UVA - 11637 Garbage Remembering Exam (组合+概率)

Little Tim is now a graduate,and is thinking about higher studies. However, he first needs to appear in anexam whose preparation alone includes memorizing the meanings of over 3500words!

After going through the list afew times, however, he sees trouble – he can remember all the word-meanings aslong as they keep coming in the same order. When quizzed in random order,however, he is at a complete loss. So, as any decent programmer would, hewrites
a random shuffler to help him quiz himself.

To his dismay, however, hefinds that words that were near each other in the original list quite often endup being close together in the shuffled list as well. He does not like this atall, and suspects that his random shuffler may have some kind of a bug.
Butbefore he recodes his shuffler he wants your help to make sure that theshuffler is indeed faulty.

So he is asking for your helpin determining how likely such events are even if the list is indeed gettingcompletely randomly shuffled, and even if his program is working perfectly.

Given the size of the list N,and a proximity factor K, you are to determine the expected number of
wastedwords in a shuffled list assuming that all possible shufflings are equallylikely. Informally, two words are considered
wasted if they appear at adistance less than or equal to K in both the lists. Assume that theoriginal list is
cyclical and shuffled list is linear (non-cyclical).

Formally, let us suppose thattwo words A and B have indices oa and
ob inthe original list and indices sa and
sb inthe shuffled list, respectively (all indices are 0-based). Then both the wordsare considered
wasted if:



The input consists of a seriesof cases. Each case consists of two integers
and K on a singleline. You may assume that 1≤K≤N≤100000.Input is terminated by a line containing two 0s, and has at most 125 lines ofinput.


Output oneline for each test case except the last one. Each line of output should be ofthe form “Case X: Y”, where X is the serial number of output and Y is  the expected number of wasted words in theshuffled list, printed with exactly four digits after
the decimal point, withrounding if necessary.

SampleInput                             Outputfor Sample Input

5 2

5 1

0 0

Case 1: 5.0000

Case 2: 3.5000



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100005;

int n, k;
long double f[maxn];

void solve() {
	if (n == 1) {
	if (n <= 2 * k + 1) {
		printf("%d.0000\n", n);

	int N = k << 1, p;
	long double sum = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
		p = max(i-1-k, 0) + max(n-k-i, 0);
		if (p < N)
		sum += exp(f[p] + f[n - N - 1] - f[n - 1] - f[p - N]);
	printf("%.4lf\n", (double)(n - sum));

int main() {
	f[0] = f[1] = 0;
	for (int i = 2; i <= maxn; i++)
		f[i] = f[i-1] + log((long double) i); 

	int cas = 1;
	while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) != EOF && n) {
		printf("Case %d: ", cas++);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-08-05 13:53:09

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