C# - CLR


The Common Language Runtime (CLR), the virtual-machine component of Microsoft‘s .NET framework, manages the execution of .NET programs. A process known as just-in-time compilation
converts compiled code into machine instructions which the computer‘s CPU then executes. The CLR provides additional services including memory management, type safety and exception handling. All programs written for the .NET framework, regardless of programming
language, are executed by the CLR. It provides exception handling, garbage collection, security and thread management. All versions of the .NET framework include CLR.

CLR implements the Virtual Execution System (VES) as defined in the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) standard, initially developed by Microsoft itself. A public standard defines the Common Language Infrastructure

The runtime provides the following benefits:

  • Performance improvements.
  • The ability to easily use components developed in other languages.
  • Extensible types provided by a class library.
  • Language features such as inheritance, interfaces, and overloading for object-oriented programming.
  • Support for explicit free threading that allows creation of multithreaded, scalable applications.
  • Support for structured exception handling.
  • Support for custom attributes.
  • Garbage collection.
  • Use of delegates instead of function pointers for increased type safety and security.
时间: 2024-08-11 07:51:29

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Atitit. C#.net clr 2.0  4.0新特性 1. CLR内部结构1 2. CLR 版本发展史3 3. CLR 2.0 3 4. CLR 4 新特性 概览4 4.1.1.  托管与本地代码的互操作5 4.1.2.    垃圾回收6 4.1.3.    代码约定6 4.1.4.    Corrupted state exception6 4.1.5.     新的安全模型7 4.1.6.     同一个进程,多个CLR7 4.1.7.     基本类库7 5. CLR最新发展8 6


Atitit..net clr il指令集 以及指令分类  与指令详细说明 1.1. .NET CLR 和 Java VM 都是堆叠式虚拟机器(Stack-Based VM), 1 1.2. 查看工具ILDASM1 1.3. 此程式执行时,关键的记忆体有三种,分別是:1 1.4. Il指令集2 1.4.1. Mov指令3 1.4.2.  跳转指令集合6 1.4.3.  算术 逻辑 与移位指令8 1.4.4. 类型转换9 1.4.5. Other  and oo指令10 2. 参考12 1.1.