An Error in Project

An Error in My Project

Last semester, I finished a WEB project by myself. It involved javascript, react.js, JQuery.js and so on. I made a web page about todolist, where users can create, delete, modify the list.

In the coding process, I met an error. Well, when I run the code, I found the database couldn’t change the data when users operated. Because this project was created by front language, at the beginning I didn’t know where was wrong.

Then, I tried to figure out this error. There were several layers in this project. So, I decided to find out it by every level. At first, it was database layer. It was correct. Secondly, I came to the layer about database function. No problems. Finally, I got it. It was I used the wrong function that caused the project off.

It just a little error, but cost mush time to find it.

时间: 2025-01-08 16:12:53

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