
Differences between the W3C HTML 5.1 specification and the WHATWG LS

The W3C HTML 5.1 specification:

  • Requires the main element be mapped to the ARIA role ‘main‘ or equivalent in accessibility APIs. Rationale: Improve interoperability.
  • Restricts the author use of the main element to one per document. Rationale: Improve utility for users.
  • Encourages user agents to provide keyboard navigation for the main elementRationale: Improve utility for users.
  • Defines the main element as representing the main content of a document. Rationale: Matches markup patterns used by authors to identify the main content area of a document.
  • Defines the body element as representing the content of the document. Rationale: The main element represents the main content of a document.
  • Provides clarification for authors on the use of list markup in the nav elementRationale: Improve author advice and user experience.
  • Advises authors to use headings of the appropriate rank for a section‘s nesting level. Rationale: backwards compatibility and improve user experience.Refer to Use h1 to h6 to identify document structure
  • The hgroup element is obsoleteRationale: Lack of implementations, lack of use cases, promoted markup anti-pattern.
  • Provides author advice on marking up Subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglinesRationale: HTML does not have a dedicated feature for marking up such semantics, so provides author advice on how to do it using current features.
  • Requires that the header and footer elements be mapped to ARIA landmark roles dependent on their ancestor elements. Rationale: Match landmark definitions and interoperable implementations.
  • Restricts the elements that authors can use ARIA role=presentation on. Rationale: Use of role=presentation on interactive elements has no use cases and can cause issues for AT users.
  • Provides normative text and an example for link type license which advises authors to state in text the scope of document license if it does not apply to the whole document. Rationale: Use of CSS styles are inadequate for conveying the scope of a license.
  • Includes a detailed text explanation of the th element example and related image. Rationale: The example is complex, and extra detail is required to explain information conveyed visually.
  • Discourages use of the title attribute in cases where its content should be available to all/any user
    • makes the use of the title attribute for providing image captions non conforming, as in 18 year history it has not been implemented in an interoperable, input device independent manner. Instead it promotes the use of the figure and figcaption elements for the provision of image captions. The figcaption element content is by default available to all and it conveys a caption role to assistive technology. Rationale: improves accessibility and usability.
  • Conditionally allows using tables as layout aids (if role="presentation" is provided).
  • Provides author advice for marking up breadcrumb navigation as a list instead of a series of links in prose. Rationale Users find the grouping of grouping links helpful.
  • Allows usage of person‘s name as a citation in the cite element.
  • Allows attribution of the quote inside the blockquote element, using footer or/and cite element inside it.
  • Provides detailed per element web developer information on allowed ARIA attributes. Refer to Using ARIA in HTML
  • Encourages developers to provide headings for section and article elements. Rationale refer to Include a heading to identify article and section elements.
  • Provides detailed advice and requirements for providing alt texts for images.
时间: 2024-08-24 21:48:59


HTML5 程序设计笔记(一)

HTML5 概述 1.html5 发展史 1993年html首次以因特网草案形式发布. 20世纪90年代,html大幅发展,从2.0版,到3.2版和4.0版.最后到1999年的4.01版. 伴随html发展,W3C掌握了对html规范的控制权. 快速发布四个版本后,在业界人为html已经末路的同时,对web标准焦点开始转移到XML和XHTML上.HTML被放在次要位置. 致力于将web平台提升到一个新高度,一小组人在2004年成立WHATWG,他们创立了HTML5规范,同时开始转对web应用开发

第一章 1.4 新的认识

HTML5 是基于各种各样的理念(在 WHATWG 规范中有详述)进行设计的,这些设计理念体现了对可能性和可行性的新认识. 兼容性 实用性 互通性 通用访问性 1.4.1 兼容性和存在即合理 别担心,HTML5 并不是颠覆性的革新.相反,实际上 HTML5 的一个核心理念就是保持一切新特性平滑过渡.一旦浏览器不支持 HTML5 的某项功能,针对功能的备选行为就会悄悄进行.再说,互联网上有些 HTML 文档已经存在 20 多年了,因此,支持所有现存 HTML 文档是非常重要的. HTML5 的研究

html5与css 1. web标准及组成

学习目标 1.本专业介绍.HTML相关概念,HTML发展历史 2.WEB标准,W3C/WHATWG/ECMA相关概念 3.相关软件的应用以及站点的创建 4.HTML基本结构和HTML语法 5.HTML常用标记 一.本专业介绍.HTML相关概念,HTML发展历史 本专业介绍 移动前端/WEB前端 网站建站流程 二.WEB标准,W3C/WHATWG/ECMA相关概念 WEB标准的概念及组成 组织解析:(1)W3C( World Wide Web Consortium )万维网联盟,创建于1994年是


好程序员web前端分享HTML基础篇,最近遇到很多新手,都会问,如果要学web前端开发,需要学什么?难不难学啊?多久能入门之类的问题?那么今天好程序员就先来给大家分享一下web前端学习路线:HTML基础 学习目标 1.本专业介绍.HTML相关概念,HTML发展历史 2.WEB标准,W3C/WHATWG/ECMA相关概念 3.相关软件的应用以及站点的创建 4.HTML基本结构和HTML语法 5.HTML常用标记 一.本专业介绍.HTML相关概念,HTML发展历史 本专业介绍 移动前端/WEB前端


面试前端的时候,有可能面试官会问你,让你谈谈对HTML5的认识.在教材上有关于HTML5新特性的概述,我觉得有必要整理一下,可以让自己对HTML5有一个比较全面的认知. HTML5不仅仅是HTML规范的当前最新版本,也代表了一系列Web相关技术的总称,其中最重要的3项技术就是HTML5核心规范.CSS3(层叠样式表的最新版本)和JavaScript(一种脚本语言,用于增强网页的动态功能). 它的新特性: 1.进化而非颠覆 试想,如果HTML5否定了之前的HTML文档,各种大大小小的网站都要重写,

W3C vs. WHATWG HTML5 Specs – The Differences Documented

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[译] W3C vs. WhatWG HTML5 标准 - 差异记录

原文地址: 几周以前,HTML5成为W3C的一个正式推荐.我在SitePoint上针对这一事件讨论了5个有趣但现在过时的功能 .问题在于W3C标准是同一硬币的一面.从HTML的这个版本开始,开发者和浏览器供应商可以在相同标记语言的两种不同风格之间进行选择:W3C开发的规范和WHATWG开发的规范. 译者注:WHATWG:We

html5 基本内容 摘自W3C

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无规矩不成方圆,软件开发当然不能例外.Web开发涉及的厂商和技术非常多,所以必须要有参考的标准,而且需要一系列的标准.Web程序都是通过浏览器来解析执行的,通过页面的展示内容与用户互动,所以Web标准不仅要求各个浏览器都要遵循,开发者一样要遵循相同的标准.而似乎和Web相关标准的制作组织机构很多,例如W3C.IETF.ECMA和  WHATWG等,哪些是我们需要了解的?需要掌握什么信息?都在本节详细介绍. W3C是什么 W3C创建于1994年,W3C是万维网(World Wide Web)联盟的

jquery.js:8672 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check

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