Train Problem II HDU 1023 卡特兰数

Problem Description

As we all know the Train Problem I, the boss of the Ignatius Train Station want to know if all the trains come in strict-increasing order, how many orders that all the trains can get out of the railway.


The input contains several test cases. Each test cases consists of a number N(1<=N<=100). The input is terminated by the end of file.


For each test case, you should output how many ways that all the trains can get out of the railway.

Sample Input


Sample Output



The result will be very large, so you may not process it by 32-bit integers.








此时,我们若把k视为确定一个序数,那么根据乘法原理,f(n)的问题就等价于——序列个数为k-1的出栈序列种数乘以序列个数为n - k的出栈序列种数,即选择k这个序数的f(n)=f(k-1)×f(n-k)。而k可以选1到n,所以再根据加法原理,将k取不同值的序列种数相加,得到的总序列种数为:f(n)=f(0)f(n-1)+f(1)f(n-2)+……+f(n-1)f(0)。

看到此处,再看看卡特兰数的递推式,答案不言而喻,即为f(n)=h(n)= C(2n,n)/(n+1)= c(2n,n)-c(2n,n-1)(n=0,1,2,……)。





不符合要求的数的特征是由左而右扫描时,必然在某一奇数位2m+1位上首先出现m+1个0的累计数和m个1的累计数,此后的2(n-m)-1位上有n-m个 1和n-m-1个0。如若把后面这2(n-m)-1位上的0和1互换,使之成为n-m个0和n-m-1个1,结果得1个由n+1个0和n-1个1组成的2n位数,即一个不合要求的数对应于一个由n+1个0和n-1个1组成的排列。




类似问题 买票找零


using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef unsigned long long ULL;
#define MAXN  102
#define INF 1000000009
1 1
2: 1-2 2-1
3: 123
int a[MAXN][MAXN];
void init()
    int i, j, yu, len;
    a[1][0] = 1; a[1][1] = 1;
    a[2][0] = 1; a[2][1] = 2;
    len = 1;
    for (i = 3; i < MAXN; i++)
        yu = 0;
        for (j = 1; j <= len; j++)
            int tmp = a[i - 1][j] * (4 * i - 2) + yu;
            yu = tmp / 10;
            a[i][j] = tmp % 10;
        while (yu)
            a[i][++len] = yu % 10;
            yu /= 10;
        for (j = len; j > 0; j--)
            int tmp = a[i][j] + yu*10;
            a[i][j] = tmp / (i + 1);
            yu = tmp % (i + 1);
        while (!a[i][len])
        a[i][0] = len;
int main()
    int n;
    while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
        for (int i = a[n][0]; i > 0; i--)
            printf("%d", a[n][i]);
时间: 2024-12-26 12:02:01

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