白. # ------------------------------------------------ # # 显示格式: \033[显示方式;前景色;背景色m # ------------------------------------------------ # 显示方式 说明 # 0 终端默认设置 # 1 高亮显示 # 4 使用下划线 # 5 闪烁 # 7 反白显示 # 8 不可见 # 22 非粗体 # 24 非下划线 # 25 非闪烁 # # 前景色 背景色 颜色 # 30 40 黑色 # 31 41 红色 # 32 42 绿色 # 33 43 黃色 # 34 44 蓝色 # 35 45 紫红色 # 36 46 青蓝色 # 37 47 白色 # ------------------------------------------------ class Colorset(object): # 显示格式: \033[显示方式;前景色;背景色m # 只写一个字段表示前景色,背景色默认 RED = ‘\033[31m‘ # 红色 GREEN = ‘\033[32m‘ # 绿色 YELLOW = ‘\033[33m‘ # 黄色 BLUE = ‘\033[34m‘ # 蓝色 FUCHSIA = ‘\033[35m‘ # 紫红色 CYAN = ‘\033[36m‘ # 青蓝色 WHITE = ‘\033[37m‘ # 白色 #: no color RESET = ‘\033[0m‘ # 终端默认颜色 def color_str(self, color, s): return ‘{}{}{}‘.format( getattr(self, color), s, self.RESET ) def red(self, s): return self.color_str(‘RED‘, s) def green(self, s): return self.color_str(‘GREEN‘, s) def yellow(self, s): return self.color_str(‘YELLOW‘, s) def blue(self, s): return self.color_str(‘BLUE‘, s) def fuchsia(self, s): return self.color_str(‘FUCHSIA‘, s) def cyan(self, s): return self.color_str(‘CYAN‘, s) def white(self, s): return self.color_str(‘WHITE‘, s) # ----------使用示例如下:------------- # color = Colorset() # print(color.red(‘I am red!‘)) # print(color.green(‘I am gree!‘)) # print(color.yellow(‘I am yellow!‘)) # print(color.blue(‘I am blue!‘)) # print(color.fuchsia(‘I am fuchsia!‘)) # print(color.cyan(‘I am cyan!‘)) # print(color.white(‘I am white‘))
#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys,json Father_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0,Father_path) from conf import settings from conf import Color_set from core import accounts color = Color_set.Colorset() def make_transaction(acc_data, action_type, values, **others): values = float(values) if action_type in settings.TRANSACTIONE_TYPE: interest = values * settings.TRANSACTIONE_TYPE[action_type][‘interest‘] old_balance = acc_data[‘balance‘] if settings.TRANSACTIONE_TYPE[action_type][‘action‘] == "plus": new_balance = old_balance + values + interest print("此次操作的手续费为:%s" %interest) elif settings.TRANSACTIONE_TYPE[action_type][‘action‘] == "minus": new_balance = old_balance - values - interest print("此次操作的手续费为:%s" % interest) if new_balance < 0: print(color.red("当前信用值%s不允许进行此交易[-%s],当前余额%s" % (acc_data["cridit"], (values + interest), old_balance))) return acc_data["balance"] = new_balance accounts.dump_account(acc_data) return acc_data else: print(color.red("交易类型 [%s] 不存在!" % action_type))
{"id": 10010, "pay_day": "每月9日", "balance": 15000, "status": "nomal", "credit": 15000, "password": "abcd","account_day": "每月21日"}
{"balance": 801645.0, "id": 10086, "pay_day": "\u6bcf\u670822\u65e5", "credit": 15000, "password": "abcd", "status": "nomal", "account_day": "\u6bcf\u67085\u65e5"}
时间: 2024-10-28 10:18:51